Showing posts with label Kate Greenstreet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kate Greenstreet. Show all posts

December 25, 2015


The Magician from Kate Greenstreet on Vimeo.

Kate Greenstreet's books are Young Tambling, The Last 4 Things, and case sensitive. Her videopoems can be viewed here.

December 13, 2014


0 3 7 8 0

He’s just a person
who lives in the building.
He occupies the husband’s space in the frame.

We must be able to trust one another.
Public, private—it’s just how things are.

It rained. I took a walk around the parking lot with an umbrella. 
When I came inside, a little girl was at the elevator.

She had a kind of shell on her back, like a turtle shell that held two swords. 
She pulled down the neck of her shirt and showed me the scrape 
on her shoulder, where she fell off her scooter. Yesterday was her birthday. 

Does looking at her picture tell you something?
The dream is represented by people at a distance. 
She’s been afraid for a while.

KATE GREENSTREET'S books are Young Tambling, The Last 4 Things, and case sensitive, all with Ahsahta Press. For more about her work, visit

Curatorial note: The following poems are a response to a call for poetry about rape culture for the annual Delirious Advent Feature; the call is in turn an immediate response to the Rolling Stone story “A Rape on Campus” about rape culture at the University of Virginia. However, they are also part of a larger conversation about rape in poetry communities. Curated by Jessica Smith and Susana Gardner.

December 22, 2012

DAY 22: KATE GREENSTREET, You Say Our Love is a Forest Fire

collage by Lilly Pereira
(click image for audio)


You say our love is a f
orest fire

half open
our burning open
your broken open sleeping
longer each day
hours just dreaming of the luggage
woods are burning down the words
you turned to speak
say ours
in a language I can't read
shoulder it
for hours
say woulds are
burning up our metaphor
in black and white
half closed
you turn
why is it so hot in here
you sit and sit and sit you say
our love you see it
burning far away

“You say our love is a forest fire” was made for the opening of Lilly Pereira’s art exhibit at Flying Object in June 2012, a response to her collage “Circular Ruins.”

December 12, 2011


Kate Greenstreet's books are The Last 4 Things and case
, both from Ahsahta Press. Her site is at

[Click post title for audio.]

December 16, 2009

Day 16: Kate Greenstreet

Kate Greenstreet's second book, The Last 4 Things, is new from Ahsahta Press and includes a DVD containing two short films based on the two sections of the book. Ahsahta published Greenstreet's case sensitive in 2006. She is also the author of three chapbooks, most recently This is why I hurt you (Lame House Press, 2008). Find her poems in current or forthcoming issues of jubilat, VOLT, the Denver Quarterly, Fence, Court Green, and other journals. Visit her online at

December 12, 2008

kate greenstreet


from The Last 4 Things

Each tone, each color, has a different vibration. Everything was getting darker, “dimensional.” A woman came here once and fell. To her knees—it was a Sunday, I’ll never forget it. In those days, I was very small. I knew my own grief to be so small, nobody could find it. In winter, just the pilings, ropes; ice in black water, “as seen.”

All these shots are locked down. I can manage when the pressure is steady—packed with dark-tent, chemical boxes and the camera, an umbrella, a lamp. We talked about colors so much. Or sometimes I feel that the LIFE is there, waiting—but I don’t have the part. I know that everything can’t be important. They let me take down the curtains. Everything is slightly hidden from me, all the time. It’s dark. Did you sleep?

Someone’s yelling out there. Have I run out of luck? It’s dark—that always takes me back. Rereading our old mail. I have to try, don’t I? When you asked me about having a secret, I thought it was just a form of greeting.

previously published in Cannibal


Kate Greenstreet is the author of case sensitive (Ahsahta Press, 2006) and three chapbooks, Learning the Language (Etherdome Press, 2005), Rushes (above/ground press, 2007), and This is why I hurt you (Lame House Press, 2008). New work is forthcoming in jubilat, Saltgrass, Hotel Amerika, and Court Green. Her second book, The Last 4 Things, will be out from Ahsahta in September 2009.