Showing posts with label elections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elections. Show all posts

Monday, June 21, 2010

Schanz Vs Edwards

My wife pointed out that my views aren't present on my own blog. So, I just have a few thoughts.

D.J. Schanz, mudslinging?

What is happening here is that D.J. is saying negative things about his opponent. Mudslinging, if you want to call it that, is what I have done here for years. I've questioned positions that politicians have held, that cast them in a negative light. What I really like about this campaign is that D.J. is doing all this himself--and so he should! I don't like whisper campaigns, where a candidate hides behind anonymous posters. Would Becky have admitted to having voted Democratic in the last Presidential primaries if mudslinging had not occurred? Now, the voter can decide whether they like her prior vote. (She won't admit for whom she voted, which is a privilege sometimes taken by the media, but why would a politician not confess as to their past political decisions?) Here are some possibilities opened up by Edwards' partial admission.

1) She voted for the Democrat with the best chance of winning against the Republican.
2) She voted for the Democrat with the worst chance of winning against the Republican.

Well, which is it? It makes a difference to me.

As for D.J., it appears that he just hasn't voted at all. At worst, he is a repentant non-political businessman who has opposed Becky for her liberal stances. I believe in repentance.

At best, Becky passed every bill she put forward and has reasons for voting against conservative bills, and for liberal ones.

For me Edwards reasons for voting for a tobacco tax hike (sin tax) isn't good enough. I fear the governments addiction to the tax revenue, more than I fear societies addiction to nicotine. Taxing stupid people does not make them smarter. People smoke because they are addicted. The following sentence from Edwards describes a very twisted view of conservatism.

"The tobacco tax is a common sense way to further the conservative principles of individual choice and accountability. "

I do not think having a 100% pass record for Edwards bills makes her more conservative.

I do not think having all her bills produced by her constituents makes those bills conservative.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

County Convention Update

My new commitment to blogging has not yet moved me to post immediately after an event. This hast the advantage of giving me time to reflect and be a little more thoughtful.

That's my story!

The Davis County Convention was on Saturday, and I saw a couple of friends there. It was their first convention, and I took the bull by the horns and tried to convince as many people as I could speak to to see things my way. I went with my Dad, which has become something of a tradition for me, and he was very patient with me this time as I dragged him around trying to talk to more people that he didn't know.

A neighbor of mine attended as a delegate for the first time. He has started a blog called Davis County Republican. He couldn't believe that the name was available. See his blog here.

The key results were as follows.

Bret Milburn (I) -- Commission seat A
Louenda Downs (I) -- Commission seat B
Todd Richardson -- Sheriff
Dennis Yarrington -- Assessor

That last one was an upset as I thought Ivie had done a good job. Everything else went the way I expected and wished. I honestly wish that we'd had better candidates running against the incumbents so that it would have been a real challenge for them. As it was, the two losing Commissioner candidates has some untenable ideas about how to reform the government, although their rhetoric was more conservative, and you know how much I want conservative qualities in my officials. Some examples of some unrealistic goals follow. Dave Andreasen wants to run a fiscally conservative county, but wants to switch out the Commissioner form for the Council Mayor, which would have cost so much more than what we have now. Nine part-time councilmen, and one full-time mayor would require so much more money to keep things running than what we have now. Drew Chamberlain, who ran against Downs, claimed he could lower the commissioner pay by 60 percent. Not likely considering he'd have to convince the other two to take a pay cut. Likely, all he would end up doing is donating the remainder of his pay to charity, not of my choosing, and working as hard as someone who earns $40k may work. My feeling is that if the commissioners think they are actually worth less money, then I am fine with them earning less, but if they work for the full $109,000 they are paid each year, then I am all for that.

Finally, we were scheduled to finish at 2 PM, and we finished at 2 PM. Very strange!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Meet the Candidate: D.J. Schanz

I may not be a State Delegate, but I find myself tonight at a meeting with a candidate running for the Utah Representative for my district against Edwards.

Most of the people here are members of the 9-12 group. I've decided that I'm better off not affiliating. At this point I'm a Republican, but that's about it as far as political proper nouns go for me.

D.J. Is an entrepreneur, and has a wife and three kids. He's been Director of Campaign for Liberty.

This is more like a campaign bull session than a meet the candidate night, but I think everyone is of a like mind about D.J's limited government viewpoint.

I've been the only person asking questions like you would normally at one of these meetings.

