Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thursday Night Thinking XXIII

As always it's... Thursday Night Thinking!

Tonight, the thoughts come courtesy a certain Jack Kirby:

Ahh... Look at all those Kirby Dots. Don't you think they're beautiful? Guess the context, kids!

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursday Night Thinking XIX

Once again... Thursday Night Thinking! As always, here we celebrate the thinking man (or woman). The schemer, the plotter, the mad genius, and the common man with the uncommon plan!

But one man who's anything but common is Scott Free... Better known as Mister Miracle! What're you thinking about, Scott?

Nothing like fifty floors of howling enemies to make you sit back and think about life...

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

King Me

The date? October, 1970.

The comic? Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #133.

The debuting writer, artist, and editor? Jack Kirby.

22 pages, 240 word balloons. 219 of which end with an exclamation point. All the rest end with a Sunday Punch:

I guess there's a reason why they call this guy "The King."

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