Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gameroom Revisited!

The game room is just about finished! It still needs some pictures for the 'big orange wall', but it's at a stage where I'm happy enough to share photos (much to my sister's delight) ;-)

For those who haven't seen the 'before' pictures (and for any new visitors dropping in for the first time too) I thought I'd start with how the room looked after we first moved in, back in December 07. . . .

Ooh goodness, clutter...clutter...clutter! This room drove me crazy those first few months. As you can see the walls are still 'builder white' and this is our old (huge) office furniture, as well as old entertainment unit which you can just see on the left side and old sofa too.

Then after a good few months of mess we finally got rid of the old furniture (via Craigslist) and I painted the walls. We bought new bookshelves and a corner sofa unit from Ikea. I did eventually put brown curtains up at the window but I don't think I've ever taken a picture since then. To me the room always still had that 'unfinished' look to it because we had no artwork or pictures on the walls either.

After recently rearranging the game room so we had more room to move in front of the tv, I bought new material to 'improve' the plain brown curtains that I had from Ikea. Here is how it all looks as of today. . .

The main difference in the layout is that we've moved the two computer desks from the left side (which was pushing the sofa more towards the right and closer to the TV) to right in front of the window, and now behind the sofa. Here's a few more views of the room...

I've managed to still keep our old kitchen and chairs as you can see from below. I was happy I could do this as it makes a great area for playing board or card games. The other two chairs are in the guest room and I can just bring them out as and when we need them. Going to the right of this area leads you in to the 4th bedroom.

And I finally hung some of Kristen's pictures. . . note the wall is still white, but this will change come the fall when I finally get around to painting the rest of the top of the stairs! It will be just the same yellowy cream color as you see in the game room. I would eventually like Kristen's train table to be donated so it makes the top of the stairs look more spacious.

So, there you go! Hope you enjoyed the pictures, and I wish you all a great day.


sadie said...

Your games room looks really good. I like the way you altered the layout too. And I'm still in total awe at the straightness of your fabric panels in the curtains. Honestly, if I tried that the end result would be hilarious, all wonky and up and down! Mind you, if I tried measuring things and took my time I might find things end up more accurate. I can't be doing with faffing around with a measuring tape, so tend to do things by eye. I know, shocking and very lazy!

K's artwork really finishes off the room nicely by the curtains.

Have a lovely Wednesday :O) xx

Amy Bennett said...

I love the changes you made! Thx for the before pictures since I've just been following since BlogHop!

nenna said...

Hi Denise the room looks much bigger and really nice.I love the curtains, you did a real good job.Where you put the computers can you see the screen ok, I suppose you can shut the blinds when that brilliant fantastic wonderful sunshine shines in.Guess what the weather was like over here quite dry and warm then rain as usual. I think everyone is sick of me complaining about the weather in fact I'm sick of myself as I moan all day long about it.

Darylynn said...

Hi Denise! That was good how you showed the evolution! Sectional sofas really are perfect for family rooms and I like setting them out in the room as opposed to against the wall. It's good for TV viewing, too. Great job! (((Hugz)))

Susan said...

Hi Denise, I enjoyed all the pictures and I loved that watermelon you harvested. I bet it was good and you looked just fine in the picture! Hugs

Sue said...

I love what you've done. It really opens the room up. Funny... I never noticed your curtains when I was actually in that room - lol

Love you xo