Monday, December 20, 2010

Strange Apparel

I was doing some Christmas shopping today when I came upon a rack of DC t-shirts. I always like to look through those as I have a tendency to buy and wear them (still looking for a good Aquaman shirt).

Anyway, I stumbled across one of the most bizarre DC shirts I've ever seen. Usually super-hero shirts are one of three kinds: they're either the hero's logo, a shot of the hero/heroes, or less often an image of an actual comic book cover.

But today I saw a shirt that had an actual page from a comic. But it wasn't some really iconic or famous image. It was the scene from Blackest Night where "Batman" is brought back to life and everybody waves their hands and something bad happens.

It's a really weird subject for a shirt. It's got all these little boxes of heroes looking on in wonder/confusion/horror at the Black Lantern "Batman" but no caption boxes or word balloons. I mean, I can see such a shirt possibly selling in a comic book niche market. But I saw this at a Target.

I don't think the general public is in the market for a zombie Batman shirt. But then, considering fashion trends in recent years I may be wrong. I mean, when did it become acceptable to wear sweatpants everywhere all the time?

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Monday, April 05, 2010

Brightest Day Begins

No, your eyes do not deceive you. It is I, Doctor Polaris. Alive and well after so many years out of the spotlight.

Did you really think you wouldn't see me with Blackest Night at its end? Did you truly believe that the twelve resurrections on the four page foldout were the limit? Know this: I was the first of many off panel resurrections. Doctor Polaris had returned.

What does this mean for the DC Universe and this blog? First and foremost, my conspicuous absence in the case of the latter has come to an end. No longer will you be disappointed in coming to this site to seek my wisdom. Do not doubt this: Doctor Polaris will be here.

I will also grace the pages of DC comics in the not too distant future. What comic? I cannot say. When will it happen? Soon.

The Brightest Day begins here, loyal readers. For the DC Universe and for this blog. Doctor Polaris has returned. The world will never be the same.

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Thursday, April 01, 2010

Thursday Night Thinking #141

No foolin'... It's Thursday Night Thinking!

Tonight: the final issue of Blackest Night brings us some final thoughts courtesy of the Black Lantern Martian Manhunter.

What further thoughts will Blackest Night inspire?

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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blackest Night #8, Post-Game

Well, it's over. Blackest Night, at least. Be forewarned: here there be spoilers.

With that out of the way let's hit a few of the main points: it's not surprise that characters were brought back from the dead. We all knew that was coming. And like I gathered it was only a select few who actually made it back to life.

As to those who did return, some of them were pretty obviously. Aquaman and Martian Manhunter were both pretty obvious. Osiris and Captain Boomerang? Those were a little more surprising.

The biggest surprise, of course, was Deadman. For a character who was created to be dead, being brought back to life is a bit of a shock. Here, I think, we see the seeds of a very important future story. I think it's very clear that characters coming back from the dead is not all smiles and sunshine. As Nekron said, everyone dies sometime.

Boston Brand said the following: "This isn't right. I'm not supposed to be here." And he's right. Deadman is supposed to be dead. His being a live is in many ways a corruption of the natural order. It's not the way things are supposed to be.

In this, I suspect that Brightest Day won't be quite as bright as some people are thinking. We've already seen the seeds of other terrible evils planted in books over the past couple of years. Blackest Night is merely another chapter in the ongoing story of the DC Universe.

What of the Indigo Tribe and Black Hand? What of Maxwell Lord? What of the newly risen Anti-Monitor?

And who know that the white light of life could also deliver fantastic fashion?

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Blackest Night #8, Pre-Game

Tomorrow comes the final issue of Blackest Night. Tomorrow the new status quo for the DC Universe will be revealed. It all happens tomorrow.

So what is going to happen? Some clues have leaked out. The Rainbow Corps will be headquartered on Earth. Nekron will certainly be defeated. Some characters will undoubtedly be reborn.

Other than that, though? There isn't a whole lot we can be sure of. Really, the doors have been left wide open. Everyone could come back to life or -- just a few. The Corps could expand with more Earth people -- or they could shrink back to just the core.

Anything could happen. While you still have the chance... Give me your predictions.

What will happen in the aftermath of Blackest Night #8?

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Historical Revelations

Whew! What a week!

Sorry about the lack of posting, friends. This week was the start of my Spring Break. And as you all no doubt know, I have a tendency to fail at blogging precisely when I have the most time to do it. A curious paradox, that.

Anyway, have you read any of this week's comics? They are distinctly interesting. I was most intrigued by Green Lantern, flush as it was with delightful revelations.

Mostly I'm talking about the reveal of all the emotional spectrum entities and their origins. I don't know if Geoff Johns is a relgious man, but he does seem to have poured some religious connections into the Blackest Night saga.

Oh, and did you notice what caused the birth of the rage entity? Vandal Savage makes history again...