D.J. is a eloquent, gregarious guy, but based on those with whom he associates, I think I understand his values. I think I share them, and I can't say that I feel that way about the our current representative. He mentioned The Law, by Bastiat and the Constitution as the two documents that have most influenced his thinking.

If you are a State Delegate, and your instinct is to go with the incumbent, then you should think a second time.

I haven't met Chet Loftis, and he could be a very good candidate, so don't consider this an endorsement.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Open Thread: What are Delegates thinking?

This is an invitation to all County delegates from Davis County to spill on any subject, or candidate that springs to mind? What are you thinking about as you head towards April 10th? Which candidates have you met? Which do you like?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Best Precinct Caucus Ever!

That's what people are saying. Our precinct had 46 attendees and 1 visitor(an unregistered individual who wanted to learn. Shame he couldn't vote because we got mixed signals from the County leadership on this.) I got elected as a County Delegate, just as I wanted. I got elected vice-chair which is the price that you pay.

One litmus test arose tonight, which was whether you would vote for Bob Bennett. It was about 50/50, and the results reflected that too on the State Delegate side.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tax Loving Republicans

Davis County Commission Race: SL Trib

Friday, June 13, 2008

Who is Running a Frugal Campaign?

Dan Liljenquist is into overkill. He appears to have outspent Ron Mortensen more than 12:1 on his campaign for things like $400 for Google Earth Pro. Purpose: Voter mapping software. So, Dan took advantage of Google Earth Pro's ability to import spreadsheet data in order to visualize and target the right demographic. While I'm certain that the result he got from the software was stunning, there are cheap as in free ways of doing the same things that I've used myself using Google Maps. Clearly not as cool, but just as effective.

Is Liljenquist going to be as liberal with taxpayer dollars as he is in his campaign expenditures? Also, note the $11,000 loan he gave to his own campaign.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Is Becky Edwards a Democrat?

There's a bit of controversy stirring over whether Becky Edwards is or was ever a Democrat. Check the comments on a recent post of mine for a reference.

Well, this could be settled if Becky would just come out and lay out her past votes, and party affiliations.


Child Identity Theft

KSL has a story on the risks of child identity theft. I neglected to announce the Identity Theft evening on this blog, so as penance here is KSL's take on it.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Pyramid Schemes in Gubenatorial Politics

I'll be attending the Republican State Convention in May, and my choice for Governor is already clear. Needless to say, if Huntsman doesn't make it out of convention, I'll be voting for Super Dell.

If you favor "high speed movies" and "virtual robots", however, then don't vote for Huntsman.

Message from Charles "Chuck" Smith, Candidate for Governor

Stay tuned for a flow chart. It is on its way. Now for economic development.

The basic materials needed to create wealth are finely scattered over the whole earth giving us many places from which we can build. The only thing that keeps us back from multiplying our wealth many times is a step by step example of how to do it. With the powerful tools of technology we can create this example, first in a virtual world. The virtual tools gives us the ability to cheaply trial and error through to perfection a risk free path. Then we can follow that path to great real success and wealth.

Everyone wants to know how we can increase peoples incomes in the State of Utah. So, here is the step by step overview of what I am already building.

First we start a club and invite all who want to 4 times their income in the next 4 years to join it. The club is free of charge.

In the club each person takes pictures every week of the things they would buy or do if they had 4 times their income. Those pictures are accumulated and made into a high speed movie, one for each week for all to view via the Internet.

From this data of what we want and need, we create robotic systems to produce these goods and services in a virtual world setting.

As the design for robotic manufacturing starts to develop we use engineering software tools to create the details necessary to build these robots in the real world.

As the specifications come from engineering we look for materials to build the robotics. The goal is to acquire all materials through efficient energy and material recycling.

Once we have acquired materials we will build robots using the virtual designs and engineering to control the building process.

With robots in place we will then start producing the goods and services that we want as per the initial picture collection. Club members will get these products and services as payment for their participation in the club. The value of the goods and services for each club member should exceed 4 times their income in the fourth year of club participation.

This is a simple explanation of the steps; the actual doing of this plan will bring out many unforeseen opportunities to expand and multiply our talents. Every step will be looked at with the idea that what we do should be able to be done by others in other parts of the the world so that eventually all peoples in all nations can follow our step by step process to advance there wealth production abilities.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Acid Voucher Reflux

It is so easy to criticize the thousand votes of an incumbent, and to forget that their opponent has not been so scrutinized, nor can be.

