
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Sunday, March 18, 2007

"The Real Problem We Have With Carol Lam" Is Political

Bingo. As I suspected.

Fired San Diego U.S. attorney Carol Lam notified the Justice Department that she intended to execute search warrants on a high-ranking CIA official as part of a corruption probe the day before a Justice Department official sent an e-mail that said Lam needed to be fired, U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein said Sunday.

Feinstein, D-Calif., said the timing of the e-mail suggested that Lam's dismissal may have been connected to the corruption probe.

Justice Department spokesman Brian Roehrkasse denied in an e-mail that there was any link.

"We have stated numerous times that no U.S. attorney was removed to retaliate against or inappropriately interfere with any public corruption investigation or prosecution," he wrote. "This remains the case and there is no evidence that indicates otherwise."

This is exactly what I brought up last night in my running commentary with rightie blogger Patterico over this subject. His claim was that Lam couldn't have been targeted for political reasons over the Rep. Jerry Lewis investigation because the USA for Los Angeles executed the subpoenas for Lewis, not Lam. It's simply not credible to me to suggest that the Lewis and Cunningham cases weren't connected (they involved all the same people) and that there was no coordination between the SoCal USAs, but I brought up that the the CIA/Brent Wilkes/Hookergate thing was a far bigger story at the time than the Lewis investigation anyway. Porter Goss had resigned only 6 days earlier, and Foggo only a couple days after that. It would be far more troubling to the White House and the Justice Department to have an independent US Attorney like Carol Lam snooping around a government agency under the executive branch. And given that the DoJ has admittedly lied to Congress in the course of this probe, I don't find their protestations worth much of anything.

It was obvious that any USA who took down a sitting Republican member of Congress would be a target: just open your eyes and look at how this White House treats any disloyalty. Lam was targeted for dismissal before the Cunningham investigation began, true, supposedly for immigration cases, but we know that she was reprimanded about that and changed her ways, and that Will Moschella at the DoJ agreed that Lam was cooperating with Administration policy and prosecuting a requisite number of cases in that department. He either lied to Feinstein in that Aug. 23 letter, or he lied later, to Congress, when he said that immigration cases were indeed the problem and the reason for the firing.

It's just clearly suspicious, and arguing one small aspect of the story to knock it down will be insufficient. You have to look at the whole picture.

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