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blackest Night #7

Well, there's one issue of Blackest Night left. Then I'll be able to stop talking about it... Until the next big story comes along.

Anyway, I don't want to give too much away as some of you may not have read Blackest Night #7. I'll probably talk more about it on Friday, but I just want to hit of a few of the beats that I really enjoyed.

First of all, I think Lex Luthor got one of the best lines in the comic. "What I really want... Is to be Superman." does a pretty good job of encapsulating who Lex Luthor is and what drives him -- even though he doesn't want to admit it to anyone.

Secondly, there's Atrocitus. Atrocitus is, I think, one of the most interesting of all the Corps leaders. He's not simply a mindless brute. He's not a simple "bad guy" either. I really think that Atrocitus -- as Saint Walker hints -- is a deeper character than we've been led to believe. I hope we'll be seeing more of that during the Brightest Day.

Finally, I think it's safe to say that most people got that final page at least partly right. But as far as I can tell very few people accurately guessed who would wear that ring. I know I didn't...

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Parallax is the personification of fear. Ion is the personification of willpower. The Predator is the personification of love. What about the others?

Green Lantern got me thinking about it again this week. If you've read it, you know that Atrocitus tries to snag the the Spectre as his own entity of rage. The Spectre, of course, isn't having any of that. But the Spectre does have some interesting information to impart to Atrocitus:

"I am God's rage, not yours! But I know of the crimson creature of anger, Atrocitus. I have faced him! If you seek him out, he will destroy you!"

It should come as no surprise to anyone that Geoff Johns is setting things up for the post Blackest Night universe. And with Parallax's little disappearing act and Hector Hammonds little "oh no!" I've got to wonder if the emotional entities won't play a big role in whatever Johns has coming up.

I'm thinking that the "crimson creature of anger" might have been seen before. I can't quite put my finger on it, but that description sounds strangely familiar...

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Saturday, February 06, 2010


I'm sure most of you have seen this image by now:

First of all, that's a beautiful piece of art. I'm usually not a big fan of Greg Horn but he hit this one out of the park.

Secondly, holy crap the hits just keep coming. It seems that everything just keeps getting worse and worse for the heroes of the DC Universe. Nekron was bad enough, but the Anti-Monitor? The Black Lantern Anti-Monitor? That's not a villain who will be easy to deal with.

Still, I have to wonder... If I'm not mistaken the Anti-Monitor wasn't willingly turned into the Black Power Battery. And when he gets out do you think he'll line up like a good soldier and do what Nekron wants him too?

I don't think so. I think when the Anti-Monitor gets free he's going to be trouble for everybody... Nekron included.

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Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Re: Mera

Okay, I'm going to ask for some help here. I don't ask for help often, but I'm not usually at a loss as to how to interpret something in my comics for the week.

Anyway, this plea for aid goes out to everyone who read Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #3. Most of it was straightforward and I rarely come away from a Greg Rucka comic feeling anything but satisfied. But right now I'm kind of confused. So here's the question: what exactly is Mera's terrible secret that she's been bottling up or whatever it is?

It seems like a big deal is made out of something that Mera has kept secret for a long time. Something she didn't tell "him." I'm assuming that "he" is Aquaman, but who knows? The comic isn't very clear. What is it that she kept a secret? That she loved Aquaman? She married him so I thought that was self evident. That she hated him? Maybe it's that. Really, I don't know what the big reveal is supposed to be.

Maybe I'm being dense here, but I could really use an assist. Use your superior powers of observation to aid me, loyal readers!

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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

New HeroClix

RRARRR, Black Lantern Azrael here again with some seriously good news for all my fans. In the same way that I and the other forgotten heroes of the DCU have risen from our graves, WizKids' HeroClix game also seems to have been reborn.

Why does this matter? RRARRR! I'll tell you. I only got one HeroClix to represent me, while guys like Hawkman, Booster Gold, and Aquaman got two or more. What are the chances that we'll be seeing HeroClix representing the legions of Black Lanterns? Pretty good, no? And don't you think they're likely to include most of the Lanterns who got lines in the mini-series?

Black Lanterns like me. Don't deny it: when you see those new Azrael HeroClix you'll be feeling avarice. RRARRR!

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010



Black Lantern Azrael back again. And for the record? I hate you all. Please tell me that elicits some rage.

Anyway, it seems they're doing a whole story about Batman's stupid corpse. Why wasn't there a story about my corpse? I don't even know how I ended up dead anyway. They didn't find my body. It's obvious I was alive.

RRARRR! Are you feeling some compassion for my pitiful plight? No? No rage or compassion, huh? Definitely no love here either... I can't think of any reason for avarice. And there's nothing here to hope for. I suppose my only hope is to elicit...


Please tell me that got some fear out of some of you. No? Dang... I'm not very good at this...

