Showing posts with label Oops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oops. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Avoidance And More Avoidance

One would think that rocking out and John Denver would be mutually exclusive, but one would be wrong.  Sunshine On My Shoulders may make me happy, but it doesn't induce the urge to play music so loud that my neighbors would call the cops.  And if it was Thank God I'm A Country Boy, maybe he should have been playing Take Me Home, Country Roads on his 8-track as he traveled back to his Rocky Mountain High because Leaving On a Jet Plane (I much prefer Peter, Paul and Mary's version) left Mr. Denver a tad disjointed

I've been totally ignoring the NBC late night fiasco for several reasons.  One, I watch Letterman if I haven't turned off the television or I'm caught up with Stewart and Colbert and two, I never liked the Tonight Show after Carson left.  It was a shadow of its former self and Arsenio Hall was much funnier.  Leno can whine all he wants, but his ten o'clock show went a long way to ruin television for those of us who don't require child approved fare before the news.  Whether Conan's ratings weren't as high as people wanted given all the competition he faced that Leno didn't have to, is besides the point.  Conan and his crew moved from New York to California for a job that no longer exists.  And not because Conan failed, but because NBC screwed up and Leno can't let go.  They were warned it wouldn't work before the season started and they snowballed ahead anyway.  Conan, his crew and his fans (whoever they are) are just the damage picked up before the snowball flies over the cliff into oblivion

I took a creative writing class when I was in high school and everyone was going on about this book called Love Story.  Being a die hard science fiction fanatic, I told people I wasn't interested in reading some romance crap that didn't exist in real life.  Our teacher, whose name escapes me at the moment, asked if anyone in the class had a copy.  Somebody did.  It wasn't bad, a simple but entertaining read.  I finished it by lunchtime.  I propped it up behind my assigned reading and read it in class and returned it to the person who loaned it to me.  I was pissed when Patton won Best Picture instead of Love Story.  Only one of the many disappointments the entertainment world had in store for me.  I learned early on that if I thought it was interesting, it would be canceled.  Thank goodness for cable.  Rest in peace Erich Segal.  Thank you for your work.  I have two versions of Love Story's theme on my iPod, Arthur Fiedler's and Henry Mancini's.  It seems funny to think of Tommy Lee Jones as the inspiration for Ryan O'Neal's character.

For as many times as car dealerships have screwed their customers, this one should admit it made a mistake and move on.  Not try and get an additional $7,000 two weeks later because of a "clerical error".

Oh yeah!  Oh yeah!  Oh yeah!!!!   Unfortunately, it's going to be on Fox.  You know, the people who canceled Firefly and Dollhouse because they didn't get "it".  And John Barrowman might reprise his role as Capt. Jack Harkness.  Yippee!  It's a shame about Ianto, I had already decided to name my next dog Ianto. Yanto, easy to say, difficult to spell.

Can anyone tell that I'm completely fed up with politics?


Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Tuesday Quickies

I voted no.  On what grounds is Tiger Woods' accident any of my business?  Or yours?  When, where, how or who applies only to the parties involved.  It is none of my business if he was leaving the house at 2:25 am, nor is it any of my business where he was going.  How the accident happened may be of interest but it isn't critical to our existence on the planet.  No alcohol was involved and Tiger was the only one who was injured and if he doesn't want to speak about the accident, that is his business.  Because he is a celebrity does not make his personal life my business.  Honestly, with every day that goes by reality appears to drift further away from the news media as they get closer to the twilight zone.  From balloon boy to gate crashers to single car accidents, infotainment (I can't believe the spell checker thinks that's a real word!) rules the news cycle.  ABC wasn't content with gossiping about Tiger, they added another star  and an ambulance chaser to make the story even more titillating.

I've tried reading Little Green Footballs off and on for the past five years but the vitriol and hatred for anyone who disagreed with their view was too much for me.  I guess it was also too much for Charles Johnson.  Over the last few months he has been bemused by the invective coming from the right and he has officially decided to part company.  I'm adding him to my blogroll, some of his stuff is pretty interesting.

Wow, just wow.  How can people live with themselves having that level of hatred?  Somewhere between my teens and my forties the definition of Christian behavior changed.  And not for the better.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday Morning Threesome

The Frisco Kid was always a favorite movie.  Harrison Ford and Gene Wilder were great together and it isn't every day a movie comes along with Yiddish humor.  Oy gevalt!  That being said, it seems that Yiddish have a few pithy sayings and truisms that weren't discussed in polite company and now they are about to be printed.  Again.  "Yiddish Sayings Mama Never Taught You".  I'll bet she didn't.
Der pelts unter dem vaybershn boykh iz dos tayerste futerl.

The pelt under a woman's belly is the world's most expensive furpiece.
Who knew?

The only thing I'm going to say about China's attitude toward black people is this.  I got more respect in Alabama in the seventies.  When I was in acupuncture school I asked one of my Chinese teachers a question and his response was this, "I'm not going to explain it to you, you wouldn't understand."  Not one of those (I can do it to!) teachers gave me anything higher than a B- despite being one of only seven people to pass the intern exams and finishing my patient requirements in six clinic shifts instead of the nine it took most people.  Patients and clinic staff loved me, my Chinese teachers not so much.  I especially liked the way they held their breath when I walked by.  Some of my teachers wanted me to file a complaint but you know what they call the guy who graduates last in medical school?  Doctor.  My 3.69 was good enough for me.

