Friday, September 24, 2010

Show Us Your Life!

I can’t believe it’s Friday already, this week really seemed to fly by. It’s nearly the end of September already? Crazy!

I can’t think of what to write about today, so I thought I would join in with the ‘Show Us Your Life’ party going on over at Kelly’s Korner. I don’t really know Kelly, haven’t read her blog before I don’t think (which I will now that I’ve found it!) but Melissa and Kristen both posted about this today on their blogs,  and I thought ‘why not’. It’s always fun to see inside someone's home, don’t ya think.

This week Kelly has asked us to share our master bedrooms. I’ve shown a few pictures of this room before as and when I’ve done some decorating in there, but here’s a look at it all from beginning to now (having just added something new in the past couple of weeks which I hadn’t blogged about yet.


We moved in to this house about 4 years ago. It was newly built and all the walls were a builders ‘white’! This is how the bedroom (above) looked that first day. Very bare, very basic. You can see I have the mirror for the dresser propped up against the wall there!


It’s hard getting a full picture of our master bedroom because of the angle of the door, you either have to aim straight at the bed, or turn to the left to see the rest of the room. Above is the rest of the room. The dresser sits against the wall on the left, the french doors lead out to the balcony. There is a ton of sitting room at the bottom of the bed. It’s still my aim to get either a chair or small sofa there one day. Ideally I’d even like to remove the dresser and put in a fireplace, with a tv above it! But I don’t know if/when that will happen.

Well I finally got around to painting our room about a year later. . .  I bought new bedding when I did too, so it changed from burgandy and greens to gold and terracotta.

DSCF7577 Here you can see the main wall color. It’s Laura Ashley Gold #4 The bedding is from Kohl’s.

DSCF7575 This is the bottom half of the room. You can see the new curtains I hung. These were a perfect style so we could still open the door to the balcony. And you can see the contrast color I used on that wall, the color is called ‘baked clay’ by Waverly Home. Still had pictures to hang.

DSCF7597 DSCF7589

Here’s the top of the room again, with some pictures and candle sconces hung. And that’s how the room has stayed for the past couple of years, until recently. . . .  I added one more thing (for now – is a room ever finished?!)

DSCF2785 Can you see what it is?

DSCF2787  I love it!

DSCF2783 So, here’s how our cozy retreat looks right now. I added more pillows to the bed, but these are actually taken from the game room, so I will be looking for some newer ones for here.

DSCF2788 A closer look, and the room looking a little lighter with the blinds open.


The bottom of the room isn’t looking as complete. . . .


I took away the silk flowers that were on the dresser to use in another room, so I would like to find something else to put there. Right now it’s got one lonely candlestick and two photos – pretty sad looking to be honest. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed the little tour and before and after pics. Hop on over to Kelly’s blog and take a wander around some other lovely rooms.




Tammy said...

Hi Denise. Your bedroom is lovely! I am putting my bedroom together now and you gave me some great ideas. This is the largest bedroom I've ever had, so it needs lots of little extras. Love the pictures over the bed! You definitely have a knack for decorating. I'll have to share some pics of my new house once I get everything put together. It's a lot of work! Hope you have a great day, sweetie. Big hugs!

Tammy said...
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Anonymous said...

Denise, I love the transformation of the room. All your special touches are beautiful.

Stephanie @ La Dolce Vita said...

It looks great! You've done a good job transforming it into a warm space!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

I thought I posted, but I guess I didn't. lol! Beautiful room! The wall color is so pretty and compliments your bedding. I also like the artwork above your bed with the vinyl lettering. Divine design, Denise! ~Liz =)

Melissa Miller said...

Denise it is gorgeous and large! Wow! The paint colors really made a difference in warming it up and your bedding is gorgeous. I love the precious sign too. Sweeet! I like the french doors too. They look elegant with the pretty drapes.

I have never seen a full view of your master bedroom before. I'm so glad you joined the party. Kelly is really nice and has one of the most popular blogs in blog land.

Great job on it! Thanks for showing us and checking out mine too.

Happy Fall sweet friend! ~Melissa :)

Blondie's Journal said...

Your bedroom is so cozy and inviting, Den. I love the colors and I am going to take a cue from you on the drapes on your french doors. I have been looking for a solution to our doors without covering them up completely. Very nice!!


Kimberly said...

I have that saying over our bed too! beautiful bedroom.

Unknown said...

it looks lovely! our room is the least done of all the bedrooms, it could use a facelift :) have a super weekend!! susan

Linda said...

Hi Denise,
Wow-your bedroom is beautiful and I love the colours. My daughter has that saying on a plaque too. Your bedroom is big.
Have a great day!

Southern Lady said...

Your bedroom is beautiful. I think it would be the perfect place to escape to and read a book! Carla

Richella Parham said...

Hi Denise--

I was here earlier today, and you inspired me to join Kelly's party, too! But then I remembered that I had never left you a comment, so I'm back again. :)

I love your room! It looks like a great retreat for you and Jason. I love the way you show the way it's changed over the years. I just love getting glimpses into people's houses.

Is that throw on your bed one of your creations?

Honeycombs said...

Hi Sis, nice to catch a glimpse of another part of your home. Lovely. Spoke to Nenna today, mam was in good spirits when she visited today, they all had a good laugh. Scan scheduled for Wednesday. Love ya xxx

Delchick42 said...

Hi Denise! I love your bedroom. The colors are cozy and warm and inviting. Wish ours was lol. Oh, btw, I'm just waiting on BlogSpark to get back to me on the prize you won. Sorry taking so long. Have a great week. I will let you know when it ships.


Traditions By The Seasons said...

Hi Denise!

I came here to give you an award. It's The Versatile Blog Award. I really enjoy your blog and love your decorating and recipes. You ROCK!! XOXO ~Liz

Melanie said...

I really love the room. It is warm and cozy even though it is big. You have done a great job!

Two of my houses were done in the Gold 3 & 4:)