Wednesday, September 9, 2015

September 9th

                 This is my wall.  
Eleven rows of twenty-three! Almost half way there! This should finish 90 x 90. I am cutting the 60* triangles from 4 1/2 inch strips.  I tried to use all stash but have had to buy some more greys.

I made this HST quilt from all the leftovers from the Swoon raffle quilt.
I plan on donating it to the show boutique for sale. 
Another recent finish is my practice wagon wheel wall quilt. The background is osnaburg fabric and it quilted very nicely.  I did have to un sew a few times and that was NOT fun with the looser weave but it was do able.

          The pieced back.

I have just started quilting my batik NYB. I entered it in the guild show, so it must get finished!!  Nothing like a dead line!

                   Fun times!


Karen said...

So many pretty neutral color fabrics in the triangle quilt. Looks good.

Mary said...

You've been accomplishing a lot! Beautiful work!