Showing posts with label Tatting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tatting. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Some Tatting and a Question..

So I found some of my all-time favorite beads that I stole from an old pair of earrings and my silver Lizbeth thread, and this is the result:

The pattern is the "Quadrille" from Yarnplayer's store as well as her new book. They have findings on them now, and I have worn them since this picture was taken. I have found that my tatting looses its shape during the day, and will have to starch these before I wear them again..

I also finished the small motif from last post, but haven't gotten it blocked and photographed. ^^ I'm falling a bit behind!

I'm also working on a hanky at the moment, and this one will have six different rounds. This is what I've already got:

My question is, for the corner on the first round, the pattern (at least in my book) says this:

"Repeat rs and chs until corner is reached, when there is but one r, and the chs next to it join by 1st p."
The copy that's on Georgia's website (located here, and called "The Priscilla Tatting Book #2", page 9), says this:

"Repeat rs and chs until corner is reached, when there is but one (3 r joined together)."
Can anyone help me figure this one out? This is the picture of the pattern (and sorry it's so dark -- I couldn't get a decent photo and this was the clearest I got):

To me, it looks like the corner should have two rings instead of just one, but the picture is really hard to see. Anyone ever completed this pattern? I know it's a "traditional" one (and one that I've already done but with different stitch counts), and it's written in long hand, which has always confused me..

Happy Tatting, all!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

I think I'm back..

Possibly? Maybe?

Ever had one of those days where you didn't feel the need to do anything? Has it ever stretched into a month (or two) of nothing?

That's how the last few months have been. It's mostly been just focused on going to work and coming home to do a whole lot of nothing. I haven't had the energy to do much else -- it doesn't help that all my hours were turned around and I was working more than I was used to.

Then, about a week ago, I spied my lonely spinning wheel with a bobbin barely started with some fiber that I had dyed around Easter. So I started spinning. And spinning, and spinning.. I don't have pictures of a finished project as yet, mainly because I have two almost-full bobbins of singles ready to ply! Hope to have those both finished by next week sometime, and have lots of pictures to show then.

I have been doing a little tatting, in fact I'm in the process of working on a smallish motif right now:

It's from the book "Tatting Patterns" by Julia E. Sanders. I bought it back when my laptop charger died, as well as Yarnplayer's new book. What I didn't know was that the book is a re-print of one that is on project Gutenberg (whoops!). Sorry for the scan -- I'm not at home at the moment so I don't have my camera. Hope to have this finished by tonight! ^^

I think that's about all that I have been doing crafting-wise. Hope to get back into blogging soon!

Happy tatting! ^^

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Annual Egg Toss, everyone!

And by egg toss, I do mean egg toss:

I have several things to show today, and most of them are in progress shots, mainly because I can't wait to share any more, so this post may get a little long. Sorry for that!

First off, a big, BIG thank-you to both Lace-Loving Librarian and Crazy Mom. While I'm not quite back to "normal" I am getting there, and both of your comments made me smile. Thank-you, ladies!

This past week has been filled with many things, so I'm going to try to take them one at a time. First off is attempt 1:

I couldn't really get a good picture of this, as I took it while I was at work. Anyone see why it's attempt 1? Well, silly me forgot a picot and 5 stitches on the first chain outside the knot, and by the time I found it I had already gotten three and a half arms done. See the beads, though? They are Delcias! Which reminds me..

Late last month, I had taken some time out while visiting M to run a few errends. There's a bead shop not far from his house, and look what I found:

All in all it wasn't too bad. Spent $20 on two tubes of beads and the Bead and Button magazine that has Yarn Player's tutorial in it! I went there looking for it, as I haven't been able to find it at all anywhere else (though to be truthful, I didn't go to B&N.. I woulnd't have been able to buy the magizine for buying books! lol). Right inside the door was the magizine rack and there it was! I squealed, which amused the shop keeper.

