Sunday, August 29, 2010
The Future of the British Pub
Friday, March 27, 2009
Happy Hour Approacheth
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Finally! A Democratic Convention Drinking Game
The majority of these conventions, GOP and Democrat alike, are best viewed through a drunken haze, though the highlights can be great. For the democrats the speeches by Ted Kennedy and Michelle Obama were world beaters last night. The rest: Eh. Expect the convention to crescendo as the days pass. They always do.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Quick Hits: Around the Blogosphere
Andrew Sullivan continues to keep his eye on the shame that has become America's acquiescence to torture. He also directs our attention to Dan Savage's powerful piece on his mother's passing.
At Cyber Hacienda Jaime both reminds us of why Cheers was brilliant and in so doing providesa rousing defense of drinking beer in the form of The Buffalo Theory.
At Fire Joe Morgan, Junior takes on both the vastly overrated Rick Reilly and idiotic cliches about bloggers.
Finally, Guenette goes back to New Hampshire and has a mini-photo essay with several involving people we both know. It looks like he had a fuitful trip providing readings and lectures. This gives me the opportunity once again to plug his book of poetry, Sudden Anthem