Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta drawing. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta drawing. Mostrar todas las entradas


viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011 by Diantres , under , ,

Hi i'm not dead. yet.
i'm enjoing the summer also doing some comic coloring work.
lately i've started to feeling more motivated to do things on my own even if they don't have immediate financial success, than working for others, i still have bills to pay but that is another matter.

also i'm focusing more into calligraphy, lettering etc. than drawing is pretty fun, and helps to think more in a concept than a execution. i'm still a noob at this, i need to practice more.

for Valentines Day

Blackletter + Script practice

Paracaidistas = Airborne Forces, but also is a term to party crashers in chile.

the infamous meme

i like that "S"

some monograms of my 'hood inspired in the famous NY and LA ones.

mixing a New Era cap and a carabineros (police in chile) cap

Forever_alone again, in a kinda tattoo script style.

All done in Paint Tool Sai, is a light and simple drawing tool, check it.


miércoles, 5 de enero de 2011 by Diantres , under ,

Hello, posting some works from the past year! Bring it on 2011!

"Cada uno se muestra en la esgrima tal y como es"

-Jaime Astarloa

Una serie de trabajos personales

Serie of personal works

Betcha If You Check It Out

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010 by Diantres , under , , , ,

Hey, i have a mini site where you can read my comics:

>>Rodrigo Avilés Comics<<

hope to draw some new to show, in the meanwhile, check my lastest drawings:

^ Blue Spotted Tail. influenced by japanese artists.

^Riot. digital.

^S. Ink on paper, keeping it simple.

^i don't know what is this haha.

^ Manga-influenced test page, inspired by another drawing of mine: Luchatron

Picture Book Report: 100 años de soledad.

jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010 by Diantres , under , , , ,


here's some new Art to show

My illustration of the novel by Gabriel García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude, for the wonderful website Picture Book Report: a group of illustrators choose a book each one and create original art about them. I was accepted as a guest artist and do one image:


Mi ilustracion de la novela de Gabriel García Márquez, Cien Años de Soledad, para la página Picture Book Report: Un grupo de ilustradores eligen un libro cada uno y crean arte original para ellos. Fui aceptado como artista invitado para realizar sólo una imagen:

Some process, my main focus this time was do a scene with various elements, i usually tend to do simple compositions. The book have many wonderful things to illustrate but i choose this scene, in a way representing the Buendia family  surrounded by many different things, but still being more representational than metaphorical (i could include objects form other parts of the book) 

In conclusion, this is a illustration of a certain scene, not for the entire book.


Proceso: mi objetivo principal fue ilustrar una escena con varios elementos, usualmente hago composiciones mas austeras. El libro tiene muchas partes maravillosas e "illustrables" pero elegi esta escena, que de una manera representa a los Buendía, envueltos en un sinúmero de cosas, aun asi esta escena es mas "representacional" que metafórica (podria haber incluido objetos de otras partes del libro.)

En conclusion, esta es una ilustracion de cierto pasaje, no del libro por completo.

^ graphite sketeches / bocetos en grafito

hand painted sign / letrero hecho a mano

 Screenshot of the work in progress / Captura de pantalla de un punto en el proceso

See you next time! / Chao pescao

Random drawings

sábado, 5 de junio de 2010 by Diantres , under , , ,

just random drawings between coloring pages to keep the hand warm, graphite or ink, and color in photoshop

Livestream drawings!

jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010 by Diantres , under , , ,

The last Saturday i did a drawing session online on livestream, here some drawings:

^Pope's Batman Year 100 version.
^Liz Sherman from hellboy

^this one is quite weird. Beartato and Reginald human version. from Nedroid.

^These are few of my Favourite Things.

^my best drawing ever, hahaha.

Co-Co-Co-Combo Breakers!!

viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010 by Diantres , under , , , , ,

Hi to anyone who read this haha.

Good news! i brought a new scanner, so i'll upload tasty Art more frequently!

something old, something new and something blue:

^2009 work. for an exhibition. Illustration about the controvert Ekkart Arbeit and the sudafrican runner Caster Semenya.