Just before I left his house, I found out that I had gotten the promotion that I had been trying for since my birthday last year. As I was coming home, the lighting was beautiful outside and I snapped these pictures:

 Inspiration! ;)

The first one was taken right outside my house, and the second was at the end of the road looking towards the south. While I was on the side of the road, I had a gentleman slow down to make sure everything was alright.

I have another tatting project that I'm working on, but I'll have to share later as I didn't take any pictures of it earlier.

Happy Easter, all!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I have tried starting this blog for several days, but haven't really been able to find the words that I wanted to say. Forgive me if this is a bit rambly -- there's been so much change in my life the past week that even my head is spinning.

First off, I have several projects in the planning stages, but the most important one is this one:

Celtic Cross

I've tatted this one a few times, but this time it's for a card to send to family. I had a family member pass away from CF, and it's one of the main reasons I'm off-kilter at the moment..

I also have a few hankies that I need to tat, and I think I'm going to go with the same edging that I used last year, but with different colors and beads. I found on the Tat Calendar where someone has created a corner for the edging, so we shall see how it goes.

All hankies are for co-workers who are getting married and/or getting ready to have a baby. If I had time, I'd knit up some washcloths, but I doubt I'd have the time.

Sorry for a non-picture post.. I'm really tired and really don't have anything to show for my absence. Hopefully I'll be able to share some tatting next time. 'Till then!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Need advice..

Remember this doily?

Well, Nancy Tracy has added another row to the doily, and I can't decide if I want to add it or not. Any thoughts?

Here's the link to the finished pattern. I really like how lacy it is, but I also like how open it looks right now..

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Neopolitan Finished!

Although it lost some most of its shape during transit and needs to be blocked again....

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Neopolitan Woes

Hi all! Happy New Year! Hope everyone is having a wonderful post-Christmas time! ^^

I've been suffering from some computer woes lately, and in fact had to wipe my drive and re-instal my OS, but now my laptop is back up and running for a new year. Looks like spring cleaning came early for me lol.

I've been working on a new tatting project, one that I didn't put too much thought into the colors until after the second round. I've misplaced the nearly finished piece (all that was left was to hide two ends and block! ;-;), but I do have an in-progress shot to show:

Sorry for the exceptionally blurry picture.. It seems as if my phone's camera lens needs to be cleaned! I was working on this at work, so you can't really see all the colors right..

All done in size 20 Lizbeth thread, Dusty  Rose Lt, Ecru, and a light brown that I've misplaced the color name.. Pattern by Nancy Tracy from Pattern here.

She's posted this in parts over a few months, and I'm debating whether to keep to these colors or use darker threads the further out I get. Hmm.. Thoughts anyone?

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Being Techie-Crafty

After going through one of my bookcases and getting rid of quite a few books that I will never read, I took a look at my craft books and decided to put them into a database that I can search. I've already moved my personal blog onto a thumb drive, and thought that another blog would be a good way to go.

Currently, I've only scanned in two of my three sets of quilling kits and a few tatting pages from 24 Snowflakes in Tatting, so I expect this to be a long-ish term project. Has anyone else done something similar? Even if it's just to scan in your books into a computer just to preserve them.. I mean, not long after Izzy came to live with my sister I got Easy Tatting by Ruth Perry, and this is what happened:

Teaches me to look away from the book while working on a project! >.<

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I'm Still Alive


(taken with my webcam. Can you say awkward?)

This semester, I have taken on a bit more than I should have, so I haven't had time to take pictures and post them. I have been tatting and knitting, though..

My fall break is coming up soon, so hopefully I'll have some time to take pictures then!

Happy crafting!

Pattern: Jon's Merriment Doily, in Lizbeth Victorian Red sz. 10(! more about this later lol)

Monday, June 20, 2011

For the Bride

I have had this finished for awhile now, but wanted to share the end result.

Way back in April, when I got my first antique thread, I had been working on a secret project that was really close to being finished. Anyway, I'll let the pictures speak for me, instead of a long-winded ramble ;(

And, because I liked the bag..

Happy tatting! ^^

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Of best laid plans..

Tat tat tat...

Why hello, Izzy!

Tat tat KNOT!!