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Brightest Day

Brightest Day, huh? Raise your hand if you saw that coming.

That's not to say it won't be an interesting story. But I was really kind of hoping that the post-Blackest Night world would give us a break from crossovers. Brightest Day doesn't sound like a break: it sounds like a continuation.

I'm not really looking forward to another weekly (or bi-weekly as it may be) series. As much as I've enjoyed stuff like 52 and Trinity in the past, I just can't afford a weekly (or bi-weekly) commitment these days.

All that said, I am looking forward to Blackest Night wrapping up. The DCU could really use some daylight...

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Monday, January 04, 2010

The Year to Come

Ah, the first Monday after New Year's. That makes today the day that most people have to go back to work. Luckily I'm a graduate student and as such still have two weeks before classes start. Feel free to hate me.

Anyway: comics! I haven't done any of those crazy lists that people usually have done by this time of year. That sort of thing usually hits on the 31st or the 1st. As you know, I was M. I. A. at the time. But hey, it's only the 4th. So here are some of the things I'm looking forward to in the coming year:

1. The Post-Blackest Night Status Quo

I'm really intrigued by what could be coming up after Blackest Night. As I said in my previous post, it's going to change a long of the stuff in the DCU. I'm not sure what will happen, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to enjoy whatever it is.

2. The Return of Superman

Superman will finally be returning to his own books later this year. I for one am glad to see it happening. I've enjoyed some of what's gone on in the New Krypton story, but I'll be very glad to see Superman back in his rightful place again.

3. The Return of Batman

Yeah, I said Batman and not Bruce Wayne. Dick Grayson may be wearing the cowl but he is not Batman. He never can be, at least not for me. I don't understand why anyone would want to see him keep the position. It just doesn't work for me. Dick Grayson just doesn't have the gravitas that Batman needs.

4. The Flash

I'm very excited about Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul's new Flash series. With the delays on Flash: Rebirth and the cancellation of Wally's title I haven't felt like I've been getting my Flash fix. That will soon change.

5. Doctor Polaris!

Laugh if you will, but I really do think that Geoff Johns is going to get around to bringing back and revamping the original Doctor Polaris. It just can't be a coincidence Johns killed off his replacement in Blackest Night.

What are you all looking forward to in the coming year?

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Saturday, January 02, 2010

Warning: This Post is Very Long

Well, I guess I needed another day after all. Sorry about that folks.

So: Blackest Night #6. Everybody who reads this blog knows I spend a lot of time talking about Blackest Night. It's not that I have an obsession with Green Lantern or even Geoff Johns. For me, the appeal of Blackest Night is the incredible importance it has for the entire DC Universe.

Most of you know that I studied history in my undergraduate years and am working on my M. A. now in a similar subject. I love history. Japan is my chosen field of study, but it only takes second place on my list of histories I'd most like to study. If I could really study anything it would be the history of the DC Universe.

Yes, I'm that big of a geek.

Blackest Night is a history making event in the DCU. It's the first time in a very long time that DC has consistently outsold Marvel by pretty much every metric. Blackest Night is also tackling the issue of death in the DCU -- that's been an elephant in the room for a long time.

When publishers hype their events they always like to talk about how "nothing will be the same." Usually that really is just hype. Admittedly, I still buy into it almost every time. Maybe I'm buying into this time as well. But I truly think that Blackest Night is going to reshape the DC Universe for a long time to come. Here's why:

1. Blackest Night will significantly alter the the meaning of "death" in the DCU. There really is no way around this. For Blackest Night Geoff Johns has tied the villain Nekron significantly to almost every major death and resurrection in the DCU. Nekron is now the canonical reason why characters were able to come back to life. With his probable defeat at the end of Blackest Night the landscape changes. Without the stated reason for resurrections, how can further resurrections happen?

Obviously there are ways around this. After all, a character can "die" like Stephanie Brown or Bruce Wayne. Since they aren't really dead they have no connection to Nekron. But I still think Blackest Night alters the status quo as far as death and resurrection. Will this mean fewer deaths or simply fewer resurrections? I don't really know. But I do know things won't be the way they are now.

2. The fall of the Guardians of the Universe. Those cosmic smurfs have been trying to run the "universe" their way for a very long time. They've constantly screwed up. The Manhunters. Parallax. Sinestro. They have failed at every turn, but have managed to hold onto their positions (or regain them) and keep trying.

They won't get to do that this time. Blackest Night is, in my opinion, the swan song of the Guardians. They've failed one too many times. This time, there's no coming back. Geoff Johns has in some ways said as much: apparently one of the first new arcs coming out of Blackest Night will be titled "The New Guardians." The Guardians have had their chance and failed. Now somebody else is going to be in charge of the Green Lantern Corps. Whoever it is will shape the future of the DC Universe.

