Showing posts with label UK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UK. Show all posts

Monday, January 28, 2013

Tayo Fatunla - Cartoonist Survey #278

Award winning cartoonist, illustrator, designer, caricaturist, storyteller and educator Tayo Fatunla was born in Wimbledon, England in 1961. He studied first in Nigeria at Lagos Baptist Academy and then at the Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art in Dover, New Jersey in the early 1980s. Tayo had his first cartoon published in the Nigerian children’s magazine, Apollo, when he was only 17; and while studying at the Kubert School, he was working as a designer and caricaturist for several clients.

In 1989 Tayo started working for the London based news weekly magazine, West Africa. That same year his educational feature on African Heritage, ‘Our Roots’, became a weekly serialized feature in the British paper Voice. Since then, he has drawn cartoons and illustrations for magazines, children’s books, posters, CD covers and more. He has also created cartoons for websites such as, BBC World Services and British Museum. His international client base includes newspapers such as Daily Times, Punch, Concord, New York Amsterdam News, New African, Thamesmead Times, Courrier International as well as DC Comics and many other publications.

Tayo has had three books published including two on black history, “Our Roots” and “Our Roots – Black History Sketchbook”. His third book, “Tayo – Thro’ The Years” was published in 2001 and is a compilation of his editorial cartoons that have been published in magazines, books and newspapers from around the world.

In addition to creating artwork, Tayo is also a visiting speaker and lecturer. He has spoken at the Addis Ababa University - School of Journalism and Communication in Ethiopia, the National College of Art and Design in Dublin, the National University of Ireland in Galway, Instituto Professionale Di Stato per L'industra L'artigianato in Italy and the University of Rouen in France. He has taught cartooning to the young and old at workshops and exhibitions all over the globe including, the U.K., Nigeria, Algeria, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Finland, France, the U.S., Egypt, Belgium, Italy, Ireland, Mallorca and South Korea.

Tayo is a member of the National Cartoonists Society, National Union of Journalists UK, and the Professional Cartoonists Organisation UK. His work has been exhibited in the USA, France, Britain, Nigeria, Finland and Italy. He is married with two children and lives in Dartford, Kent, England. Visit his website and his blog to see more of his art and learn about his workshops. You can also purchase Tayo’s books here on his website.

What is your favorite pen to use?
PITT Artist Pen - Pen Brush

Do you draw in pencil first and if so do you use a standard pencil or a mechanical one?
I love my mechanical pencils 0.5 and 0.7

Do you do your coloring by hand or on the computer?
I use one or the other or use both depending on the technique I want to arrive at.

If you do your coloring by hand, what do you use?
Watercolour, Dr PH Martin's transparent watercolour and colouring pencils.

What type of paper do you use?
Plain paper 8.5 x 11 and sometimes on art boards and about the same size.

What thing(s) do you hate to draw?
A crowd but professionally will still have to do it...I have to be patient.

Do you buy your supplies from big chain art store catalogues/websites or a local one that you physically go to?
I like seeing what I want to buy in an art store...more or less window shopping for new and interesting and unique materials. Whenever I need to replace a material, I go online. I also shop in art stores in other countries just for new items as well.

Are there any rituals that you do before starting to draw?
None at all except thinking through my concept and being the judge of the idea.

Do you listen to music while you draw and if so what genre?
No’s a distraction.

What was the first job as a cartoonist/illustrator that you were paid for?
A children’s cartoon strip in a magazine called APOLLO in Lagos, Nigeria. I was in High School then. I felt rich among my mates.

Did you read comics as a kid and if so what was your favorite?
British Comics - Beano, Dandy, Roy of the Rovers, Battle.
American Comics/strips - Marvel and DC comics.
Nigerian Comics - Pop and Powerman.

What is or was your favorite comic strip?
Peanuts...still is.

What was your favorite book as a child and do you still own a copy of it?
No particular one but mostly Fairy Tales books such as Sleeping Beauty and Snow White.

Did you have any formal art training and if so where did you receive it?
The Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art, Dover New, Jersey now called The Kubert School.

Do you feel that the Internet is a blessing or a curse?
Tremendous blessing. It has opened doors.

Did either of your parents draw?
Not one bit. My Uncle, Augustus Abosede did.... he was encouraging.

Who in your life is/was the most supportive of your art?
My parents. They paid my way to The Kubert School. I am grateful to them.

