I didn't made something with shabby style.
And yesterday I made this gift bag special for my sister in law.
I can't listed the embelisment on it, I still feel crazy with my messy table after made this. LOL.
Thank you for stopping by.
Challenge that I follow :
Sept IAR Challenge - http://iamroses-challenge.blogspot.co.id/2016/09/september-iar-challenge.html
Midweek Magnolia - http://midweekmagnolias.blogspot.co.id/2016/09/midweek-magnolias-147-redwhiteblue.html
AAM Challenge - http://allaboutmagnoliachallenge.blogspot.co.id/2016/09/aam-challenge-16-all-about-doohickeys.html
Deep Ocean Challenge - http://deepoceanchallengeblog.blogspot.co.id/2016/09/challenge-138-anything-goes.html
Dian Ratna.