Showing posts with label injury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label injury. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Roughed up trawler makes injury stop at Kodiak

The factory trawler Araho called on Kodiak over the weekend to seek medical attention for six crewmembers injured in rough seas, the Kodiak Daily Mirror reports.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Troopers help injured troller deliver his catch

From the Alaska State Troopers:

Location: Sitka
Type: Public assist
On 9/21/16 Peter Krovina, 67, of Sitka, suffered a severe hand injury while commercial trolling for coho salmon near Cape Edgecumbe west of Sitka. Krovina, who was fishing alone, was able to render first aid for his injury and return to port. His injury required transportation out of Sitka for treatment. Because Krovina was unavailable during the offload, wildlife troopers assisted by facilitating the delivery of his commercial catch at a processor.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Crewman with severed fingers needs medevac

A Coast Guard helicopter yesterday hoisted an injured crewman off the factory trawler American Triumph in the Bering Sea, about 92 miles north of Cold Bay.

"It was reported two of the man's fingers were severed by a steel door," the Coast Guard said in a news release.

The Coast Guard didn't name the 36-year-old victim.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Injured fisherman airlifted to Kodiak

The U.S. Coast Guard this evening reported a crewman suffered head injuries from a crab pot while working aboard the fishing vessel Van Elliott in Kupreanof Strait, 46 miles west of Kodiak.

A rescue helicopter hoisted Jimmy Cook, 48, off the 70-foot vessel and took him to Kodiak for medical care.

It wasn't clear from a Coast Guard press release exactly when the injury occurred.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Crewman with facial injuries airlifted to Kodiak

From the U.S. Coast Guard:

Aug. 18, 2011

Kodiak Coast Guard crew medevacs fisherman

An Air Station Kodiak MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew today medevaced a 19-year-old fisherman with reported severe facial injuries from Ouzinkie to Kodiak.

Coast Guard Sector Anchorage received a call for help at 7:22 a.m. from the crew of the fishing vessel Karen Kay relaying that there had been an incident aboard the 38-foot fishing vessel Kittiwake.

Daniel Cornelius reportedly was injured when a line onboard the fishing vessel parted and hit him in the face.

The Kittiwake diverted to the port of Ouzinkie, arriving at 9:10 a.m. Cornelius was transported to the local medical clinic for further care and preparation for the helicopter medevac to Kodiak.

The Jayhawk arrived in Ouzinkie at 10:45 a.m., safely picked up Cornelius and transported him to Kodiak, arriving at 11 a.m.

Kodiak emergency medical services transported Cornelius to Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center for further medical care.

Friday, June 25, 2010

New laws aid injured fishermen, salmon industry

Gov. Sean Parnell was in Petersburg today and signed into law two pieces of legislation important to fish folk:

Senate Bill 163 revises the Fishermen's Fund, a kind of state insurance program for commercial fishermen who are injured or fall ill on the job. The new law increases the claim allowance from $2,500 to $10,000. The Fishermen's Fund is what's known as a "payer of last resort." That means, for example, that the fund can pay for care in the case of an injured fisherman who is underinsured. The prime sponsor of SB 163 was Sen. Joe Paskvan, D-Fairbanks.

House Bill 344 extends the salmon product development tax credit by four years, through 2015. This tax break has been around since 2003. It was among steps the state took to help the depressed salmon industry better compete with fish farmers. The goal is to encourage processors to add value to the salmon. Equipment for filleting fish, removing pinbones and packing salmon in convenient pop-top cans are examples of investments eligible for the tax credit. The new law adds ice machines to the list of qualified investments. Processors already have earned several million dollars in credits, the Department of Revenue says. The prime sponsor of HB 344 was Haines Republican Rep. Bill Thomas, himself a commercial fisherman.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Possible help if you're hurt fishing

One interesting piece of legislation now pending in Juneau would boost from $2,500 to $10,000 the claim amount readily available to injured or ill fishermen under a state insurance plan called the Fishermen's Fund.

House Bill 207 cleared the House Special Committee on Fisheries today.

The prime sponsor is state Rep. John Harris, R-Valdez.