Do you keep a sketchbook?
Not really but I file my sketches.

Have you ever taught cartooning/drawing and if so did you enjoy the experience?
I teach Cartooning often at wherever I am invited to do Workshop sessions and as at when required. The experiences have been so great and has taken me to places I would never have been. There's an aspect of tourism that comes into play when I travel around holding Cartoon Workshop sessions. I have educated and inspired many. The enthusiasm to teach Cartooning came out of assisting Mr. Joe Kubert at the Saturday Sketch Classes held at the Art school.

Do you feel that talent or passion is more important in drawing?
The talent needs to be developed into something you are passionate about and not only to make a living from it.

Do you collect anything and if so what?
I collect art materials. Some I have not used in years.

If you were an animated cartoon character who do you think you would be?
When I was growing up I always wanted to be Mr. Fantastic of the FANTASTIC FOUR. Not sure I want to see myself elasticated now.

Are you a righty or lefty?
Righty from birth!

If you weren't an artist what would you want to do for work?
Write books and tell lots and lots of stories to children. It never crossed my mind once to want to do any other work apart from drawing.

In one or two sentences describe your drawing area.
I am a Cartoonist, Comic Artist and Illustrator and I draw editorial cartoons from an African perspective about global issues. I am encouraged by requests to reproduce my cartoons and I also do educational drawings to help inform and educate, such as my historical feature OUR ROOTS which began at The Kubert School.

Do you play any musical instruments?

If you could give one piece of advice to someone who wants to pursue drawing as a career what would it be?
A baby must crawl before he or she can walk. Learn to draw first and then draw later and look up to great artists who can inspire you. Charles Schultz inspired me and Nigerian cartoonists such as Toyin Akingbule and Kenny Adamson as well.

Who is your favorite artist?
The late great Joe Kubert for his awesome Narrative Art. He tutored me.

Enjoy this short video of Tayo speaking about African cartooning by Nicoletta Fagioli.

Thank you again Tayo, for taking the time to participate!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Paul Garner - Cartoonist Survey #271

Paul Garner is a UK based illustrator, caricaturist, storyboard artist, performer and fine artist. He grew up building Aurora glow-in-the-dark monster models, watching late night horror movies on television, and reading MAD magazine. He studied at Nene College in Northampton and then honed his illustration skills while working in an advertising agency in London.

He has now been working for over 24 years as a freelance illustrator and artist. Paul’s monster and sci-fi themed creations appear on T-shirts, CDs, murals, sideshow banners, hot sauce labels and even human bodies, in the form of tattoos. A long time contributor to the weekly magazine Timeout London, his artwork is also featured in Famous Monsters of Filmland and SFX, the UK sci-fi magazine.

Paul has drawn concept art for TV, film and theater and is the house cartoonist for the Pleasance Theatre. He created the artwork for the iconic totem pole that is at the Pleasance Theatre in Edinburgh, Scotland, as well as the giant mural there.

In addition to his illustration work, Paul is also a founding member of Gawkagogo, an avant-garde pop-culture parody theatrical production. Together with Sarah Nield, Paul has designed, directed and performed for their live cartoon, puppet filled, comedy sideshows since 1990.

A member of the International Society of Illustrators, Paul lives with his wife and two children in Brighton, England. Check out his Paul Garner Art website to see many more examples of his work, and be sure to visit his store where you can purchase fine art giclee prints (I love the Son of Frankie one!). Then head over to the Gawkagogo website to sample videos of the show and to learn more about the Gawkagogo characters including The Human Fly, Dennis Hopperfield and Nosferatutu. You can also follow Paul here on Facebook.

What is your favorite pen to use?
Various black fineliners, but mostly for linework I photocopy HB pencil work to achieve that grainy, sketchy quality.

Do you draw in pencil first and if so do you use a standard pencil or a mechanical one?
Yes. Standard pencil.

Do you do your coloring by hand or on the computer?
Both, but more frequently by hand with Photoshop tweaks afterwards.

If you do your coloring by hand, what do you use?
Magic markers or acrylic paint.

What type of paper do you use?
Bleedproof marker paper or acrylic paper.

What thing(s) do you hate to draw?
Cars, things with straight lines. Faces without character.

Do you buy your supplies from big chain art store catalogues/websites or a local one that you physically go to?
Websites or the local store according to urgency!