Do you read the People of WalMart?  I have it on the reader and sometimes the pictures make me close my eyes in embarrassment.  For the people in the pictures. And sometimes I just laugh.


Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Insanity And Heartlessness

I'd say that Malkin is out of her mind, but that assumes she has one and you know what they say about assuming.  She does have an extremely fertile imagination and an inability to face reality which is reminiscent of most people who are off their rockers. The never right wing of the GOP would like to blame the loss of NY-23 on Dede Scozzafava when it was themselves who engineered the defeat of their party in a district that hadn't voted for a Democratic representative in 138 years.  They sabotaged the original candidate and totally forgot about the people who actually live in the district while engaging in their hate filled campaign to purge the party.  Bloodletting isn't a viable option in medicine and it doesn't look like it's that good for politics either.

Ever since Reagan broke PATCO the average joe in this country has been headed down the path to financial ruin.  Jobs have disappeared at a phenomenal rate, only to reappear in another country done by workers who are paid as little as possible.  Levis are no longer manufactured in America along with many other products that kept the American worker employed and able to purchase those same products.  Meanwhile in the lala land that exists in corporate boardrooms, much joy was to be found in their ever expanding bottom line.  Until so many Americans were out of work that products couldn't be sold and more layoffs ensued.  Homes were lost, families uprooted and gypsies were created.  Can serfdom be far behind?  40 acres and a mule sounds pretty good in comparison to what some people have now, which is nothing.

Balancing the budget on the backs of the people who can least afford it.  Then they die.  And not one Republican complained about that death panel.

Had my first appointment at the VA hospital yesterday and was more than pleasantly surprised.  I got my seasonal flu shot, had my blood work done and the longest visit I have ever had with a doctor.  I feel like I was listened to, viable suggestions were made and it didn't cost me a thing.  Except for the time I spent in the military.  My prescriptions are being mailed to me and outreach programs to increase my quality of life are available.  If I was homeless there would be even more help to get me back on my feet.  And they have an emergency room.

Speaking of emergency rooms, I had to take mom in on Sunday.  It looked like she had broken her wrist but after taking her blood pressure she was moved directly into a room.  Her EKG shows that her heartbeat is irregularly irregular and that isn't a good thing.  When she sleeps she isn't getting enough oxygen and her heartbeat goes haywire.  Her COPD is getting worse and that is accelerating her dementia.  I feel sorry for her but now it's all about the waiting.  Not a peep from either brother, am I obligated to let them know when she passes?


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Going To The Dogs

Wow!  Republicans really are willing to cut off their nose to spite their face.  The comments are fascinating.  No matter how the NY-23 race turns out the GOP is dissolving from within.  I almost feel sorry for the them but it's their own fault.  They embraced the wackos last year, they tolerated and encouraged the fringe to express their anger, rage and hatred during the campaign and as with any rabid animal, it's biting the hand that feeds them.

They don't need another job, they need to live within their means.  I'm sorry that one can't live comfortably on $93K a year and while I admire the work ethic of getting another job to support your lifestyle instead of doing what the rest of us do which is to cut back or eliminate expenses, taking a minimum wage job that might keep a family on the lower end of the economic spectrum from becoming homeless, is part of why we are in the economic mess we are all suffering through.  Those that have always think they deserve more or that they shouldn't have to sacrifice.  Marie Antoinette would be so impressed.

The kerfuffle about the Obama boy's club amuses me.  I tried warning people that he had little to no respect for women and their opinions, so it doesn't surprise me at all that women are being cockblocked while decisions are being made in circumstances that have no official record.

Somebody has been watching a little too much television.  The story never says why the owner had to steal his dog from the pound under the cover of night instead of picking him up during normal business hours.  It doesn't sound like the dog's behavior was a problem since the animal society released the dog to a friend of the owner.

Speaking of dogs, is this normal sleeping behavior?


Thursday, October 15, 2009

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Two weeks ago my upstairs neighbor knocked on my door and asked me to call an ambulance.  He looked awful, was having trouble breathing and in my professional medical opinion he needed emergency help.

I called 911 and they started asking questions.  I answered some and got his input on the others.  When they asked how long he had been in distress he said about six hours, since his roommate shoved him, but he didn't want his roommate arrested.  Well, next thing you know the police were there and then the ambulance arrived.  He was admitted to the hospital with six broken ribs and a fractured sternum. 

To paraphrase Ron White, "you have the right to remain silent, unfortunately his roommate didn't have the ability."  This tends to happen when you've been drinking Black Velvet all night long.  They took the roommate away for a mandatory twelve hour lockup and guess who he blamed?  Me.  The alcohol and his violent behavior had nothing to do his being arrested in his mind.  I would call 911 again in the same circumstances.

I'm the type of person that if you indicate you need help, I'll move heaven and earth to get there and help you.  Time of day, any illness that doesn't prevent me from driving, nor distance will stop me and I have friends who will testify to that.  I can even be persuaded to fly, which I won't do for me, but I will do for my friends or family.

Lucinda Rosenfeld (supposed advice columnist) is not that type of person.  Her response if you ever have the misfortune to need her help and you aren't a blood relative or swapping bodily fluids, is that you deserve whatever happens and that there is no need for a friend to pick you up at the hospital at 4 am in the morning after deserting you at the bar and the police have found you unconscious on the sidewalk after someone slipped you a mickey.  She has absolutely no compassion and has no business giving advice, even if it is not to read her column if you don't like her attitude.

