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Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Sunday 11 September 2011

Farewell Party - July 2011

My friends in Egham, Staines and Windsor has kindly arranged a farewell party for those leaving the UK. Thank you very much, from the bottom of my heart. It was a really joyous one. Lots of laughter and tidak ketinggalan plenty of foods. Macam-macam ada. Semuanya pandai memasak. Bila berjauhan, nak tak nak kena belajar. Kalau tidak, tak dapat la merasa makanan Malaysia. Kat Malaysia bukan main lagi, dapur pun menjengah sekali-sekala, kat sini, memang bersilat kat dapur le jawabnya, hehehhe.

The leavers.....Syida, K Lina, Maswa and me.

One special gift from my beloved friends.

Prezzies for the White Elephant. This game is great!!! I love it!

To all my friends in London........Selamat Hari Raya dan semoga berjumpa lagi. Kenangan bersama anda semua tetap bersemadi dalam hatiku.

As dan famili.

Friday 9 September 2011

Enjoying Summer - May 2011

Summer..... a jolly good season to catch up with friends whilst enjoying the outdoor activity - particularly a trip to the Windsor Great Park. We had a good long walk....almost 3km long, filled up our tummy with finger foods and relaxed under the colourful panorama of the lake. What a bliss!!

Alia and Taha, Farida's son.

First time dengar skunk cabbage. Nak tau macamana rupanya?

Ni la rupanya...kat belakang kiddies ni...besar. Tak pasti la pulak bau busuk ke tak tapi budak2 ni cakap bau busuk.

Barisan kanak-kanak.

Barisan ibu-bapa. Kesian Zamri, kepalanya terpotong separuh. Alia yg amik gambar.....

Selepas meronda taman ngan Farida, kami pegi BBQ kat Silwood. Burger kat sini selalunya memang sedap tapi selalu sangat aku dapat makan sikit je sebab ramai students so agak berebut2 la. Aku pulak sbb dah tua, malas la nak buat gelojoh, kan. Agaknya sebab tu le makanan terasa sedap je...sebab aku dapat sikit.

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