Are there any rituals that you do before starting to draw?
If I did I'd never get started. But coffee, a lot of it, is vital!

Do you listen to music while you draw and if so what genre?
Yes- film soundtracks, rockabilly, lounge. I also put on DVDs and let them play in the background to give the room a pulse. I find it hard to draw in silence.

Did you read comics as a kid and if so what was your favorite?
'Shiver & Shake'- a UK-based publication featuring characters like "Frankie Stein'. Also MAD Magazine a bit later on.

What is or was your favorite comic strip?
Mort Drucker's movie spoofs in MAD Magazine.

What was your favorite book as a child and do you still own a copy of it?
"Horror Movies' by Alan G. Frank. Still have the original copy. It has a distinctive smell which makes me nostalgic when I open it.

Did you have any formal art training and if so where did you receive it?
Nene College, Northampton, UK... and then in the field, in an advertising illustration studio in London.

Do you feel that the Internet is a blessing or a curse?
A blessing and a revolution, particularly for finding useful reference.

Did either of your parents draw?
Yes, Dad.

Who in your life is/was the most supportive of your art?
My wife and muse.

Do you keep a sketchbook?

Have you ever taught cartooning/drawing and if so did you enjoy the experience?
No, but may do it some day.

Do you feel that talent or passion is more important in drawing?
Passion and talent are both important.

Do you collect anything and if so what?
Monster toys, odd books, freakish ephemera.

If you were an animated cartoon character who do you think you would be?
Wile E. Coyote.

Are you a righty or lefty?

If you weren't an artist what would you want to do for work?
Maybe voice impersonations. I often do the voices of the people as I'm drawing them, with varying results!

In one or two sentences describe your drawing area.
Mostly total chaos but pulled back to sanity between each job if at all possible. An old-school drawing desk and a new-school iMac. And lots of monster toys.

Do you play any musical instruments?
I have a ukulele which just hangs around never getting learned or played.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone who wants to pursue drawing as a career what would it be?
Keep a sketchbook, draw all the time. Get every idea down because you never know when you might need inspiration in a hurry.

Who is your favorite artist?
Basil Gogos, Mort Drucker, Drew Friedman, Joe Coleman, Jack Davis

Thanks again Paul, I really appreciate your time!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Rod Hunt - Cartoonist Survey #236

Rod Hunt is an award-winning illustrator and artist who is based in London, England. He graduated with a BA in Illustration from the Cambridge School of Art at Anglia Ruskin University in 1994 and has been working as a full-time illustrator since 1996. Rod is well known for his for retro tinged illustrations and detailed character filled landscapes. He has created illustrations for UK and international clients in advertising, publishing, design and new media such as iPhone Apps. His client list includes The Economist, FHM, Maxim, The Observer, Random House, Barclays, British Airways, the BBC, Royal Mail, Kellogg’s, Vodafone, the Syfy Channel, IKEA, Time, Inc. and many others.

Rod is also the illustrator of the very popular “Where’s Stig?” books for the BBC's hit TV show ‘Top Gear’. The “Where’s Stig?” books are sort of like the “Where’s Waldo” series of books where you have to find hidden people and items in different scenes and locations, but instead of Waldo they feature ‘Top Gear’s’ resident racing driver The Stig. “Where’s Stig?” is not limited to books, there are jigsaw puzzles, a journal, poster, mug and even iPhone and iPad Apps. Rod is the current Chairman of the UK Association of Illustrators, which was established in 1973 to advance and protect illustrator’s rights and encourage professional standards. As Chairman, he regularly lectures in the UK and internationally on subjects including Self Promotion for Illustrators, European Illustration Market, Protecting Your Work Online, and his own career. Visit his website to learn more and see other examples of his work, and follow him here on his blog.

(Be sure to click on all pictures for a larger view!)

What is your favorite pen to use?
When I’m working on ideas & compositions I use a fine black Bic Biro, doodling in an A5 sketchbook. These are very quick and throwaway so I don’t get stuck into the detail as this stage so as to keep the ideas flowing. After that it would be my Wacom pen. I work in Adobe Illustrator drawing on a Wacom Cintiq screen tablet for all final artwork these days.

Do you draw in pencil first and if so do you use a standard pencil or a mechanical one?
I always draw a finished pencil drawing before going to the computer, using that as a guide in a background layer in Illustrator. I use a standard 2B pencil which I sharpen with a craft knife as I prefer the irregular drawing tip.

