Showing posts with label C.j.Daugherty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label C.j.Daugherty. Show all posts

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Event Report - Foyles Creative Voices 1 - 2nd May 2012

On the 2nd May Neil at Foyles held the first in what looks to be a fantastic series of events.  Each event showcases current YA authors.  They get to share their stories of how they got where they are and also about their books.

The first events authors were the awesome Amy Plum, Ruth Warburton, C J Daugherty and Sara Grant.  I have read books by all the authors and so was really excited to meet all of them and find out where their stories stemmed from.

Photo courtesy of Serendipty Reviews

Going to the event was also an awesome way to catch up with all my bookish pals too!!  We actually got to the event rather early, so got ourselves front row seats.  I have to say it wasn't that wise of Foyles to leave a group of book bloggers unattended in a room at Foyles.  Much laughter and random tweeting ensued, including Viv capturing some of us warming up the seats for the authors.  It was a thrill to be in the main seats just for a while.

The amazing authors took to the stage, with a very eager audience excited to hear their tales.

Amy kicked off the sharing telling us about where the idea for the Revenants series came from.  She told us about her wanting to copyright the word Revenants - it was decided that, that would be rather tricky as its a very well used word.  Amy read a passage from the new book 'Until I Die'

Next up was Sara Grant.  We learnt about where the idea for the story came from.  It was fascinating to hear about her decision to go with the dystopian route.  Sara read a somewhat steamy extract from 'Dark Parties'  Anyone that hadn't read it, surely wanted to after hearing her read!

Ruth was the third author to talk.  It was quite fun to hear from her perspective being the only British author in the group.  I definitely could relate to a lot of what Ruth had to say.  She read one of my favourite passages from her book 'A Witch In Winter'

Lastly C J got to share her tales of becoming the author she is today.  Her book is somewhat different as it is more of a thriller, whereas the others all have the supernatural / different reality twists.  She chose a really exciting part of her story to read that definitely left people wanting more.

The next part of the event was the audience getting to ask questions.  For some reason everyone was rather shy and somewhat reluctant to speak with an audience.  But some great questions did get asked.  I for one need to get over my fear of public speaking!!

At the end we all got to go and get our books signed, which was amazing.  Its so exciting to be able to ask the person that knows the characters we have come to love the most.  Sara for one cleared up something that had been playing on my mind - I won't reveal as this has to stay spoiler free.

And so our evening come to an end.  An absolutely fabulous night was had by all and left me so excited for any upcoming events. 
Many Thanks to all involved in the evening!!

You can read event reports by Serendipity Reviews , Sisterspooky , Amy Plum - Yes Amy mentioned ME!!  Eeek!

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Guest Post - C.J. Daugherty Top Ten School Based Books, Movies / TV Shows

I was very fortunate enough to meet the wonderful author of 'Night School' C.J. Daugherty or Christi as we became to know her at Atoms bloggers event back in November.  Let me tell you she is one of the nicest people I have had the privilege to meet.
Shortly after our meeting Atom asked if I would like a guest post from Christi on my blog.  My answer - HELL YEAH!!!  So this is what we agreed on - Hope You ENJOY!!!

Fun with pretend schools By C.J. Daugherty

I find books and films with school settings irresistible. There’s something wonderful about places where kids outnumber the adults in an enclosed environment. It’s like you can sense a low-grade anarchy simmering just below the surface.

Or was that just my school?

Given all of that, when I sat down to write my first novel, what other setting could I possibly choose?

Here are the books, films and TV shows set in schools that most influenced me when I started writing.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV series)
Oh Buffy (and Willow and Spike)… How I love thee. There’s not much to say about this series that you don’t know already, so I’ll just say that I was influenced by all of it. It’s funny, charming, quick and brutal. Every piece of dialogue Joss Whedon writes is a masterclass for authors. When I need dialogue inspiration, I turn on some Buffy and just absorb the world he creates.

My So-Called Life (TV series)
The short-lived TV series that introduced a teenage Claire Danes to the world, MSCL was the first to look frankly at the world inhabited by ordinary fifteen-year-olds. It also embraced their halting, sometimes wonderfully weird speech patterns, their complex relationships and loyal friendships. It was slow moving, frustrating, funny and beautiful.