I've had the unfortunate experience of being "mickeyed". My roommate took me to a local bar, had one drink and left.  It was happy hour so I ordered another one and went to the bathroom.  I do not remember leaving the bathroom, the bar, or any other part of that night though I seem to function pretty well in blackout mode.  I caught the 5:20 pm bus home, washed and folded four loads of laundry, cooked dinner for my roommates and their dates and critiqued one of their sexual encounters.  In person.  I was also sick behind a plant in the bedroom.  I woke up in the morning very disoriented, shaky and disturbed that I couldn't recall anything except entering the bathroom.  Not everyone is that lucky.

Several years ago I had what I thought was a friend.  It was right after I my accident and after the doctor did some research he called in a pain prescription that there was a good chance I wasn't allergic to.  I raced to the Kaiser pharmacy only to find that they had closed ten minutes early.  I was beside myself with pain.  I was crying on the phone that I couldn't take the pain anymore.  I got home, took Shai out to do her business and started to cook dinner.  I had the television on and was icing my knee when there was a knock at the door.  I limped over and there were two policemen.  They came into my house, turned off the television and stove, cuffed me, put me in the back of a patrol car in front of my neighbors and took me to the mental wing of the hospital. I was absolutely livid, almost shaking with anger but I knew that if I displayed even one adverse emotion I would be stuck there the whole time.  It took me three hours to convince the doctors to let me out, it's normally a mandatory 72 hour stay. 

My so-called friend had called the police and reported that I was going to kill myself without ever calling me again to see if I had been able to find an alternative to the missing pain medication.  I had.  I remembered I had a Valium somewhere and I found it in an unpacked box.  While most people know it as an anti-anxiety medication, it also works on pain.  Besides, I've had kidney stones which hurt a lot more and didn't try to kill myself though I did want someone to put me out of my misery.  Which the nurse did when she gave me a shot of Demerol.

Soon after I met this woman she had her knee replaced.  I showed up at the hospital, which was nowhere near my home, to keep her company.  I visited her in her home while she was recovering and was willing to help her out no matter what she needed.  When I looked like I needed help, instead of helping me herself, her response was to send the cops, give me a record that would prevent me from obtaining either life insurance or any type of job that required a thorough background check and have me incur a medical expense that I couldn't afford.  Nice "friend", wasn't she?  We haven't spoken since that day.

Ms. Rosenfeld also doesn't have the vaguest notion of what being a good friend is, even one of the editors was disturbed by her response.  Ms. Rosenfeld seems to be the type of person that if a criminal broke into your home and raped you, she would wonder whether or not you were wearing flannel pajamas and curlers to bed and that if you had, the criminal wouldn't have had the urge to rape you.  She is not an advice columnist, she's a female Limbaugh and should find, or be forced, to find another line of work.  Perhaps NAMBLA needs a spokesperson, she seems to be able to rationalize anything.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Story Of My Life

From my friend Linda.  I represent this sentiment.


Monday, October 05, 2009

Guano Loco

Orly Taitz.  Watching her on the The Daily Show made me suspect she didn't have both oars in the water and now I'm pretty sure she's missing the plastic thingy that holds a six pack together.

Jon Gosselin.  I don't watch TLC (or any reality shows) so I haven't been following the trials and tribulations of Kate Plus Eight except what pops up in the entertainment section of GReader.  What I do know is that no matter how difficult Kate may be, Jon is nothing but a whiny crybaby.  He does not have his kid's best interests at heart and seems to think that his wife owes him a living while he cavorts with babysitters and publicity whores.  He has spoken on national television about how he doesn't love (the actual word was despise) his wife and that he loves his newest bed mate more than he ever loved his wife.  Taking $230,000 dollars from the joint bank account and leaving his children without a source of income while he cavorts unencumbered by responsibility shows a narcissistic personality disorder and severely impaired judgment.

McDonald's next to the Louvre.  That should wipe the smile right off of the Mona Lisa.

Overcriminalization.  A six month federal investigation and two years in the federal pen for growing orchids without the proper paperwork.  What's next?  Two years for not putting the proper sticker on a UPS package? Oh wait, that was in the story too.

Anyone who thinks that the insurance companies are in the business to provide affordable health care.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday Morning Musings

The judge is crazier than the defendant.  Wondering whether the cow was confused because the defendant's penis didn't produce milk is inexcusable.  The defendant is a deviant and should be forced to get professional help.  And the judge shouldn't anthropomorphize.

If I was Michael Steele I would be careful about calling anyone a nutjob and most certainly not when they are speaking the truth.  While I wanted Bush tried for his crimes against humanity it never would have occurred to me to advocate his death, something that cannot be said of those on the right when they talk about Obama or Clinton.  Or did he miss the now famous Facebook poll asking if Obama should be killed or John L. Perry's article (now removed) stating that a "bloodless military coup" might be necessary to restore the Constitution.  That wouldn't be the same Constitution that Bush regarded as just a piece of paper is it?  And my mind is not tiny.  Because Mr. Perry once worked for Jimmy Carter doesn't make him any less of  a conservative.  Or has everyone forgotten that Dick Morris used to work for Bill Clinton?

Are some personality traits present at birth?  I used to worry a lot, mainly about aches and pains and an irrational fear of the dark, but I grew out of it in my twenties.  According to mom, and she should know, even though I was sickly (asthma), I wasn't a fussy baby.  She says I used to sit in a corner and watch people while laughing to myself.  And I'm not that much different now according to a former classmate.  I've always been an observer.  I used to wonder about it as a child, why didn't I like to participate?  I don't mind speaking in front of lots of people but I enjoy being alone even more, especially after being surrounded by excess stimulation.  When I was in high school I was known as the girl with the book because I always had one with me and would read it in a crowd of people while peeping over the top.  As an adult I prefer my iPod because most people won't bother me when I have the headphones on and I can watch them in peace.  Very weird.