^for an adidas contest. i didn't win.

^Fanart of Machete!

^Mi trabajo de colorista en TRIUNFADORES, para el mercurio y mi ilustracion en LaCabeza

^sketches, 1-Desire from Sandman. 2-fok off.

>I'm still working on Sullivan Sluggers, here's a Mark and James interview on Newsrama.

that's all folks~

cars sketches 01

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010 by Diantres , under , ,

I've never been interested in cars, but in my opinion this is something that any artist should be able to draw.
this is my first try on cars. they are very small sketches (under 2 inches) for each one.
i started drawing normal models but ended with famous cars from films and TV. now i like cars a bit more!

the first one to name every car on this image, wins a prize!. send me a mail, post here or pm me on twitter!

Abril cog.. dibujos mil

martes, 13 de abril de 2010 by Diantres , under , ,

Hi people!

^Bearfight: i did this illustration for the BEARFIGHT! book, published by Banner Year Press. I mean, a book called BEARFIGHT!, awesome! heres a video with the book. HIT THAT BEAR!:

^Esta ilustracion la hice para el libro/zine "BEARFIGHT!" publicado por Banner Year Press. Acá un video con los aportes de otros dibujantes:

^LaCabeza: i did this illo for LACABEZA, a free zine distributed arround Spain and Latin America, for an article about a girl talking about small penises. Using ink instead digital, fun!

^Hice esta ilustracion para LACABEZA una publicacion gratuita distribuida por Hispanoamerica. para una columna de opinion sobre... los penes pequeños, haha. Tinta sobre papel.

^and a time warp meme:the 15 year old myself , and my life now. it's funny see how things change and other stay the same.

^yo a los 15 y actualmente. que raro notar las cosas que cambian y las que no.

^A Fox. Un Zorro. Nib pen on paper.

I would like to show more drawings but my scanner died. :(

Mi scanner se murio, asi que no puedo mostrar más dibujos por ahora.


my baby shot me down...

jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010 by Diantres , under , ,

Hi people, my current jobs has been delayed for various reasons so today i had time to draw whatever i wanted!! with is great but wasn't economically factible to do everyday.. yet
heres a drawing with ink usin nib pen, photo reference from the awesome senshistock

hola, hoy me tomé el dia libre y dibujé bastantes

trying to use some blacks, drybrush technique etc. inspired by Toby Cypress' work.
intentando usar zonas de negro, en esta caso inspirado en el trabajo de Toby Cypress, no me gusto mucho mi resultado

a collection of random drawings. and a mudkip.

dibujos varios y un mudkip

and a little preview of an illustration, i will show it if make if sees print on a book (or not)

un adelanto de una ilustración que se viene! para un libro.

it's a hard life for a bear.

In other matters my country is still heavily damaged for the recent 8.8 earthquake. specially at the center-south cities, if you have some money to spend helping:

gente de chile este es un pequeño afiche que realicé, para hacer campaña fuera de internet, ojalá se propague:

Earthquake and ink

domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010 by Diantres , under , ,

Hello to the few people who read my blog. Here in Chile we had a great earthquake who destroyed many buildings , took various lives and left many people without a house. Lucky for me, i didn't had any kind of loss, but the earthquake scared the shit of me. Hope everything will get better, specially at the south of my country

Hola a los pocos que leen mi blog, acá en chile ocurrio un gran terremoto, que destruyó muchos edificios, tuvo algunas víctimas y dejo a mucha gente sin hogar Afortunadamente para mi, no tuve perdida de ningun tipo, el terremoto me asusto mas que la cresta eso si. Ojalá todo se arregle, especialmente al sur de mi pais.

Well, time to show images:

⇧ i did a fanart of Guy Davis' character the Marquis, i like Guy's work.

and inking practice in my sketchbook first two based on photos of the sartorialist :


  • Currently reading: GYAKUSHU! (psst is great, and free to read!)

time to sleep a bit and get back to work, i guess. take care.