Fallen, by Lauren Kate (Book series)
Set amid a world of humans and angels, the first book in this series by Lauren Kate takes place in a beautifully described reform school called Sword and Cross. I loved the world that Kate created – I could get completely lost in it. I was reading this when I first started thinking about creating a school world of my own, and a couple of astute readers have noticed a tiny touch of the Sword and Cross moodiness in my writing.

Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer (Book series)
I think Stephanie Myers captures the awkward transition young people have to deal with when transferring into a new school where everybody already knows each other. I had to do exactly that as a teenager. Those first months when you don’t really know what anybody else is talking about are brutal -- but also kind of thrilling. That sense of being the outsider was something I used a lot in Night School.

Vampire Diaries (TV series)
I’m addicted to this series set in an American high school populated with vampires, werewolves and witches. I particularly like the characters who are meant to be bad, especially Damon, Katherine, and Klaus. The writing is so well nuanced that, even when they do horrible things, they’re also charming and funny so you like them anyway. And, as a writer, let me tell you. That? Is REALLY hard to do.  

Pump up the Volume (film)
Oh, I might as well just admit it -- I love a rebel. Christian Slater stars in this raucous film about a shy new kid at a high school (spot the theme!) in a suburban neighbourhood. He likes the kind of alternative art, music and books you don’t get in shiny suburbs, so he runs a pirate radio station to spread the word to the locals about all they’re missing. So they try to arrest him. It’s genius. And the soundtrack is wicked.

Freaks and Geeks (TV series)
This short-lived US TV series set in an American high school comes closer than any other ever has to my own real school experiences. Its honesty is sometimes painful to watch but it’s also quite touching. And the clever main character who pretends to be less intelligent in order to make cooler friends? That was totally me.

Heathers (Film)
More Christian Slater! This 1980s art-house film about snobby girls in a high school (all of whom are named Heather), and the dark and dreadful things that happen to them courtesy of Slater and Winona Ryder is both baffling and wonderful. Its dark, subversive humour is a huge influence on me.

Breakfast Club
I can sing every song on the soundtrack to this 1980s movie set in a high school on a Saturday when a group of students who don’t know each other are serving an all-day detention sentence. Thrown together, the popular girl, geeky boy, creepy girl, athlete and loser are forced to talk to each other for the first time, and they kind of fall in love with each other. I adore this film.

Say Anything
John Cusack, Ione Skye and that guy who played Frasier’s dad star in this classic romantic comedy that just kills me. Fast-talking Lloyd Dobler does poorly in school but is in love with beautiful super genius Diane Court. She’s not at all interested in him despite the fact that he’s JOHN CUSACK. And then there’s this scene *sniffle* where he holds this boombox above his head *grabs tissue* and plays a love song… *SOBS*  Anyway. You have to watch it. It’s awesome.

Thanks Christi for such a wonderful post.  I LOVE 95% of these and the others I am going to buy immediately - Thanks for the tip!!!

You can my review of Night School HERE

Friday, 6 January 2012

Review - Night School By C.J.Daugherty

"Sometimes school can be murder. . . Allie Sheridan's world is falling apart. She hates her school. Her brother has run away from home. And she's just been arrested. Again. This time her parents have finally had enough. They cut her off from her friends and send her away to a boarding school for problem teenagers. But Cimmeria Academy is no ordinary school. It allows no computers or phones. Its students are an odd mixture of the gifted, the tough and the privileged. And then there's the secretive Night School, whose activities other students are forbidden even to watch. When Allie is attacked one night the incident sets off a chain of events leading to the violent death of a girl at the summer ball. As the school begins to seem like a very dangerous place, Allie must learn who she can trust. And what's really going on at Cimmeria Academy." 

The minute I heard of this book, I wanted to read it.  The cover is very typically YA these days, which is not a bad thing at all.  Although it did kind of shout paranormal at me, which this book is definitely not!!

The book starts off with a really exciting heart pounding sequence.  It sets the tone for where the book is going to go.

Particularly to begin with I found it very difficult to relate to the lead character Allie.  She is very feisty and doesn't play by any rules.  She is basically nothing like me at all, but I do know people like her and they are far more interesting to read about.  As the story evolves Allie does mellow quite a bit and for me became someone I could understand more.

The characters are all built so well, but this left me more confused as I wanted to trust them all but had this sinking feeling that most of them were not what they seemed.  This was proved very accurate, so be careful who you go trusting!!!

