Is it really that hard to quit smoking?
Someone I know is trying to.
Willing to try is good enough.
I am not going to discuss the effect of smoking here
Every living person knows that,
the dead ones too..regreting I supposed?
What I am going to say is that I will always give my best support to you for trying.
It is not going to be easy but you can do it.
You are not struggling alone,
I am here with you.
Coz I care.
yeah!!mari support care hidup sehat!
hmmm...but wht if d prson i luv doesn't want to quit?
i asked him 2 quit..his answer ws..i've been wit diz rokok long b4 i knw u
if u had 2 choose..me or rokok?
guez wht..his answer ws...rokok!!!!
geram wehhhhh...sengal pnye bf hikhik
sabar je la..belum terbukak pintu hati dia tu..
adehhh!! susah la!
mmg susah nort..tapi insyaAlah boleh.
bak kata pepatah "nak seribu daya tak nak seribu daleh" tapi hok daleh bukan se tapi beribu2222 banyaknya sebab tu lah susah.
ini baru merokok...kalau ketagih benda lain laaaagi la susah.Seharusnya kita sentiasa berikan sokongan moral bukan nya menghukum.
Smokers are generous people. They help fund the nation thru heavy tax and duties.
On 2nd thought, no, all that money goes to funding humans damaged by the tar and soots and narcotin.
Stopping is just a matter of switching off. Those who said they can't are liars.
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