Anyone else have this happen to them? I'm about halfway through the first round of the edging for my sundress, and lo and behold.. There be a knot that was tied in factory to splice the thread together.

I had loaded my shuttle so I wouldn't have any ends to hide, and even re-worked the pattern for it to be one shuttle with un-flipped stitches mock rings, and now this snag.

Oh, Lizbeth.. I love your colors, but I'm growing tired of these little grr moments..

Monday, June 6, 2011

Sun Dress

I have been looking for some sun-dresses ever since we started getting them in at work. Let me tell you, some of the dresses we get in are totally adorable (though I have no hope of ever fitting in them.. Up to a size 12 in girls? lol), and shopping around I can't find any that are flattering as well as cute.

Cue last night, on a random pattern finding spree. I googled searched "how to make a sun dress" and got a bajillion results, but through surfing (using, I believe..) I found this tutorial:

Dragon Dress

It's called the dragon dress because of the fabric she used. Wish I could get some of that fabric, but it's either too expensive or not around here, so after a trip to the local department store (need I name it? >.<) I came home with these fabrics:

Two colors instead of the one print.. Mostly because I want a solid strap and some lining to the bust. I love this fabric! ^^

While these are drying, I'm going to try to tat up a quick edge to go along the waist band. No promises, though if it'll be finished in time.

I'll post pictures of the final product and any tatting I may have been able to finish for it. Wish me luck!

Passing 100..

And I had thought to combine several things in this one, but ended up not having quite enough to show.. -_-

I know it's been awhile since I've last posted, so I'm doing one big update. I've done quite a lot since I made the stitch markers, so here I go! ^^


While I was in Mass with M and his family, I pulled out my white thread and got to work..

Several snowflakes were born! ^^

M's granny told me that one of her aunts tatted and she never got anything. These, as soon as they're dry are going in a box and being sent back to her as she was fascinated by them as I was tatting them!

Yes, I know they need to be cleaned and blocked.. I haven't found the time to do that yet, though I have a feeling I'll get it done later this week..


I finally picked back up my drop spindles and finished this up from slimchicken:

I don't know the exact yardage, but this has been blocked and wound into a cake. I'm not sure what I'm going to make of this, as I didn't get the yardage that I wanted from it. It's a thick/thin, sport weight chain plied, and is 4oz of superwash. There was a bit of fiber that was a little tangled and wouldn't straighten out when I pre-drafted, but I thought it turned out lovely anyway!

I have so many things planned for the next few weeks that I don't know how I'm going to fit them all in! I should have some more crafty goodness soon, so check back!

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Look at Stitch Markers..

Had an idea about a week ago, and had to try these out before they took over my every waking moment.

I bought the book Knitted Lace of Estonia this past Christmas with a gift card from a friend, and have been wanting to play with the patterns in it. I've mostly been to scared to tackle this style of lace, but I decided in the past month or so to give it a shot.

For those who have this really awesome book, I'm knitting Lace Edge Pattern 3 on page 147.

Anywho, I wanted to start it off right, so I made these little stitch markers as a trial. I've never worked with them before, and so they're not finished the way I would like (please ignore the fraying knots! When I make a full set I'll hide the ends, I promise!^^)

I have learned with this project that when one is working with knit-stitch markers, when slipping the markers on the right-side row (as if that wasn't confusing enough), hold the decoration to the FRONT of the work. This will keep you from having to slip them through the bars at the back. Likewise for the BACK of the work, slip them on with the decoration to the FRONT of the work (facing away from you).

Any knitters out there who would like to share in this, or have any suggestions for a n00b like me with markers?

I have a few projects in mind for when I go to Massachusetts later this week for some of the thread that I won, and I'll share when I get the chance. But I wanted to share this picture with everyone of one of my sister's flower vines:

One day.. This flower will be MINE!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

New Threads

Hi all, I know it's been awhile, but you'll see why in my next post! Gotta finish up one component and block it all, then I can share! ^^

Recently I won my first Ebay auction on some treads. I couldn't resist -- all the colors were beautiful and were all threads that I haven't tatted with before!