Speaking of reading books, the banned book list is out.  I've read two of the Philip Pullman novels but I got bored and didn't even start the third.  I hated Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer for the same reasons.  As a child I was allowed to read anything I wanted, I read On The Beach and A Summer Place in the fifth grade and Playboy for most of my adolescence and the only influence they had was to was to increase my reading skills and to keep an open mind.  Trying to pull books from the library in an effort to protect kids from something you don't approve of is likely to lead to children who don't read at all and automatically distrust anything new to their existence.  Sort of like their parents.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

What Are They Thinking?

The absolute cluelessness of the GOP continues to either reach new heights or plumb deeper depths, I can't decide which.  Rep. Sue Myrick of North Carolina used the GOP radio address to tar and feather government run health care by claiming that it would cause delays in treatment that would threaten our health.  Using her own breast cancer as an example she complains that it took "took six doctors, three mammograms and one ultrasound before they finally they found my cancer. This process took only a few weeks."  Most citizens only have one doctor and the uninsured have none.  Crystal Lee Sutton, also from North Carolina and known to the rest of the world as Norma Rae, had health insurance and died of brain cancer.  Her insurance company withheld authorization for chemotherapy medication for two months and the normally slow growing cancer spread at a rapid pace.  I'm sure she would have rather had Rep. Myrick's government run access to treatment, but I'm not so sure Ms. Sutton would complain about it saving her life on national radio.

With the right determined to occupy the outer fringe, the center has become the new right.  Obama was already right of center and that he is acquiescing to pressure and moving further right is not much of a surprise.  It's tough to balance when everything is on one end, eventually things tip over.  At what point will the issues of the people who elected him be addressed?

According to a gentleman on the Texas Board of Education, that august body responsible for influencing what's in the textbooks of tomorrow, as a minority female I should be grateful to white men for the rights I currently have.  Wow, it's nice to know that being human isn't enough to qualify for basic civil rights.  No wonder we can't have a rational discussion on health care.
But here we run into a terrible problem.  The health care debate cannot be understood in historic context because many Americans have never heard of Thomas Jefferson.  Extrapolating from state surveys, only 14% of American high school students can name who wrote the Declaration of Independence.   Nearly 75% do not know that George Washington was our first president.  More than 90% could not pass the exam given to immigrants who wish to become citizens.   No wonder that Jay Leno has so much material for his Jay Walking segment.  We can say that our educational system has failed when the vast majority of American students do not know enough to pass an exam to qualify as American citizens
On my last few trips to California I had the misfortune to eat at both a Denny's and a Marie Callender's.  They both had a laminated sheet with the nutritional information of the menu and they are going to have to change their menus if people start reading them on a regular basis.  While Marie's had a more appetizing breakfast menu, you know you're in trouble when the healthiest item on the menu are in the pancake section.  I settled on the breakfast quiche special because it had less sodium and that was still one third of my daily requirement.  Healthy options?  It would take more time to find the one or two relatively healthy items than the server is likely to give you.

The GOP can't really be this clueless, can they? 


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Temper Tantrum Thursday

California has tumbled into the sea.  Of stupidity.  Yesterday while everyone was occupied with former state senator Mike Duvall and his drippy mistress, the Governor/Dictator threatened to veto everything that crosses his desk unless he gets exactly what he wants.  This includes such things as a welcome home Vietnam Veteran's Day and health and dental insurance for children.  Nothing like making your bones on the backs of innocent children or veterans who served the country faithfully.
The Senate withdrew all of its 43 bills from the Republican governor's desk for temporary safekeeping. But in an act of defiance, the Assembly left on his desk a bill that would designate March 30 as "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day."

"I dare the governor to veto this bill," said Assembly Majority Leader Alberto Torrico, D-Newark, before the close of Tuesday's session.

Shortly afterward, Schwarzenegger accepted the dare and vetoed Assembly Bill 264.

"Our state is facing significant challenges, including the need for comprehensive changes in our policies on water, energy, and corrections and the need to take meaningful steps to stimulate the economy and rein in the rising levels of unemployment," Schwarzenegger wrote in his veto message. "This bill does nothing to address any of these issues. I look forward to considering this measure when these other major issues are addressed."
A good portion of the deficit wouldn't exist if Arnold hadn't revoked the vehicle license fee and given large corporations tax breaks that they didn't need and won't pass the savings on to the consumers.  Waiting until the infrastructure falls down or forest fires are blazing out of control is penny wise and pound foolish.  But that's how legislatures roll nowadays.  Take from the poor and give to the rich.  I loved this comment that went with the article in the Sacramento Bee and it should become the rallying cry for all taxpayers.
It's not about the person that happens to occupy the position of governor in this state, and people need to stop doing the right versus left b.s.. You're all part of a game if you come on here and talk about how bad the folks are with the D's or the R's by their name. Ya'll need to wake up and realize that there is a group of people running our government and our lives, that don't give a rat's patootie about us, as long as we keep paying taxes and filling up their coffers. Folks on the left side and the right side need to STOP playing the game and realize that we're all getting screwed by "them". Stop fighting the other side and DEMAND and that your representatives in government do what is best for the people that pay their salaries.
Like that's going to happen.  Meanwhile, the poverty train is adding new cars.  The more jobs that are cut the less people there are to spend money and more jobs get cut.  Don't you just love merry-go-rounds?