In a race between Representative Paul Neuenschwander, and Becky Edwards, Edwards might as well be wonder woman. She has, however, no record of which to speak, which speaks to why some have questioned just where she is rooted. I disavow those who question her Republican bonifides. I renounce those who will not accept her as a fellow Republican. But I will not ignore her experience gap, or the fact that I do not know, save on one dead issue, her viewpoints.

She's running against the incumbent because he along with the majority of legislators in this state voted for vouchers twice!

Of course, even voucher opponents in the house voted for vouchers once when the voted for the amendments to the original bill.

The voucher debate victors are exorcised in the manner of Captain Ahab only because they won. Now they want to further divide the state by raising a battle cry against an opponent that is not there. Legislative leadership has said that they have no plans to resurrect the voucher debate, and former voucher supporters have vowed to not vote for the legislation if it were to manifest.

So, what is the problem?

Controversial Legislative Votes

In my last post Natalie questioned whether Rep. Neuenschwander had voted for amendments that became the dreaded Omnibus bill, and whether he had voted for the REAL soccer funding bill that was so controversial.

Appropriate to this occasion is this article where Speaker Curtis is taken to task for pushing the omnibus bill.

The Tribune specifies that there were no attempts by legislative leadership to twist arms to pass the bill. Neuenschwander went along with the majority and voted for this bill. It should be no surprise that a certain Bountiful legislator, I won't mention Rep. Sheryl Allen's name except in passing, is leading the charge against the Speaker with a certain School Board member, again no mention of Kim Burningham, towing the same line.

As to the REAL stadium, I will remind our reader that this issue came to a head in 2006 and that funding was in place for the stadium before Neuenschwander was elected and could vote.

So, just as I support the Bountiful Rec Center now that it is built, it seems that Neuenschwander now supports the REAL stadium.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Rep. Neuenschwander's Nay Votes

I've been looking at the voting record for Paul Neuenschwander for this last session, particularly his 'Nay' votes on bills that passed into law. I wanted to get an idea of times that he took an unpopular position to see if I agreed or disagreed with his stances. I've included his absent 'vote', because he may have wished not to vote in favor of the bill, but didn't want to come out in opposition. (That's highly unlikely considering the strong stances he's taken elsewhere, but nonetheless I've put it up for your consideration)

  • HB0015 Control and Prevention of Sexually Transmitted--Nay
    • This bill mandates that Health Departments statewide provide literature to Physicians and the general public to educate on the risks of STD's--Cost: $175,000
    • My assessment: Plenty of educational materials already exist that accomplishes this same goal. I hardly a reason to appropriate money for this purpose. Here are the latest statistics on STD's in Utah.
  • HB0104 Urban Trails Appropriation--Absent
    • This bill appropriated up to $500,000 dollars from the General Fund to build the Bonneville Trail.
  • HB0122 Driver License - Application of Minor Amendments--Nay
    • This bill says that Foster parents can co-sign on an application for a learners permit or driver license. It appears to make Foster parents less liable for damages, in some cases, than a parent, or other legal guardian would face were the minor to be in an accident.
  • HB0294S01 Appropriation Limit Amendments - Fire Suppression--Nay
  • HB0332S01 Use of Public Schools by Community Organizations--Nay
    • This bill modifies provisions of the State System of Public Education code relating to the use of public school buildings and grounds as a civic center. It appears to limit the school boards ability to restrict access to school property. Formerly, they did not need to have a reason other than the use is "inadvisable". Under this bill it has to interfere with a school function or purpose to not be allowed.
  • HB0410 Restricted Accounts Amendments--Nay
    • This bill moves interest from certain accounts into the General Fund to the tune of about $1.66 million dollars in 2009 and again in 2010.
  • HB0466 Title Insurance Recovery, Education, Amended In Committee--Nay
  • HJR004 Joint Resolution Urging School Closings to Recognize Veterans Day--Nay
Overall, I'd say I agree with his positions, where I understand the particulars. Keep in mind, these bills all passed and will be law, like it or not. He took fiscally conservative positions where applicable. In one case he took a position that would have given local school boards greater latitude to do their jobs.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

2008 County Convention Results

The County Convention today has left us with a primary race between Ronald Mortensen and Dan Liljenquist(no website). That's two down from eight candidates that entered the convention at Woods Cross High this morning.

The chance to narrow the choices of the electorate is why we go.

John Petroff won the nomination of the party and will represent Republicans in a race for the County Commission.

I'll stand behind Petroff in his race, and will campaign for Ronald Mortensen (no surprise to my regulars) in his Senate Race.