All together, I got nearly 80 balls of size 70 thread, with a few size fives and threes mixed in. There were also some multiple balls of the same colors, so I'm offering them up on the thread exchange as soon as I can get them measured.

I couldn't resist sharing, as they're all so pretty!

Once I get them organized by color and the cards made, I'll repost with better pictures (I couldn't wait to share!)

Also included was two small crochet edging samples:

I really, really like these. Anyone know where I might can find the pattern? They're both the same.. All I know about these are that they were bought from an estate sale.

.. And to show that I have been tatting...

Sneak peak of what's to come! So many ends to hide...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Taking a break..

Had to take a break from the doily. Apparently I can't keep my mind on one project at the time, as I now have a few new earrings to share. Pattern from

Yes, that is my white board. What's funny is I left these on the board because I had to rush to work, and found a little note telling me that my roommate liked the ones with the beads! I'm working on matching bracelets, without beads right now, and it's almost finished (sorry! No picture!)

I've found that I've gotten bored with most of the crafts I've been into. Does this happen to anyone? I'm still tatting and spinning, but my knitted lace as well as crochet has taken a back-burner. Right now, I'm trying to get organized. My current work area is all over the house and I can never find what I'm looking for!

Hmm.. If it's pretty tomorrow, I may pull out my dye and paint something.. Lots to think about..

I'll lave you now with this picture. The peach trees are blooming, and my roommate spotted this one in our back yard and I had to get some shots of it.

Happy tatting! ^^

edit: Sorry if there are more than one of these in your blogrolls.. I couldn't get the peach image to work correctly - ie. no link to fuller image. I still can't, so it'll have to stay this way, but if you want to view on Picasa, click here.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Silver Heart

I ordered some shuttles from Handy Hands a few weeks ago for an upcoming trial, and decided that I needed some gray thread. Our of all the threads, the only color I could find was silver Lizbeth, so I ordered some in size 20l.

Remember my post about Heart's Desire by Susan Fuller?

Finally got it right! ^^

Also this weekend I spent some time with M, and had a lot of free time..

I'm on the fourth row of eight (I think?), and this row is kicking my butt.. I've never been able to keep the spacing between even, and this isn't. Ans so long as I can ignore the tiny mistake.. I think I'll like this doily. It's from "A New Twist on Tatting," and is pattern #26 (I think...) and is in Lizbeth size 20 Caribbean.

Also, while we're waiting for th severe storms to appear..

Thought I'd share this night shot of my pansies. Will have to share a new pic later, since they've EXPLODED since this was taken!

Happy tatting! ^^

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Sepia-Tone Valentine

I have been tatting, but with the loss of my camera (the brownie got it, I just know it!!), I haven't been able to share. I've borrowed my sister's camera for now..

I had the shot all nice and pretty, and then the camera decided to say no..

So I brought them all inside and took another picture, this time on white cardstock.

Sorry it's so blown out; I couldn't control the flash like I usually do..

Patterns are from left to right:
Teri Tatbit, Sadie's Heart
Jon, Mother's Day Heart

As for the Celtic one.. That's one that I'm working on. When I get the pattern sorted, I'll share.

Also made another pair of earrings..

The beads are blue, though you can barely tell. Love this pattern!

All of these are in size 20 thread, Lizbeth colors Ecru, Mocha Light, and Mocha (I think?)

I have a few more pieces to show, but those will come later (wanted to get some more to add to them, as they're all a theme..)

Happy tatting, all! ^^

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Some Tatting

After my last pair of earrings that I posted, I was contacted by a friend who wanted me to try these in some different colors. I still need to hide the last end, but this is where they are now:

Soon they will be flying off to live with her, but I had to share.

Have been having troubles with the internet lately, and hopefully they have been resolved. I have a whole host of things to do, so look out! lol

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Another pair!

Had to try out another pair..

"Carnival" by Yarnplayer, in size 20 Lizbeth, and with size 10/0 seed beads and size 6 and 4 mm glass pearls.