The poor people of South Carolina.  On the one hand they have the magnificent Stephen Colbert and on the other they have a governor who committed adultery on the taxpayer's dime and doesn't have the decency to resign even though he has been asked by his own party to vacate the premises.  In addition to that they also have a representative who can't observe the rules of decorum during a president's speech and feels comfortable calling the President a liar on national television in the midst of his speech.  Mr. Wilson was an Army Reserve Officer and has four children serving in the military and he knows that he is supposed to respect the office if he can't respect the person.  Genteel he is not.

Feeling sorry for the victims in the wrong way driving deaths in New York is natural and wanting some type of closure is also natural.  Michael Bastardi is justified to feel anger but he needs to direct it at the person who caused the accident, not who she was married to.  Mr. Shuler lost his wife, daughter and three nieces while also worrying about whether his son would survive.  Accusing him of involvement or implying that he had a role in the accident is cruel, mean spirited and evil.  It also shows that Mr. Bastardi (it's hard to put that "i" on the end) wants to profit monetarily from his father and brother's death.  This is a no win situation and trying to get revenge by ruining one more person's life by making blanket statements and accusations of a cover-up from someone who was miles away when the accident happened, is foolish.  Ever since 9/11 Americans have been determined to make someone pay, even if it isn't the someone who caused the tragedy.


Saturday, September 05, 2009

Saturday Morning Observations

Sometimes you hear things that are so funny they are referred to as knee slappers.  Nothing had ever struck me like that until I read this.  I must have snickered for half an hour.  Webster's is going to have to redefine the definition of crazy.  It should be pretty easy, all they need is Bachmann's picture and a link to any news article that quotes her.  She almost makes Palin sound sane.  In Chinese Medicine the unnatural sheen to her eyes would make a practitioner refer to her as "shen disturbed" or as it's known in western medicine "bat-shit crazy". Malkin also has that glassy eyed look when she's ranting, ma belle they are not.

Joining them in the bat-shit crazy department is GOP Congressman Paul Broun.  He thinks the President is on his way to enacting a dictatorship.  Warrantless wiretapping, imprisoning people for years without a trial, torture and the destruction of civil liberties didn't bother him during the Bush administration but a civilian disaster response team, nonexistent gun control, and a national press corp that consistently reports and repeats the Rushpublican mantra as gospel give him the vapors.  The devil really did go down to Georgia and after he lost the golden fiddle he stayed once he realized that the politicians would sell their soul to keep their fellow man in poverty and despair while pretending it in the little people's best interests.

So the President wants the liberals to be good soldiers about abandoning the public option.  The country would be better served if he would man up and support the public option that two thirds of this country wants instead of pandering to lunatics, lobbyists and legislators who don't have a clue what it's like to try and survive during the jobless recovery.  First of all I already have been a good soldier but I'm not eligible for Veteran's healthcare.  Secondly, while I do have preexisting conditions (asthma and kidney problems) and have been turned down several times for insurance in the past, who cares if insurance companies will cover me when I can't afford the premiums, the out of pocket expenses or the co-pays?  If by some misfortune I develop a disease that requires more expensive medication what makes anyone think $300 a month for drugs is feasible?  Instead of the liberals compromising why don't you do what we want and what you promised during the election?  I barely voted for Obama in the first place, I will be more than happy to vote against him in a primary.

Interesting how bankers and economists are worried about consumers not contributing to the economic recovery and gloss over the fact that more employed people have to use food stamps in order to survive.  They seem to have missed the point that it's awfully hard to buy stuff when you don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.  9.7% unemployment and that doesn't take into account the underemployed or people who have dropped off the grid completely.  Remember, it's always dark before it goes completely black and any light you see at the end of the tunnel is likely to be the headlamp of an oncoming train.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Random Musings

Eight years into the war in Afghanistan and all we have to show for it is that we are stuck in another land war in Asia.  Osama bin Laden hasn't been accounted for, our troops are dying at the highest rates (more have died from March to now than in the first three years) since the war started and the Taliban are freely reimposing harsh penalties on Afghani citizens for participating in democracy.  Next thing you know, they'll be talking to a Sicilian.

Eight years in and the military in Afghanistan have very few hi tech hospitals.  How can this crap still be happening?  I understand about going to war with the army you have, but shouldn't the army have weapons, armor and decent medical care by now?  70 minutes to get to a decent hospital after you've been involved in a roadside bombing doesn't sound very efficient.  Or lifesaving.

Science doesn't seem to be a big thing in Texas.  If the fire marshal had training instead of strutting around like Fire Marshal Bill, Cameron Todd Willingham might have been exonerated instead of spending the next thirteen years before he was put to death trying to get people to believe he was innocent.  Just because he wasn't an angel doesn't mean he was a devil.  Further prof that the death penalty process is barbaric and an in your face example of cruel and inhuman treatment.  Even more so if you're innocent.

Do you ever think about what you're thinking about?  I know I'm strange and I've known for a long time.  I'm not autistic but it would be a good bet that my baby brother and I have more than a touch of Asperger's.  As a small example I really don't like bright lights or loud noises.  During my last year of school I wore sunglasses and a hat (at night) because I couldn't take the fluorescent lights anymore.  And the hum was a constant that grated on my nerves.  As a child I could spend hours watching the dust motes in the light or follow patterns in the ceiling and I still do.  As an adult I catch myself doing long division when I'm not actively paying attention to something else.  And now there is an application that will let me expand my mathematics skill, such as it may be.  Now if only I could convince myself that washing dishes was a repetitive action that I enjoyed...

