Featured Post - Allergy Elimination Journey

Allergy Answered Prayer

Today is a big day in our household. After 2 1/2 years of struggling with allegies our baby boy is Allergy FREE! This is our journey to hea...

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Back To School Blessing

I love back to school time! Maybe it is because I am a teacher, but I've always loved going back to school.

I have been so encouraged by parents throughout the years that I try real hard to do something, even if small, to show my kids teachers that we appreciate them and are praying for them!

I created this cute little tag tonight and wanted to make it available to share with others if they want it.                              

My prayer this year for my kids is to connect with their teachers and other students. I am praying especially for Annabelle that she would be blessed with some good friends. She has some great friends from Adrian and we are so thankful that we've been able to keep up with those friends, but we'd love to see her bond with at least one girl in her class this year.

Click the link to open the

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Life Lessons

I was at Aldis today with my girls. We ran in to get one item, but of course saw two more along the way. As we went to get in line there was only one register open. There were 6 people in line, all with very full carts!

I just looked at the line and said, "Wow!"
Shopper # 5 in line: "Ma'am, you can go in front of me since you only have 3 things."
Me: But there is someone behind you.

Shopper #6: Oh that is fine go in front of her.
Shopper #4: You can go in front of me too.

Shopper #3: Go in front of me too.
Shopper #2: You might as well go in front of me too!
Me: Wow, you all are so nice! Thank you so much!
Shopper #5 (who started all this): Just remember this and pay it forward someday

Me: WOW that is funny because just yesterday I did the same thing you all are doing, but I only did it for one man!

Rewind to yesterday at Kroger

I had 17 items and knew I couldn't go in the 15 item or less lane so I started going towards the other lanes when a worker stopped me and told me to go to the 15 item or less lane. I mentioned I had more than 15, but she said I was fine. As soon as I get in line a guy gets behind me with nothing. Noting this I asked if he was purchasing something. He said he was but it was up behind the counter. I insisted that he go in front of me since he only had one item and I knew I had more than the 15. He was a sweet older gentleman and we chatted while we waited for the person in front of us.  

My girls weren't there for the Kroger episode.

We got in the car and this song was playing, Do Something by Matthew West

The point of this song is we all can Do Something to make this world a better place! I know what was done today was small and what I did yesterday was small, but it is those small things that will eventually lead to bigger acts of kindness.

I got the opportunity to talk to my girls about what happened and made sure they didn't walk away until they knew they can do something too, it all starts with kindness! And the message of the song is "RIGHT NOW" is the time to do something no matter how small!

Be Blessed!!