More later.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Senate District 23: Rat Race

I attended with my wife a meet the candidates night for Senate District 23. We have eight republican candidates running. Here they are in order as they appear on the State website.

  1. Lisa Watts Baskin
  2. Beth Beck
  3. Ernie Cox
  4. Dan Liljenquist
  5. Ronald Mortensen
  6. Jim Nielson
  7. Kent M Parry
  8. Lamont R. Peterson
My top three picks in descending order are Ronald Mortensen, Ernie Cox, and there is a tie between Lisa Watts Baskin and Jim Nielson. I don't think that Liljenquist Parry or Peterson have the political chops to make it based on their comments last night. The rest are experienced and skilled campaigners.

It should be an interesting show.

Update: Parry was a no-show--well, he showed up as it was concluding so he never had a chance to speak. Both Peterson, and Liljenquist expressed an interest in issues that I don't think will sway delegates. Utopia and Health care reform. They spoke almost the entire time about their pet issues and had nothing new to offer on education, taxes, or immigration of which last nights group seemed most interested. In the realm of 'knowing your audience', I'd give them a C-.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Announcing 2008 Republican Precinct Caucuses(neighborhood meetings)

The location of your Republican Precinct Caucus can be found here if you reside in Davis County. They will be held next Tuesday, March 25th at 7:00 PM.

Please attend.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Two Candidates for Davis County Commission

Two Republican candidates are aiming their sights upon the seat being vacated by Alan Hansen. Here are the candidates.

Randy Minson of West Point.

Barbara S. Riddle of Fruit Heights.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Election Results:2007

It looks like participating cities got their RAP tax. My picks for NSL won. The sales tax increase was a big NO!

Of interest in Bountiful; Scott Myers came in first for the city council followed by Beth Holbrook, who recently ran for a lege seat, and John (Marc) Knight.

For complete election results see

Monday, October 29, 2007

Scott Briggs Signs No Tax Pledge

Scott Briggs, candidate for NSL City Council, has signed a pledge not to raise taxes. While a breath of fresh air, I hope that Briggs will not sacrifice the perfect for the good in other areas if he wins. Remember, Ron Paul is considered strong as a fiscal conservative by the Club for Growth, but also ineffectual at getting his ideals implemented.

That said, the gauntlet is down for other candidates to show similar spine as Scott Briggs. My thoughts are that none of the NSL candidates should have any hesitation to sign the pledge.

Joint Press Release

October 29, 2007

Contact: Scott Briggs, 801-699-5758

Contact: Ronald Mortensen, 801-927-7916

Briggs Signs Taxpayer Protection Pledge,

Refuses to Accept funding from Special Interests

Scott Briggs, candidate for North Salt Lake City Council has signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge."

Upon signing the pledge, Mr. Briggs stated, "I have constantly told the voters that I oppose taxes so I only found it natural to sign this pledge. Now voters have my word in writing and can hold me accountable if I break it, which I won't."

Mr. Briggs also emphasized that he has refused to accept any donations from special interests. "This puts me at a real disadvantage from a financial standpoint," he said, "but I want to be totally independent to make the best decisions for my constituents in all cases without any possible perception of impropriety."

Ronald Mortensen,, co-founder noted that Mr. Briggs contacted him and asked to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. "We make the Pledge available to all candidates but during this election cycle we have not aggressively pursued candidates to get them to sign it," said Mortensen. "In Bountiful for example, all candidates have publicly come out in support of tax increases which makes them ineligible to sign it."

When asked what he would do in case of a major emergency impacting North Salt Lake, such as an earthquake, Mr. Briggs responded: "Should a major disaster strike that is exactly the wrong time to raise taxes. How do you raise taxes on families that may have lost everything and are trying to put their lives back together?"

In 2006, when asked Davis County Commission Candidates to sign the Pledge, all refused.

"Based on our experience with the County Commissioners, it seems that a refusal to sign the P ledge is a good indication that candidates are inclined to vote for higher taxes," said Hugh Williams, a co-founder of

Friday, October 19, 2007

Suggestion Box: South Davis Candidates

This post is for those who are either running for office, or know someone who is running for office, to get a chance to step up and say why the candidate should be elected. I clearly don't have the time or inclination to investigate fully all candidates that should be under the purview of this blog. It is an unfortunate corollary to living in NSL that I will devote most of my energy to the campaign here.

I do, however, care about the other races. So, if you will leave your comments to this post, we'll see what impact we can have on the election here.

Some suggestions on items you can also leave in the comments include candidate website links, email addresses, and phone numbers for the campaigns.