Rest in peace Senator Kennedy.  Thank you for all you did and I hope that there will be someone who can take up the liberal torch.  Not liberal by the conservative standard, but liberal in the truest sense of the word.


Saturday, July 04, 2009

I Don't Want To Shock Anyone, But

I had a stroke of good luck.  I know, I know, it's not normal for me but every once in a while something nice happens.  And this was very nice.  Not that I had the money to be doing this, but I was over at the Atlantis playing a penny machine for 60 cents (max bet is a $1.50) with something called Goldbeard's Treasure and just after 4 in the morning, when my eyes were looking for matchsticks to keep them open, I hit a little jackpot.  And suddenly I was wide awake.

There are five progressive jackpots in this game and it randomly eliminates them one by one.  I figured I would win the $6.28 but it was eliminated first.  Then the $44 one disappeared, followed by the $50 one.  That left a $100 and one worth a very small five figures.  Which then started blinking "Winner."  You have no idea how surprised I was, I believe the exact quote was "no fucking shit?" Other than the taxi home the first thing I did was get a ticket to see Ron White tonight at the Peppermill.

Now that I have a little money in the bank (and of course B of A put a 7 day hold on it), I am loathe to spend it.  I need a car and a bed for mom would be really nice, as well as a computer desk (I'm using stacked beer cartons to hold the iMac and I prop the keyboard on my lap) and a lamp.  I loved the Infiniti but knowing what I know about the maintenance costs ($900 for a tuneup, premium gas only) makes me hesitant to replace it with another, but driving a beater car doesn't appeal to me.  I like things such as air bags, ABS brakes and the ability to smoothly move out of the way of trouble.  The heated seats weren't bad either.  Oh well, courtesy of the bank which has my balance at -$260, I have a week to look for a car.  And a new bank.

On the other hand, the woman who bought my car lost her job so I offered to buy the car back.  Then I could take some of the money and do the maintenance.  I like that alternative.

The maverick strikes again.  Since when does writing a book and giving speeches qualify one to run a country?  Especially one that thinks it's supposed to be the world's policeman.  Palin supporters are a different breed.  Of idiot.  Quinn Hillyer of the American Spectator writes that anyone who cuts and runs from elected office without finishing the term they were elected for is not to be admired or respected for their decision and the wingnuts came out in droves to support her and call him a twit, a fool and a mental lightweight.  And that was in the first four comments.  Funny how the army determines leaving your post to be desertion and to most employers it shows that the employee is not a good bet in the future because they didn't finish the job in the past.  While I thought the Bush supporters had drunk too much Kool-Aid, the Palin supporters have intermarried once too often.

Oops, in a surprise to researchers, self-help doesn't work.  It seems that the brain knows when your life isn't going well and resists efforts to convince it otherwise.  The brain prefers reality, what a concept.

Strange.  How can people follow me on Twitter when I never post?  Or maybe that's the point.

Today makes eighteen years since dad passed away.  I can't believe how much I still miss him.  Rest in peace, I love you.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Common Sense Is A Thing Of The Past

I love when they do studies that reveal information that anyone with a modicum of  common sense could have predicted the outcome.  Politicians have traits that are common in serial killers.  I wish I could say I was surprised, but that would be lying.  Lack of remorse is evident every time they vote against what their constituents want and vote for whatever entity has donated the most money to their campaigns.  When they finally wander back to their districts, usually for reelection purposes, they claim they had to vote the way they did for security reasons or any other excuse they think will fly.
Kouri, who's a vice president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, has assembled traits such as superficial charm, an exaggerated sense of self-worth, glibness, lying, lack of remorse and manipulation of others.

These traits, Kouri points out in his analysis, are common to psychopathic serial killers.
But -- and here's the part that may spark some controversy and defensive discussion -- these traits are also common to American politicians. (Maybe you already suspected.)

Yup. Violent homicide aside, our elected officials often show many of the exact same character traits as criminal nutjobs, who run from police but not for office.
I've noticed.  Ten dollars worth of gas doesn't go very far, which is another reason to sell the car.  People make appointments to see the car and then never show up and they don't call to cancel.  I dragged the kids back from the dog park on Saturday and the person never showed.  The dogs could have continued to have a great time, as it was all they got to do was sit around the apartment all day.  I've dropped the price a $1000 and still no takers.  I can't drop it much more because it won't solve my financial problems and then I would be without a car to boot.  Very frustrating.

In typical Washington fashion they once again rammed through a bill that was supposed to help people but had a somewhat opposite effect in real life.  Those who make a certain amount of money might be able to keep some type of roof over their head, as long as they don't want to eat real food.  Ketchup is a vegetable.  Again.