3. The resurrection and the life. Character are going to come back to life. There's no question of that. A lot of characters who have died before and during Blackest Night can't stay dead. Too many of them have been slaughtered for that. And after Blackest Night when resurrections get locked down they won't be able to come back as easily. So they'll all come back before it's over. That will be a big shift in the population of the DCU for both heroes and villains.

And even if I'm wrong it's a huge deal. A DCU lacking important figures like Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, and others will be significantly altered. We've had this for a while, no question. But with little prospect for resurrection (in universe if not out) how will that change the tenor of the DCU? How will it affect the way heroes and villains live out their lives?

4. The Corps. That's corps plural. The seven ring slinging corps have been painstakingly created by Geoff Johns over the past few years. Do you really think they are going away? Some people hate the concept, I know. But it's here to stay. And the presence of so many different corps has the potential to have an effect not just on a cosmic scale but on Earth as well. In Blackest Night we see natives of Earth acquiring rings. Will that really be the end of it?

Blackest Night is comic history in action. If we lived in a world where I could study the history of a fictional universe then this is the sort of event people would relate to their grandchildren. "I remember where I was when I read Blackest Night #6. I'll never forget how I felt when I saw Lex Luthor get his orange ring."

Yes, I'm overstating it. But for the characters in the DCU the event really is that big. And though we may come for the explosions, the undead, and the rainbow colored rings... We stay for the characters. And Blackest Night is going to change them all.


Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year

Well, I think that's a long enough break, don't you?

I took a bit more time off than I usually do around this time. Family obligations and all that. You know how it is. But regular posting resumes now. If anyone is still reading this blog check back later for my thoughts on Blackest Night... And the world that's coming.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009


RRARRR! Black Lantern Azrael here to talk about the solicitations for March. Did you jerks notice that they mentioned my old employer the Order of St. Dumas? What do you think that means?

I don't care what you think. Know that I think it means they might actually mention me. They'd better, or I'm going to march right up and tear out Michael Lane's heart. Of course, I'm probably going to try and do that anyway. RRARRRR!

Where's the Azrael/Blackest Night crossover, huh? Stupid new Azrael probably can't carry a book for too long without some sort of big name crossover. Give me the chance to fight my replacement. I've earned that much, haven't I? RRARRR!

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What Are You Going to Do About It?

RRARRRR! That jerk Doctor Polaris might not want to be a Black Lantern, but I like it. Do you think I'd ever have the guts to call him a jerk otherwise?

Being a Black Lantern really frees you up to say what you think. I'm not going to take any more crap from Doctor Polaris or anybody else. Especially not "Batman." I'm going to get you, Dick Grayson. I'm going to pay you back for never trusting me when I was trying to help protect your pathetic city.

I'm going to find Tim Drake, too. He was almost as bad. And you know what? I never met Damien but I think I'll probably want to rip out his heart too. RRARRR!

How do you like the new Black Lantern Azrael, huh? Do I make you angry? Good.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Week in Review

I think I can say that this was one of the finest weeks of comics in recent memory. Consider: this week I got to read Blackest Night, JSA, Superman, and Detective Comics. What god have I pleased to deserve such a bounty? Here's some quick thoughts on each of those:

Blackest Night #5: I think it's safe to say that the $#&% has officially hit the fan. There is really bad stuff going down. And that last bit? I totally didn't expect it.

I think the reason why the rings didn't work is that they were all being employed separately. The colors weren't united. As we all have been expecting, one person is going to have to wear all the rings to get it to work.

Justice Society of America #33: Not only was this a rollicking good superhero action story arc, it's set things up nicely for the future. I think I'm actually going to have to buy All-Stars now.

My favorite bits? Doctor F'ing Fate taking out everybody and Mister Terrific taking out Karnevil like the punk that kid is. Good stuff.

Superman #694: Have I mentioned how much I love Mon-El and what James Robinson is doing with him? I read an interview where Robinson talked about how sad he was going to be when they had to put Mon-El back in the Phantom Zone. I'm right there with him.

Mon-El's gone from being a character I really didn't know much about to being one of my absolute favorites. Still hate the new costume, though...

Detective Comics #859: Rucka and Williams continue to tear things up with this story. It made me mad as hell to see the reason why Kate got kicked out of West Point. And that stuff happens all the damn time. There's no good reason to we should be doing that.

On the other side of things, I loved seeing Kate's initial meeting with Batman. That guy sure does leave an impression. I can't wait until he comes back.

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Friday, November 20, 2009

It's About Damn Time

Y'know, it's days like this that I wish Scipio was still blogging (but then, that's really every day). I feel that I -- or at least one of my co-bloggers -- can do a Black Lantern Doctor Polaris or Black Lantern Azrael justice. But a Black Lantern Vibe?

Only Scipio would've had the right words for this momentous occasion.

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