Featured Post - Allergy Elimination Journey

Allergy Answered Prayer

Today is a big day in our household. After 2 1/2 years of struggling with allegies our baby boy is Allergy FREE! This is our journey to hea...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cloth diaper give away!!!

We have been cloth diapering for over a year now with Gabby and I love it!! I love encouraging other moms to try it out as well. Well here is a chance. My college friend, Jen, is having a giveaway on her blog! Check it out and good luck!! The Rieses Pieces

This is our Cloth Swimmy diaper

1 comment:

Rieses Pieces said...

You go girl! 3 entries so far :) I wish I could give one to all. I love them and I know you do too :)
I hope the last few weeks of your pregnancy are enjoyable as much as possible (despite the Heatwave MI has had).I am so excited for you as you embark upon your first little boy...he will melt your heart. Parker was such a great little Aug baby and praying for you to have one just as well. Hugs to you.