I don't know where this month has gone! I know that I was away for a few weeks, but it's September tomorrow - how did that happen??
It seems like my feet haven't touched ground since we got back, between demo's and design work, and so the blog has been a little quiet the past week or two. Time to investigate some challenges!
IN the meantime, wanted to join back in with the WOYWW posts, and had a quick sneaky peek at some of the other posts at WOYWW HQ - some people have such tidy craft desks! mine is my dining room table - which is pretty obvious cos I haven't cleared the place mats away yet!
I started sorting the kit for tonight's class - Distress inks - and on the left you can see my first attempt at one-stroke painting (or paint fusion, only I didn't use any stamps - decided to jump in with both feet and try it freehand) Must say, the demo's I've seen made it look easier than I found it! Maybe I need better brushes or different paper/card!
Top of the pic is a set of water brushes ready to be filled with bleach, and then boxes of distress inks. To the right are some of the samples I will be taking with me. And underneath all that are the place mats that give away the true purpose of my crafting space!!
Off to finish my sorting for tonight's class x Deb