Do you do your coloring by hand or on the computer?
As everything is created in Adobe Illustrator & vector based, all colour is applied on the computer.

What type of paper do you use?
I draw my pencil drawings on 220g heavy weight cartridge paper.

What thing(s) do you hate to draw?
If you hate drawing something, maybe that implies you’re not good or confident at drawing that thing? There’s nothing I hate drawing, & if something is difficult surely it is better to rise to the challenge & improve your skills?

Do you buy your supplies from big chain art store catalogues/websites or a local one that you physically go to?
Being mostly digital these days I buy considerably less materials than I used to. I usually use a local stationary shop for my pencils & the London Graphics Centre for paper & sketchbooks.

Do you listen to music while you draw and if so what genre?
When I’m thinking while working on ideas I need silence, but I do listen to music while producing final artwork. Everything from alternative rock, rock, beats, hip-hop to electronica. These days pretty much everything I listen to at the studio is via Spotify rather that listening to iTunes or CD’s.

Did you read comics as a kid and if so what was your favorite?
Comics were a big influence on me, the reason I got into drawing & why I decided a career in the art was for me. Apart from the Beano & The Dandy which are more child orientated, 2000AD was the one which really inspired me. The sci-fi concepts & very British black humour has always had the edge for me over American comics. A lot of the major British comic creators started in 2000AD before moving onto the US - Alan Moore started out doing Future Shocks for the title amongst many others. I’ve been reading 2000AD since I was 5 years old & still get every week.

What is or was your favorite comic strip?
Judge Dredd, Rogue Trooper & Nemesis The Warlock from 2000AD were the classic strips that resonated with me in my youth, Judge Dredd especially. Here’s hoping the new movie isn’t rubbish & truer to the source material. At least there’s no Stallone in it this time.

What was your favorite book as a child and do you still own a copy of it?
Richard Scarry’s books have always stayed in my mind from when I was a kid. Unfortunately I’ve no idea where they all went. They probably fell to bits due to over use or passed on to my nephews.

Did you have any formal art training and if so where did you receive it?
After an Art Foundation at Bournemouth & Poole College of Art & Design, I did my degree at the Cambridge School of Art at Anglia Ruskin University graduating in 1994.

Do you feel that the Internet is a blessing or a curse?
The Internet is a blessing & has completely changed the way that I work, from researching reference, delivery of artwork to promotion. I now have a worldwide reach for my work in a way I could never had 10 years or so ago. I can be commissioned by a client in LA who found my work via the web, communicate with them from London pretty much for free, then deliver the job instantly when complete. Of course the Internet can be a distraction while working too if you let it. It pays to turn it off while concentrating on a deadline.

Did either of your parents draw?
Neither of my parents drew. My grandmother was an amateur artist though, so creativity is in the genes somewhere in the family.

Do you keep a sketchbook?
I used to keep a sketchbook & draw from life regularly, but not so much these days.

Have you ever taught cartooning/drawing and if so did you enjoy the experience?
I’ve never taught drawing & cartooning, though I have done workshops for a few primary schools (5-11 years), usually setting a book cover project - Harry Potter & The Lord of the Rings seem to get children going, & boy can some of those kids draw!

Do you feel that talent or passion is more important in drawing?
Talent has to be a big part of drawing if you want to make a living as an artist, but that should go hand in hand with passion if you want to be the best you can. I can’t imagine doing this as a job if I wasn’t passionate about it.

Are you a righty or lefty?
Righty, except I hold a knife & fork the wrong way round like a lefty, so I must be a bit confused.

In one or two sentences describe your drawing area.
Easier to show you I think.

Do you play any musical instruments?
I used to play Saxophone & percussion, but I’ve let it all slip in the last few years as I’m so busy. I don’t like being just “ok” at something, & couldn’t give the hour a days practice I used to do. I also played trumpet as a kid as well.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone who wants to pursue drawing as a career what would it be?
It’s vitally important to educate yourself about the business side of things. Understanding pricing, copyright, contracts, etc is just as important as the drawing if you want to be successful & sustain your career for the long term. The Association of Illustrators in the UK is there to help with advice & all aspects of developing your creative career. It pays to get advice from the professionals.

Who is your favorite artist?
Difficult to pin it down to one artist, but Edward Hopper has been a huge influence.

Thanks again for your time Rod!