Showing posts with label art teacher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art teacher. Show all posts

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Finally Updated my Website!!

I know I am going to have to come up with a new website before too long and streamline all my info, but until then, I have finally put my new work up on my website. So if you get a chance, check it out. I would appreciate any feed back.

Cheers, Dawn

Monday, September 8, 2014

6 Days, 10 Palettes, 9 Tables Later....Studio's Almost Ready!

The bulk of the work is finished and I'm ready to start offering classes in my new studio space.
Despite all the thunder storms this week, I was able to finish my studio project. I set up a tent in the back yard to be able to keep building and then used the front porch for the finishing work, mainly the sanding and painting.
Classes start on September 23 and I needed furniture for the students, mainly tables to hold their supplies. I decided to build my own out of reclaimed wood to match the feel of my cottage styled studio in Midtown. I made each table a little different, all about the same height, but I played with the pattern of the wood and made a few full-sized tables as well. I want it to be inviting, a place that students can feel comfortable and creative! So here it is ...6 days, 10 palettes and 9 tables later.

I hope my classes love the new space !


Upcoming Classes - Happy painting!                           


Sept 28  Color Confidence 1 Painting Workshop DawnArt Studios
Oct 1   Wed Painting Studio 6:30 - 9:30 - 6 Weeks  Callanwolde

Dec 13 Capture the Light Spruill 

Contact Dawn with any questions or 404 399 0853

See more paintings at
My art now available to purchase online click here to go to my secure market.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Northern Adventures!

A few highlights from my trip. Make sure to check out the cyclist with a dog stand. 

Every August I flee the Atlanta heat and head up north for weeks of painting and shows.
I start the month off in Provincetown, MA, with my dear friend Rosemarie. We met in a workshop several years back and now have a standing painting date for the week in P'town.  Even with the overcast days this year, the light and ocean were just wonderful. I look forward to this week all year!

After my show in CT and a few days at Rosemarie's house I head over to Pennsylvania for a show and a visit with one of my favorite couples, Art and Margaret Thorn.  They are generous enough to put me up for a few days during the show. It's just so much fun hanging out and hearing about how their year has been.

Fortunately the shows were good this year. I sold several big paintings and even won an award this year at Gretna. While that is always great, what makes this trip so special is the time I get to spend with friends.

Until next year!!

Happy painting!                             
Classes start back soon.
Oct 1   Wed Painting Studio 6:30 - 9:30 - 6 Weeks

See more paintings at
My art now available to purchase online click here to go to my secure market.

Check out the class FB page Dawnart Classes

Friday, March 28, 2014

Plein Air Competition This Weekend!

II have been preparing for my first plein air competition and it's almost here! This weekend is the 3rd Annual Paint Out at the Marietta/Cobb Museum of Art. Check in start at 7 am each morning to have your canvas stamped, although I doubt I'll start that early. All artists have to turn the stamped canvas in at the end of the day. Judging begins at 3:00 on Sunday, followed by a reception and sale from 6:30 - 8:30.

I wanted to make sure I was comfortable and very portable for this weekend so I made a new palette shelf for my easel. I took it out yesterday to give it a try and I LOVE IT ! I had room for everything. I put a shoulder strap on it so it was easy to carry as well.  If you find yourself in Marietta this weekend, stop by and say hello.

Happy painting!                           

See my work at
My art now available to purchase online click here to go to my secure market.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Painting with St Anne's Treehouse Two's Class

It's getting close to auction time at Saint Anne's Day School. 
This year the school had artists come in and work with different classes to create a piece of art as a fundraiser for the school. I was paired up with the  Treehouse Two's class. Below is the project I worked on with the class. What a great group of young artists, teachers and parents. 
After we came up with a plan, I built a 30x30 structure for the painting. Then I applied modeling paste and carved out the design.

Below - Day 1 - Working with the class. We started with the big areas of colors first.  Look at them go. I think everyones favorite part was the hand signatures on the back! Who doesn't want to get messy with art?

Below - Day 2- Now that the back ground colors have dried, I came back and we started on the leaves. We masked off the sky so the young artists could focus on the circles. It was so fun watching painting come together. What a great group!
Now that the young artists have finished, it was time for me to take the painting back to my studio for a few final details and to get it ready for the auction.  Touched up, varnished, wire on back, "Glow Tree"  is ready to go!

"Glow Tree" 30x 30 Acrylic on wood 
I really enjoyed working on this project with the class. A big thank you to Moire Menning for all of her help in coordinating everything. I hope the auction is a huge success.
Happy painting!                           