There really are some of the most exciting twists I have read in some time.  This left me totally gripped and unable to put the book down, when I actually needed to sleep or do human things.  I do love when a book can do that for me.  The shocks kept coming to the very end, which has made me super eager to get the next instalment.

One slight problem I had with the book, was in places I felt the language was a little too American.  It could just be me being over precious of how us Brits speak though!!!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and particularly loved the fact that it wasn't paranormal, which I really was expecting this to be.  For me it made the story far more sinister and perhaps more likely to happen.  I always think reality is far more scary than anything paranormal or spooky.

Rating 4 Out Of 5

This Is Published In The UK By Atom

This Can Be Purchased HERE and at good book retailers

Come back on Sunday to read a special guest post by the author C.J Daugherty

  • This book was given to me from the publishers in exchange for an honest review

Monday, 5 December 2011

Atom Bloggers Event

Back on the 23rd November Atom books held an event for bloggers, to introduce them to their upcoming books for 2012.  Imagine my shock when they sent me, yes ME an invite!!  I nearly bit their arm off with excitement.  Hell Yeah did I want to go.  I really do thank Atom for re-invigorating my love of books with the help of Stephenie Meyer. 

Before I go any further check out Atom's review of the evening HERE

I started my day off by meeting my regular partner in crime Laura from SisterSpooky: Book Fangirl.  We got a little bit of christmas shopping in first & by Christmas shopping I mean buying things for myself - whoops!!!  I did find a Northanger Abbey comic though!!!

Eventually we made our way to the destination, but far too early so we got to have a well earned Starbucks with our third amigo Andy from The Pewter Wolf.  Laura and I had been having excited fits throughout the day where we would just do a happy dance that we were going to Atom.  This just got worse once meeting up with Andy.  Atom really didn't know what they were getting themselves into by inviting the 3 of us together, once again I am SO SORRY :D
We were then joined by the lovely Clover from Fluttering Butterflies.  It was the first chance I had to meet her, so my excitability probably made me look rather strange!!

We waited as long as we could contain ourselves to go over to the offices.  We tried to look kind of cool, but that was never going to happen.  We walked into the building which is gorgeous and I let out a loud squeal at seeing the Little Brown sign - Not cool Leanne!!!
Atom guys giving their presentation

We made it up to the office which was already fairly full of bloggers - obviously we weren't the only excited ones!!!  My jaw hit the floor at seeing an array of Atom's YA books all over the tables.  I was in book heaven & even got to take a couple that I didn't have.  That was like Christmas day for me alone!!

We got name badges as we got there, as they were going for a back to school theme.  There were some school style nibbles that were YUM!!  But not so school style was the delicious wine they had, it was gorgeous.  Sadly I had to limit myself to one glass as I am not a big drinker and that one glass went straight to my head.  I didn't want to go and make a bigger fool of myself than what I could easily do without any alcohol!!

We were then taking through to the meeting room, where they had placed a folders for all of us to check the new books that were to come.  We took to our seats and were first shown a couple of book trailers and then a cool PowerPoint presentation on all the books.  Here's whats to come......

Night School By C.J.Daugherty
"When everyone is lying, who can you trust? Allie Sheridan's world is falling apart. She hates her school. Her brother has run away from home. And she's just been arrested. Again. This time her parents have finally had enough. They cut her off from her friends and send her away to a boarding school for problem teenagers. But Cimmeria Academy is no ordinary school. It allows no computers or phones. Its students are an odd mixture of the gifted, the tough and the privileged. And then there's the secretive Night School, whose activities other students are forbidden even to watch. When Allie is attacked one night the school begins to seem like a very dangerous place, Allie must learn who she can trust. And what's really going on at Cimmeria Academy"
 We were lucky to meet Christi there!!  She told us a bit more about the book and how she got her idea.  I'm so excited for it!!

