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Showing posts with label Pet Pride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pet Pride. Show all posts

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Spotted Dream Catcher

This is my sister's horse, Spot. The long name is Spotted Dream Catcher. She took this photo when the snow was melting at the end of this winter season. This is my sister's pet pride and joy.

To see more participants of Camera Critters hosted by Misty, go here:

To see more Pet Pride participants hosted by Wings and Paws blog, click here: Pet Pride

To see more participants of Shadow Shot by Harriet go here: Shadow Shot

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Camera Critters and Pet Pride - Tucker's Reflection

Three Tucker's or just one? Well, it's just one. I took this photo through my kitchen door window. The way the glass is set on the door it gives an illusion of three Tucker's. Tucker was outside on the porch looking up at me. Then I had the thought...Whew! What if I had three Tucker's? He's a handfull just by himself.

Did you ever wonder what if you had 3 of the same dog or cat? What would it be like?

To see more participants of Camera Critters hosted by Misty, go here:

To see more Pet Pride participants hosted by Wings and Paws blog, click here: Pet Pride

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Camera Critters - Pet Pride -Tucker's Perch

Tucker sitting on his perch waiting for someone to walk by so he can bark at them.

To see more participants of Camera Critters hosted by Misty, go here:

To see more Pet Pride participants hosted by Gattina, click here: Pet Pride

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Camera Critters and Pet Pride - Two Dogs Needing a Home

My sister and I was out and about the other day and stopped at the PSPCA to take a look around. The lady there told me that these two dogs need a good home and need to be adopted together. The one is just heart sick without the other. Chaz is a black and white terrier mix and is 10 yrs old. And, Brutus is a brown and white pug/chihuahua mix and is also 10 yrs. old. Both are males.

As you know it's so hard to adopt out dogs that are older and that come in a pair. So if you know of anyone who would love these two cuties please send them to
The Pennsylvania SPCA
Centre Hall Adoption Center
2451 General Potter Highway
Centre Hall, PA 16828
I wish I could adopt every dog out there that needs a home but unforunetly I can't. Here's their website if you want to take a look. PSPCA Adoption Centre Hall

To see more participants of Camera Critters hosted by Misty, go here:

To see more Pet Pride participants hosted by Gattina, click here: Pet Pride

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Camera Critters, Pet Pride, Weekend Reflections-Happy Easter! - A Easter Bone Hunt

On Friday evening the pet store had a dog Easter bone hunt. Alot of dogs came out for this event. They had to use their noses to sniff out their treats. I didn't take my dog because he doesn't play well with others. At least not at first. If he's around them for awhile then he'll play but he likes to bark alot. Although, he's as sweet as pie at the doctors office. Who'd figure? Maybe he'll get to go next time if he minds his manners. I was out and about and always have my camera with me so this was an opportunity to get some photos.
Here's a photo of everyone starting to arrive with their pooches.

More dogs waiting to find a chewy bone treat.

This fit well this week with these different memes...Camera Critters, Pet Pride, and Weekend Reflections. Below you can find their links, and please feel free to take a look at the different memes this weekend.

To see more participants of Camera Critters hosted by Misty, go here:

To see more Pet Pride participants hosted by Gattina, click here: Pet Pride

To see more Weekend Reflections participants hosted by James, click here: Weekend Reflections

And, after all the visiting the other memes, please feel free to hop over to my Craft it Wednesday blog to see what everyone else is creating. And there's some prize giveaways for you to enter. See the details on my Craft it Wednesday Blog.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Camera Critters and Pet Pride - Tucker

Tucker sticking his nose thru the railing on our porch. Looking out at the neighbor's dog.

To see more participants of Camera Critters hosted by Misty, go here:

To see more Pet Pride participants hosted by Gattina, click here: Pet Pride

Come Join Me! Great Giveaways!
I have teamed up with another blogger for some great giveaways. See the details on my Craft it Wednesday Blog
Join me each week with my Craft it Wednesday meme. I post a new MckLinky each week (usually on Monday), you are welcome to post anytime during that week, not just on Wed. Post a craft or a hobby on your blog and come back to add your blog link to Mcklinky to show off your creation. Sometimes there's prizes and sometimes we post our crafts/hobbies just for fun. Come over and join everyone. Meme repeats every week.

Would love to see your crafts and hobbies! Maybe someone will see something new they are interested in. Maybe you will. Who knows?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Camera Critters and Pet Pride - Tucker

Tucker looking at the camera while trying to take a rest.

To see more participants of Camera Critters hosted by Misty, go here:

To see more Pet Pride participants click here: Pet Pride

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Camera Critters and Pet Pride - Gray Kitty

Sunday is Pet Pride and Camera Critters meme's. Here's a photo of one my sister's cats sitting on the window sill on her closed in porch. She has three cats, one dog, and two horses right now. I wanted to do a silhouette of this cat looking out the window.

Here's the same gray cat where you can see his color in the light.

To see more participants of Camera Critters hosted by Misty, go here:

To see more Pet Pride participants click here: Pet Pride

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Camer Critters and Pet Pride -Tucker Waiting

Tucker isn't allowed in our bedroom so when I go in there he waits at the door for me.

To see more Pet Pride participants click here: Pet Pride

To see more participants of Camera Critters hosted by Misty, go here:

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Camera Critters - and- Pet Pride- Licking His Chops

Today is Camera Critters and Pet Pride...

Tucker must have thought something was good because he was licking his mouth. About a year ago Tucker got this licking obsession and it drives me nuts. Not just licking his mouth like this, he licks his body continuous. Any ideas on how to make him stop?

To see more of Camera Critters hosted by Misty, go here:

To see more posts of Pet Pride, go here: Pet Pride

Please don't forget about my new meme on Wednesday called Craft It Wednesday. Post any a photo of anytype of craft you do. Don't do crafts, post a photo of someone else's craft and tell us about it. See my other site for details at:
Craft It Wednesday
I added two polls on the site if you'd like to add your thoughts.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Camera Critters and Pet Pride -Horses in Stall

Hope everyone is having a Happy Fourth of July! Here's my post for Camera Critters and Pet Pride.

My sister finally got her barn built and was able to take her horses home and not have them live at a boarder. Now she won't have to pay rent.

To see more posts of Camera Critters hosted by Misty, go here: Camera Critters

To see more posts of Pet Pride, go here: Pet Pride

If you have time check out my grandson doing his obstacle course. He loves the show Wipe-Out so my husband set him one up. He's 6 yrs old. I did my first attempt at recording a video clip on my camera. Click on here: Obstacle Course

My Other Blog - "Everyday Life's Issues"

My Other Blog - "Everyday Life's Issues"
Life's issues whether it's weight loss, decluttering, or anything else.

My "Craft it Wednesday" Meme Blog

My "Craft it Wednesday" Meme Blog
Post a craft or hobby each week on any day.