March 18 Tues Painting Studio
May 3 Color Confidence 1 10 - 3:00
May 10 Palette Knife workshop; Reflections on water

My art now available to purchase online click here to go to my secure market.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Plein air Thursday - 2013

This year my friend and fellow painter, Carol Violanda, and I started a new plein air group in Atlanta that meets up every Thursday. Our motto " We create the group, they will come!"
And so far it has worked out really well. I have made new arts friends and discovered all sorts of new places in Atlanta that I didn't even know existed. Here are few of the highlights of our adventures.
Hope to paint with you in 2014!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Palette Knife Workshop: Reflections

Last Saturday I taught a palette knife paint workshop at Callanwolde. I thought I would do something to celebrate the season, so we painted poinsettias and chocolate. It was pouring outside, so I was happy everyone could make, and on time, at that!

There are 2 demos for the the class. The one on the right I did the night before and the other is the demo in class. It's always a good idea to run through a painting before the class. It gives you the chance to work out the composition, colors, etc.. in hopes that you don't make a glaring mistake in public!!

Here is the set up for the class. The class was all about painting reflections, so I went shiny object and put plexi glass down on top of the back drop. I had to big a whole bag of truffles to get the one with a green wrapper, so there was plenty left over to share.

I hope you all have a safe and joyful holiday!

Happy painting!                             
Classes start back soon.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Evening with the artist - Nov 21

Meet the Artist 
Wine & Cheese Reception for Dawn KinneyMartin
November 21, 2013 at 5:30pm
Savor Wine Boutique
@Kirkwood Station
1963 Hosea L. Williams Drive #R-103
Atlanta, GA 30317
Phone: 404.254.5044

You're Invited to Sip & Savor!

Each quarter, the walls of Savor Wine Boutique features the works of a local artist which are available for viewing and purchase. Currently showing are the vibrant oil paintings of Dawn Martin. Her work can also be found in the permanent collection at the Harris Arts Center, in regional galleries and in juried fine art festivals across the country. Martin shares her talents with other budding arts as a faculty member at the Savannah College of Art & Design, Callanwolde Fine Arts Center and the Spruill Center for the Arts. Her collection is inspired by photographs of landscapes from her travels, with many of the pieces at Savor Wine Boutique coming from her recent trip to the Italian countryside and vineyards. The public is invited to meet Martin during a special “Evening with the Artist” which will be held in the store on Thursday, Nov. 21 from 5:30-7:30. Space is limited and only open to guests 21 years of age and older. Please confirm your attendance by sending an email to

Kyla Cox, Proprietor

Savor Wine Boutique
@Kirkwood Station
1963 Hosea L. Williams Drive #R-103
Atlanta, GA 30317
Phone: 404.254.5044
Like us on Facebook & Follow us on Twitter.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Fall - time to settle into the studio!

Happy Fall! 
I have had a fantastic summer. Enjoyed a lot of traveling, painted in really cool places and  got to hang out with  great friends. Now, with just a few art shows left in the year, I am looking forward to settling into the studio and creating new work for 2014.  

I have been thinking a lot about color lately and my new painting ( I hope ) will reflect this. It all started with  a color confidence workshop I taught over the summer.  I have been trying to really simplify color theory for my students and put it in easy to understand language. How do make it practical for how people really paint? I think this turned out to be one of the best classes I have taught about color, so I am now in the process of creating a second level, Color Confidence 11.  I'm really excited about this class, but haven't gotten it boiled down to the nuts and bolts just yet.

 I really look forward to the time in the studio over the winter. the pressure of sales is off  and I can focus on creating and understanding color.

Happy fall ya'll!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Process of teaching : Palette Knife Workshop - Landscapes

This is a little bit about my approach to teaching a one day workshop.
 I had a wonderful group show up for a 5 hour workshop today at Spruill. I know that it's a lot of information in a short amount of time. We covered some of the various techniques of the palette knife, along with a little color theory, and composition. 
Okay, maybe I should call it palette knife boot camp. 
I just like the idea of learning new techniques while working on a painting. 
Somethings will work, some not, ahh, that's better than just writing your abc over and over, right?
The first thing I do is work through the painting Alla Prima, which just means I do the painting in one sitting. I work wet paint into wet paint instead of working in stages and allowing paint to dry.
Once I have completed the painting once, I will break it down into stages.  By bringing in several different canvases showing the building process, I hope this will give the class a visual aid as I am lecturing and demonstrating in class.
Now I am ready to teach class.  I start with a talk about composition, value scale, tricks for landscape painting, and just how to prepare the canvas.  Now the class is ready to create their masterpieces.   Well, I  always throw in a little color theory through the class, but just in small doses.

Let the paintings begin!

I have my sample steps up. I hope that these will help show where I am going.  Also, it  is always helpful to see how just messy a palette knife painting can be while you are working on it.
This is one of the paintings I worked on in the workshop today.

I had a wonderful class today. Thank you for all the artists that came out and spent their Saturday with me. Keep up the good work.
