Showing posts with label students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label students. Show all posts

Monday, September 17, 2007

Re: Saturday September 15, 2007

Enthusiastic young Liberals from across Ontario came on their own initiative to Toronto on Saturday to celebrate and show their support for team red, and to kick off a great interactive website with the bare bone facts for youth on voting and the facts on what’s been going on in Ontario over the last 15 years. Check it out, it rocks: What do you speak to? If I had to pick one ‘category’, I would speak to opportunity.

The drive on the part of the youth from Ontario to get out to this event just goes to show how much the youth believe in this party and in Dalton. The amount of youth enthusiasm is second to none in any party, and that says a lot. These are smart young individuals with great ideals, methods and sincere interests for society. They are not in some club for the fun of it, for popularity or "connections", and nor are they easily misled.

McGuinty also unveiled some of his friendly-student platform:

12 months to start paying off student debt/OSAP, instead of 6 months
$300 for technology goods and/or text books grant
$500 grant at the start of the academic year instead of waiting for $500 back at tax time
$500 for transport if you travel more than 80km from mom and dad

If only I was still an undergrad student….

And there was of course a guy there who wants to be a distracter to the Liberal enthusiasm and success. He must want to be like Dalton, because he follows him everywhere and is always waving and trying to get in media photos. Awe, now that is true adoration. He seems to have nothing better to do than follow Dalton around. He must think he's making some sort of impact. Yet he’s so far away he’s on nobody’s mind who matters. This guy has no impact on any of the events. Who ever is giving him the premier's schedule and funding this guy (I’m guessing Taxpayers Federation, but could be 'others' too), should just send in a cardboard cut-out to sub in for him and save some money. 'Cuz that will really have the same effect.

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