Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My first tassel!

Do you like tassels? Do you hang tassels around your house? I don't have any tassels in my home, or at least I didn't have, until I saw this tutorial from the Nester last week! I've seen other free tutorials online on how to make a tassel, and I've seen some lovely ones in bloggers homes, but I still wasn't sure how exactly to put one together. You can buy them on Etsy too, but you know how I like to 'craft', so I purchased the tutorial and within days I was heading out to buy some supplies to make my own..... here's my very first attempt:

What do you think? I'm very critical of my own work and think I should have made the bottom tassel just a bit fuller? While I was making it I thought it was too full but looking at it now I'd like to have added a few more inches of trim.

Here's the supplies I started with, just a simple ornament I got at Hobby Lobby and two pieces of trim from there too.

This is the basic tassel (no ribbons) so I started with that first. I was going to make a Christmas one but I didn't want to pack it away so soon after the holidays so I made one I could keep in my dining room all year.

This is where I've decided to hang it (for now), on my black buffet.

Here's another close up. I think I need to change the ribbon it's hanging from, it's too skinny but I didn't have anything else at the time. I think I'll watch for Christmas ornaments going on sale and will buy some to make some holiday tassels for next year ;-) I don't know why but I'm rather 'smitten' with tassels right now!


Elizabeth said...

Hi Denise, this is awesome, you did a great tassel, I love tassels but don't have a single one in the house. Your house looks ready for Christmas. It looks pretty.

Dianna said...

I like tassels too, I was surprised at how expensive they are to buy.

I think it's full enough. You did a great job.

Melissa Miller said...

So pretty Denise! Great work! You could start your own Etsy shop. :)

Cindy said...

I think you did a wonderful job Denise. I have been wanting to make one of them too. So many things to do, and not enough time.

Christmas hugs,

Darylynn said...

Hi Densie! The turkey tassel is adorable and I think the bottom part is just right--- love how it picks up the turkey colors. Looks good against your black buffet, too.

I posted a video of Jacob today. You have to see this poor baby- it's like he's watching a tennis match with 2 crazy women cooing at him! (((Hugz)))

Julie said...

Such a cute tassel! Your buffet looks wonderful. Hope you are having a great week. Love & hugs xx

Tracey said...

Your tassel turned out great and it looks really good hanging against your black buffet! Have you gotten any snow yet? The weatherman said it would probably be around noon before we get any. Hope you have a great weekend and stay warm! ((BIG HUGS))

sadie said...

the tassel turned out well Denise :O)

wow to your snow! I'm a bit dim, because I didn't think you got snow where you are. Must have been so exciting, pity it didn't last!

I got your card on Friday :o) Thank you so much for sending me one. No postal strikes at the moment, but I spoke with my postie who tells me that all is not well (as discussed in the papers) so I still think it's right for me to not send many cards out this year. Shame, because they are turning out very nicely :o)

Thanks for stopping by at CR. Seems everyone thinks it looks Christmassy, so I am happy to leave it all as it is. Good thing, I'm worn out!

Have a lovely Sunday xxxx

knittinbrit_in_wi said...

I love tassels too! You did a great job. However, I think you're right, it does need a fuller hanging ribbon.

You're so creative!