Showing posts with label socks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label socks. Show all posts

Sunday, 15 April 2012


Last day, end of the casual times for a while.  It's been a good fortnight, one in which I have felt more fit and well that I have for a while and in which there has been plenty of time for resting, relaxing and generally unwinding.  For once I don't feel I need another week to recover although if you came along and offered one I wouldn't decline!

I finished that little jumper and very cute it looks too.  I'll post a photo when I get it off my camera.  I also had a go and some little baby socks which I don't think are as small as they need to be.  Hardly surprising really, seeing as I used DK yarn and size 4 needles instead on the ones on the pattern, but they'll do for someone, I am sure.  I will try the smallest size and see if that works better - once I have finished this pair, that is.

The other piece of news, such as it is, is that the vegetable chili worked out really well and now I have a pot of spicy deliciousness for lunch and other meals.  I think I will need to jiggle my meal plans around to avoid having to freeze a pile of it.  I'm trying to run down my freezer a bit and I'm not going to succeed if my leftover veg meals produce such a bounty as this, am I?

Today is going to be slightly on the boring side.  It's mostly going to be getting ready for the next term.  DG and DD come for lunch so that will be very nice and a break in the dullness!  Better get going, I suppose . . .