
Seattle, in no particular order.

I was lucky enough to go HOME  earlier this month for twelve whole days! It was amazing. Danny and our friends Matt, Celeste, and little Sawyer came for the first few days, then Max and I were on our own with all the Rands crew. We had a blast!

Snoqualmie Falls

took this shot on the hike down to the bottom of the falls. I had never done it before abd it was SO pretty!

Veiw from above

just the three of us
the end of the hike to the bottom

My boys hiking down

Celeste and Sawyer at the bottom

I loved this fire hydrant we found in this GORGOUS neighborhood in Seattle, it was completely covered in moss! Well, I guess most things are covered in moss there. 
the rhododendrons were blooming everywhere! THey are so bright and beautiful. 
Max fell asleep during our hike (told you these were out of order). This boy LOVES his daddy!
Jordan and Mom, helping me check out the location for the wedding I was shooting on Alki beach. 
I had to be discreet when I took this shot inside the AMAZING CUBAN SANDWICH place in Freemont. It cracked me UP!

At Salt's in Alki. Most perfect place for a reception!
where I am from, we deal with this a lot. 

Max discovered my mom's piano and couldn't get enough!  He and Sawyer played some fabulous duets, I must say.
What a team, she turns while he plays.
just call him miles davis. 

look at that concentration!
My beautiful sister Mackenzie on the way to 9th grade graduation! It's not the best lighting, but I did her hair and makeup and she seriously was such a knock out. She's almost 16, look out!
Max and aunt Kenz sharing a most delicious crepe at Pike Place. I am drooling just thinking about it! I love how much my baby loves my sister. They have the sweetest connection!
Making progress: Max still doesn't like most dogs, but he LOVES Wilson! He is always crawling around the house looking for him, and loves to be right by him. 
Wilson needs his space sometimes. Obviously Max has a hard time understanding!


  1. Seattle looks absolutely beautiful! I haven't been there since I was quite young, but I do remember the rain. I love the shot of the boots in the rain. I'm so glad that you were able to go home for a bit. Missed you in yoga today. Hopefully i'll see you on monday.

  2. SO stinkn cute. i cant wait to see max up at the lake house!

  3. Jessica! I wish that I had known we were in Seattle at the same time! I did think about you while we were out there as we passed close by where I recall your parents stay (or at least used to stay), but it was two in the morning!

    I guess we need to keep better contact with one another so that this sort of thing never happens again!

    Great pics, You are a great photographer, keep motivated and always enjoy your skill!

  4. how beautiful is Seattle!?! I love that picture of max and the dog!!! so cute!

  5. Jess, most "regular" people find themselves frequentley saying of their vacation photos that "these pictures don't really do it justice, it was so pretty." You seem to have the opposite problem. Because Seattle was beautiful and amazing, yes, but you see it through such wonderful eyes, you pick up all the details & glorify them and I am in awe. I love all these shots, particularly the ones of Sawyer (duh) and I am so glad that you invited us into your home. it was wonderful. I'm also very glad that you put up with Matt & Danny's cute little "bromance". It's been a while since Matt has had friends that didn't just want to take advantage of him, and I adore Danny for that. And you too. And Max. Let's play again soon.

  6. Always enjoy your photos. I have to say that Wilson is one of my favorite little poochies too! Staying with your family was so fun that one week and Wilson ONLY made it better!

  7. Girl, your pictures inspire me! I love love love the picture of Max and Wilson! I can't wait to visit Seattle someday!

  8. I LOVE Domino! My husband teases me about having so many magazine subscriptions, but I love them! They're so inspiring and full of lovely things!
