Showing posts with label ad campaign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ad campaign. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Economist Magazine Sparks Public Debate on Drug Legalization

"Where do you stand?" The Economist's new ad campaign in the UK asks readers to think about where they stand on a variety of issues. A billboard poster campaign outlines opposing viewpoints on the issues, the first being drug legalization.

The Economist has succeeded in bringing the discussion of drug policy reform into clear public view. However, these billboards aren't the only way to stimulate public discussion. The campaign is also supported by a series of Twitter debates and a Facebook page where anybody can debate about the topics.

For more about drug policy reform and ending the War on Drugs, read Failed states and failed policies: How to stop the drug wars.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Gaming While High

And if you thought that silly alien ad was bad, get this. The ONDCP's newest angle on getting young people to not smoke pot is... it makes you suck at video games. And then, obviously, a poorly animated Zelda look alike will make you feel bad about yourself for losing level 3. He'll also suffer a broken arm and play chess instead. By himself.

This is just plain silly. This is what we're spending $60million a year on? I've seen Kung-Fu movies that are voiced over better than this piece of shit.

Just another offensive and likely counterproductive advertisement from the folks at Above the Influence. At least with Stoners in the Mist, you could actually play a game.

Let's compare that video with Safety First's Lets Talk About Meth and Other Drugs:

Remind me again. Which one had a budget of $60million dollars?