
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

NM-SEN: Missed Opportunity?

It's pretty clear that Bill Richardson or Tom Udall would walk to victory over whoever the Republicans put up in the now-vacated Senate seat in New Mexico, but neither of them want the job. Richardson still thinks he can be President, so that's understandable. But Udall simply wants to gain seniority in the House and is looking this gift horse in the mouth. It's troubling that a decent progressive wouldn't step up when even the DSCC would consider him a prize recruit. So now the remaining options are Martin Chavez, the mayor of Albuquerque (who I guess is more of a centrist), and Lieutenant Governor Diane Denish, who sounds like she would make a great candidate but is being very measured about taking the plunge.

“The compelling argument is this: The country is in a mess and what we need is really good candidates to step forward,” Denish said today in an interview. “If the country wasn’t in a crisis, I think I would not blink an eye (in deciding against running for Senate), but I think building a stronger majority in the Senate is a real priority at this time.”

Denish, a Democrat, told me several months ago that she had no interest in leaving New Mexico for Washington. She told me today that she’s still not certain she does have such interest because she loves New Mexico. But a lot of people are arguing that she is the Democrat who can defeat a Republican in a Senate race next year.

And Democrats in Washington are trying to convince Denish that such potential candidates must step forward, for the good of their country.

Denish said she hopes to make a decision later this week.

“This should be about getting the best candidates who can run strong races and win the Senate seat for New Mexico, so we can be part of the change that’s going to happen in 2009,” she said. “It’s a very personal decision, and I’m not an instant decision-maker about life changes like this.”

Businessman Don Wiviott, who attended Yearly Kos, is also out there. I think that with as push to up the name ID, any Democrat has a shot in this race. But Udall was a clear first choice.

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