Showing posts with label molls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label molls. Show all posts

Monday, June 03, 2013

Light infection / Bad Wolf / Roger Molls /Hide

WOW, check this out ,latest video from Bad Wolf production , aka Ben Fry on a Roger Molls Track remixed by Wako . Looks like the The original Cone Prod French crew is going the extra miles on this one, proud of you guys, keep the good work .   -
more info

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Roger Molls on set !

- Roger Molls on set for his latest video clip . !
Pics by Marine Temperman.
more info

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Roger Molls latest album released : Metamorphosis of muses

-f you like to discover and support good music, go spend some money on my homeboy roger molls, auto-production ,no label, no producer, support the artist ... you can listen to it via : and get it from there directly ...or get it via itunes, amazon....DO IT, your ears will give it back to you . - - - - - - metamorphosisofmuses - - - - - -
Release of the album "Metamorphosis Of Muses" on this monday. This album is 100% autoproduction. No Label, no producer, no money. This album is the result of hardworking, collaboration, motivation, coping, a Do It Yourself mind. In this post, I would like to thank all the people who have contributed to make this album real. They have participated on this project for free, for the vibes, for the art. I really want to thank them very very much The Emcees/Singers Paxton Fenimore, Clem Powels, MC John McClane, Above Ave., Kevin Bk Brooks, Slik Jack, Det Inate, Crop Circles720, Original Fisheye. The Musiciens Jonathan Jannotta, Nico Noyl, Antoine Derouck, Nathan Marecaux , Pea Punch The support team Ben Fry, Cône Prod, Samimagine, Cyril , Arom, Monya, Marine, Benco, Gwezm, Audrette, Philipe Baudoin, Sand,... So, last thing, but not least : if you like this album, share it. Unsigned artists don't have access to the medias, you know. So it's up to you to promote it. Thanks a lot for doing it. By you, things will go further. Peace Roger. - - - - - - metamorphosisofmuses - - - - - - MORE INFOS

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Roger Molls - The Listener .HD video clip

- Finally, the long awaited clip for the vibrant sound piece " the listener" is out .
check this out, enjoy the sound and appreciate the overall quality of execution.
A dream in sound as in visuals .

roger molls website