White guy kills three cops who he thinks are going to take away his guns, just a lone nutjob. Minutemen dressed as cops kill a Hispanic father and 9 year old daughter in their own home, not a hate crime.  White man shoots a doctor in a church, not a crime of terror.  White guys shoots up a church while spouting crap he heard on Limbaugh and Hannity, not a hate crime.  Old white guy shoots a security guard at the Holocaust Museum, it's an isolated incident.  Black guy with strange name kills a recruit and it's a bloody rampage and a "giant step forward for the jihadist movement".  According to World Net Daily here is a partial list of recent church shootings, none of which are considered terrorist acts.  I know it's not new, but can we say "double standard?"
  • August 12, 2007: A lone gunman, Eiken Elam Saimon, opened fire in a Missouri Micronesian church, killing a pastor and two other churchgoers.
  • May 20, 2007: A standoff between police and a suspect in the shootings of three people in a Moscow, Idaho, Presbyterian Church ended with three dead, including one police officer.
  • Although not at a church building, the Oct. 2, 2006, attack in Lancaster County, Pa., by a gunman who killed five girls and then himself at an Amish school targeted a religious site.
  • May 21, 2006: Louisiana. Four were killed by a man at Jesus Christ Church.
  • Feb. 26, 2006: Michigan. Two people were killed at Zion Hope Missionary Baptist Church by a man who reportedly went to the church looking for his girlfriend. He later killed himself.
  • April 9, 2005: A 27-year-old airman died after being shot at a church in College Park, Ga., where he had once worked as a security guard.
  • March 12, 2005: A man walked into the services of the Living Church of God in Milwaukee and open fired immediately, killing seven people.
  • Oct. 5, 2003: A woman opened fire in Turner Monumental AME church in Kirkwood, east of Atlanta, killing the pastor and two others.
  • Sept. 16, 1999: Seven young people were killed when a man opened fire during a prayer service for teen-agers at the Wedgewood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas
Someone too dumb to know that if an escaped gorilla was Michelle Obama's ancestor then it was his ancestor also.  At this rate Americans are going to start regarding their Indian and Chinese doctors as more competent than their blond, blue-eyed doctors.  Unless they have a British accent to go with their "normal" looks.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

It Must Be Thursday

If you can't stand the heat maybe you shouldn't be in the kitchen.  Sarah Palin wants to be president (or does she?) and she can't take a little humor about her family?  Good grief, they are one whiny bunch.  I don't remember Republicans doing anything but laughing when 13 year old Chelsea Clinton was described by Rush Limbaugh as ugly because her father was Janet Reno.  And having read the joke about A-Rod knocking up a Palin, it sounded more like a slam on A-Rod than a dig at Willow or Bristol because in A-Rod's steroid induced haze he'd hit Amy Winehouse if she could stay away from her drugs for an hour.  Though he does seem to have a penchant for older women with kids which is why Sarah pretends to be so upset, she thought she was going to be the punchline.

Speaking of beauty queens that can't do their job, Miss California has finally been replaced by someone willing to represent California and not herself or her fake agenda.  Carrie Prejean was given more chances than Tom Sizemore and just like him she couldn't stay out of trouble or follow the terms of their probation.

Does the internet have a short attention span?  Of course it does.  Too much press about torture photos? Announce a Supreme Court nominee and poof! the photos go the way of the dodo bird.  Hopefully the same thing won't happen to the Inspector General report that's been hidden for five years.  Shooting an abortion doctor in a church provides a little too much heat and shows the hypocrisy of the Pro-Life or right wing extremist movement?  Poof!  Tase a 72 year old grandma for obnoxiously refusing to sign a traffic ticket.  I remember when cops used to be able to do their job without resorting to tasers or high speed chases that result in the deaths of innocent people.  Heaven forbid that the police do detective work and arrest them the old fashioned way.

The AMA opposes a government sponsored health plan for everyone.  Why would anyone be surprised by that?  When I was in school we had this elderly acupuncturist from China.  He talked about how he loved MRIs but the problem was you needed a whole building to use it and it didn't treat anything.  He also told a story about going to the doctor, he called them note givers.  You enter the office and the doctor doesn't even look up.  You start to tell him your problem and seventeen seconds later he has made his decision and either hands you a prescription, paperwork for a blood or urine test or sends you for X-rays.  You go back two weeks later and if you aren't better he gives you one of the the papers you didn't get the first time.  On your third visit he might look up from his desk, mainly because he wants to see who is causing him all this paperwork.  Chances are he hasn't touched you, which used to be known as palpation, because his assistant has done that for him.  You go home, still not feeling well so now you are on anti-depressants, and the bills start arriving.  Great system for the doctor, not so great for the patient.

There are mistakes and then there are MISTAKES.  No matter how much money this family receives, it will never replace the memories or the possessions.  It should be the law that when a house is going to be demolished that paperwork should be plastered on the doors, the mailbox and there should be an actual address, not just GPS coordinates.  A little common sense from the demolition company wouldn't have hurt either.  Such as the house was in good condition and there were valuables inside.  A few questions would have gone a long way in preventing this tragedy.

I would have had to have net worth for this statistic to directly affect me.  As it is I can't fix my broken tooth, mom broke her glasses this morning and I have no way to replace them which leaves her almost blind and even though I've dropped the price on my car by $1000 the only offers I've received have been obvious scams.  And the best part?  Due to a mixup Social Security is going to adjust mom's check by $300 in July.  And by adjust, I mean down not up.  Unless I sell the car for less than it's worth or a miracle happens, mom and I are going to be homeless.  Oh to be sixteen again, the fridge was always full and the rent was always paid.  As long as I'm dreaming, a fairy godmother would be really cool.  And nowadays it doesn't even have to be a woman.

Thirty five years ago yesterday at 4:55 pm  I raised my right hand and swore to defend this country by serving in the US Army.  Back then the enemy was Vietnam and communism.  Now we're falling apart from the inside.  Who would have ever guessed?

