
As featured on p. 218 of "Bloggers on the Bus," under the name "a MyDD blogger."

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


So Duncan Hunter, or "The Dunc," wanted to visit a refugee camp in Chad and distribute food to the people assembled. Sounds good, but he only wanted to do it if he could hunt wildebeests in his spare time. Only there are no wildebeests in Chad. So Hunter did the right thing. He cancelled the food distribution part of his trip.

Compassionate conservatism.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Tale Of Two Candidates

Four years apart, two Presidential candidates have gone hunting days before a major election. One looked obviously inauthentic as he pandered for votes in a crude stereotype of the heartland voters he secretly hates. The other was a proud symbol of our shared American heritage, boldly shrugging off the criticism of Eastern elites to just be himself.

Can you guess who is who?


Still can't figure it out?

I'll give you a hint. The authentic one is the one with the tiny "R" under the earflap.

I eagerly await the mocking Sportsmen for Huckabee website, but I probably won't see it. After all, what could possibly be deserving of mockery? It's not like he made a big show out of hunting just for the benefit of the cameras.


UPDATE: By the way, Huckabee is hilarious:

Of four birds flushed by the party, three were felled. Huckabee claimed the third with his .12-gauge shotgun. He proudly displayed the birds and said jokingly, "See that's what happens if you get in my way." [...]

"It's an opportunity to experience Iowa at its best," he said. "Hopefully we'll just shoot pheasants and not each other. We'll name the pheasant for the other candidates. It gives us a real incentive."

This I guess is a step up from typical Republican jokes, which are typically about hunting and killing liberals instead of Republican primary opponents.

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Friday, April 06, 2007

GOP 2008: Doesn't Anyone Here Want To Win This Thing

I'm beginning to think that the only viable contenders to win the Republican nomination are Fred Thompson or a soon-to-be-revived Sonny Bono, or whatever other actor they can dig up. Because the current crop of candidates are really a bunch of losers, and they've collectively had a terrible week, by any objective rendering. Here's the report from the front-runners.

• Front-runner Rudy Giuliani came close to ending his candidacy this week by announcing his support for public funding of abortion, which I'm not even sure I support. Conservatives in South Carolina will have a slightly more extreme opinion than I. The National Review is already all over him.

• John McCain is still reeling from his career-ending stroll through Baghdad, with another member of his core constituency, the media, calling him out:

It's disgraceful for a man seeking highest office, I think, to talk utter rubbish. And that is utter rubbish. It's electoral propaganda. It is simply not true. No one in his right mind who has been to Baghdad believes that story.

Now, McCain and some other senators were there on Sunday, and they claimed, "Oh, we walked around for a whole hour…and we drove in from the airport. Gosh, aren't we great, we drove in from the airport." Excuse me, Mr. McCain, you drove in in a large convoy of heavily armed vehicles. The last one had a sign on it saying "Keep back 100 yards. Deadly force authorized." Every single car that they approached or passed pulled over and stopped, because that's the way it is. When one of those security details goes by, every ordinary person gets the hell out of the way, in case they get shot.

It's getting so bleak for McCain that reporters are credibly talking about his dropping out. Of course, they wrote that about John Kerry too before he won the nomination. But McCain's difficulties, especially his enduring support for a failed occupation in Iraq through willful lying, are going to be near-impossible to transcend.

• And Mitt Romney, this week's "juggernaut" due to his fundraising numbers (which include a $2 million-plus personal loan to himself), has hurt himself with his statement that he's "a lifelong hunter," when "lifelong" apparently means twice in his entire life, 45 years apart. I guess by this standard, I am a "lifelong gun enthusiast" because my dad took me to a shooting range when I was 11. This seems like a minor point, but once you get that mojo as a serial fabricator on you, it's hard to get off, particularly where the media is concerned. Just ask Al Gore.

I really think that the odds-on favorite to win the Republican nomination at this point is "VACANT."

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