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

From Obscurity To Stupidity

She's no Vanessa Williams, that's for sure.  She isn't as classy, pretty, talented or graceful and she certainly isn't as natural.  She doesn't take responsibility for her actions or her words, always blaming someone else.  Which isn't really a surprise given her "beliefs".  She lied on her application and the fact that someone released a risque photo that she posed for is not an attack on her beliefs, it demonstrates that she is a hypocritical liar. It's long past the time for her to fade into obscurity, where she belongs.

Speaking of fading into obscurity, Mr. and Mrs. Edwards need to do the same.  I was a John Edwards supporter for many years but I can't and won't get past the fact that he lied and let down the people who most needed his help, his children and the poor.  The poor have been forgotten as this drama has turned into tabloid fodder.  And bad tabloid fodder at that.

Wow!  The definition of work certainly has changed.  Globetrotting workaholic?  So that's what they are calling it these days.  Spoiled floozy seems like a better description.

Cash for clunkers is a misnomer.  In order to get the cash you have to be willing to buy, and make payments on, a new car.  I don't have a job and even if I did my credit sucks, so trading in my 17mpg car is out of the question.  Actually, I'm going to have to sell it and take the money to buy food, mom's medications and pay off the deposit on the apartment.  Hopefully some enterprising person will buy it and then they can trade it in for a new car, I'll be taking the bus.

If marijuana was legalized, we wouldn't have to worry about things like this and law enforcement could concentrate on important things like finding murderers, rapists, kidnappers and thieves.  Building a fence is a stupid idea and won't close the borders to drug traffic or any other kind of traffic.

How can you protect the quality of healthcare for all Americans when significant sections of the population have none and will never be able to afford it?  You can't ration what they don't have and patients can only be a part of their healthcare decisions when they can afford to see the doctor.  Typical Republican strategy of nowadays, can't see the forest for the trees.


Saturday, May 02, 2009

Like A Rock

I was trolling around Craigslist looking for cheap furniture yesterday and came across an ad for a brand new futon in the box.  I drove out to pick it up and the best thing I can say about the purchase is that since the sales tax in Reno is only 7.75% it saved me money over purchasing it in California.

The mattress itself was wafer thin and I could feel every one of the metal parts that took me two hours and some cursing to put together.  It was so uncomfortable that I got up in the middle of the night and retrieved the air mattress.  Proving once again that you get what you pay for.  In this case $49.99 plus tax equals $53.78.  I'm heading out to look for something to make it a little more comfy.

And I thought my back hurt yesterday.  Sheesh, will I ever learn?


Friday, May 01, 2009

Guns, Testosterone And Stupidity

I beg to differ.  No retreat should only apply if you are inside your home and think you are being attacked.  It should not mean that you grab your gun, go outside and stand in front of a moving vehicle and then shoot.  He deliberately put himself in danger when he could have picked up the phone and dialed 911 and waited for the authorities to handle the situation.  Shoot first, make up your story later.
According to the affidavit, Jones heard his Toyota Land Cruiser, parked in the barn at his orange grove, start up before daylight Tuesday. Jones told police he grabbed his gun, a 9mm that he keeps with him while working at the grove. He said he could see two people in the SUV as it backed out of the barn, according to the affidavit. He said he saw the passenger's arm reach outside the vehicle, and believed that person might be holding a gun.

The Land Cruiser stopped directly in front of him, Jones said in the affidavit. He said he raised his gun and pointed it at the occupants, shouting "Stop," but the vehicle appeared to be moving directly toward him.

"Fearing for his life, he then fired what he thought to be six to eight rounds into the front windshield of the vehicle," the affidavit stated.
If he was that scared he should have stayed inside.  So which was it, six or eight?  I guess examining the gun wasn't necessary since his word seems to be so good.

People are having way too much fun Photoshopping Air Force One into various places in lieu of flying it over places it doesn't belong. My brother had the original poster hanging on his wall for a long time, I believe it was originally for Maxell.  And the other one sums up the stupidity nicely.

Some of them were racist and some were quite artistic, personal preference is everything.

I need furniture.  Air mattresses definitely suck for daily use but the dogs are having a great time switching between mom and I in the middle of the night.  My back is killing me from sitting on the floor and I can't believe how much my knees ache and how difficult it is to get up.  I'm only 52, at least for a few more days, I shouldn't be falling apart this fast.  The puter is on a cardboard box that is slowly collapsing and mom says the camp chair isn't all that comfortable day in and day out.  I'm not going to be able to get my stuff from San Jose for quite a while since the grants that were dangled in front of my nose were a hoax and I have no way to get back and get the stuff from storage until I get a job and earn some money.  The Alzheimer's Association is investigating the agency that sent me the paperwork but that doesn't help mom and I.  Still, I'm glad to be out of California.

The dogs are adjusting but Shadow sits by the door from the time I leave until I come back, I think she is having separation issues.  I found a great off leash dog park that they enjoy and Shai even went into the pond.  She was really thirsty otherwise she wouldn't have done it, she normally won't walk through a puddle.  They normally don't get very far from me and Shadow remembers where I parked the car but not where I'm sitting so it can be pretty funny when she realizes she lost me.  She's like Vizzini, she goes back to the beginning.

I'm playing around with Firefox 3.5b4 and even though most of my extensions aren't working yet (ForecastFox, Greasemonkey and Better Greader in particular) I like it.  I'm also trying ScribeFire and so far, so good.  I can post to Blogger with no problem but Big Brass Blog runs on a different engine that isn't covered.  Oh well, one can't have everything.


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