Trapped By Micheal Northrop
"The day the blizzard started, no one knew that it was going to keep snowing for a week. That for those in its path, it would become not just a matter of keeping warm, but of staying alive . . . Scotty and his friends are among the last seven kids at their high school waiting to get picked up that day, and they soon realize that no one is coming for them. Still, it doesn't seem so bad to spend the night at school, especially when Krista and Julie are sleeping just down the hall. But then the power goes out, then the heat. The pipes freeze, and the roof shudders. As the days add up, the snow piles higher, and the empty halls grow colder and darker, the mounting pressure forces a devastating decision . . ."
This sounds rather chilling and yet oh so intriging.  Looking forward to giving this a go

The Book Of Blood & Shadow By Robin Wasserman
"It was like a nightmare, but there was no waking up. When the night began, Nora had two best friends and a boyfriend she adored. When it ended, she had nothing but blood on her hands. Chris was dead. Adriane couldn't speak. And Max, Nora's sweet, smart, soft-spoken Prince Charming, was gone. He was also-according to the police, according to her parents, according to everyone-a murderer. Desperate to prove his innocence, Nora's determined to follow the trail of blood, no matter where it leads. But Chris's murder is just one piece in a puzzle that spans continents and centuries. Solving it may be the only way she can save her own life."
How cool does that sound??  This has been described as The Da Vinci Code meets Die For Me - what an awesome combination, very eager to read this one!!

Under The Never Sky By Veronica Rossi
"Aria is a teenager in the enclosed city of Reverie. Like all Dwellers, she spends her time with friends in virtual environments, called Realms, accessed through an eyepiece called a Smarteye. Aria enjoys the Realms and the easy life in Reverie. When she is forced out of the pod for a crime she did not commit, she believes her death is imminent. The outside world is known as The Death Shop, with danger in every direction.
As an Outsider, Perry has always known hunger, vicious predators, and violent energy storms from the swirling electrified atmosphere called the Aether. A bit of an outcast even among his hunting tribe, Perry withstands these daily tests with his exceptional abilities, as he is gifted with powerful senses that enable him to scent danger, food and even human emotions.
They come together reluctantly, for Aria must depend on Perry, whom she considers abarbarian, to help her get back to Reverie, while Perry needs Aria to help unravel the mystery of his beloved nephew’s abduction by the Dwellers. Together they embark on a journey challenged as much by their prejudices as by encounters with cannibals and wolves. But to their surprise, Aria and Perry forge an unlikely love - one that will forever change the fate of all who live UNDER THE NEVER SKY"
We ALL Ohhh'd when this one came up.  I'm mega excited for it, just as everyone else seems to be.  I need to read this NOW!!!

Bunheads By Sophie Flack
"On-stage beauty. Backstage drama. As a dancer with the ultra-prestigious Manhattan Ballet Company, nineteen-year-old Hannah Ward juggles intense rehearsals, dazzling performances and complicated backstage relationships. Up until now, Hannah has happily devoted her entire life to ballet. But when she meets a handsome musician named Jacob, Hannah's universe begins to change and she must decide if she wants to compete against the other 'bunheads' in the company for a star soloist spot or strike out on her own in the real world. Does she dare give up the gilded confines of the ballet for the freedoms of everyday life?"
I've never really read anything set in the dance area so this will be a very different read for me.  Sounds rather awesome though!

172 Hours On The Moon By Johan Harstad
"Three teenagers are going on the trip of a lifetime. Only one is coming back. It's been more than forty years since NASA sent the first men to the moon, and to grab some much-needed funding and attention, they decide to launch an historic international lottery in which three lucky teenagers can win a week-long trip to moon base DARLAH 2-a place that no one but top government officials even knew existed until now. The three winners, Antoine, Midori, and Mia, come from all over the world. But just before the scheduled launch, the teenagers each experience strange, inexplicable events. Little do they know that there was a reason NASA never sent anyone back there until now-a sinister reason. But the countdown has already begun. . ."
Once again this is a different read for me, but I was instantly captivated by the sounds of it.  I have very high hopes for this one!!

Adorkable By Sarra Manning
"Jeane Smith is seventeen and has turned her self-styled dorkiness into an art form, a lifestyle choice and a profitable website and consultancy business. She writes a style column for a Japanese teen magazine and came number seven in The Guardian's 30 People Under 30 Who Are Changing The World. And yet, in spite of the accolades, hundreds of Internet friendships and a cool boyfriend, she feels inexplicably lonely, a situation made infinitely worse when Michael Lee, the most mass-market, popular and predictably all-rounded boy at school tells Jeane of his suspicion that Jeane's boyfriend is secretly seeing his girlfriend. Michael and Jeane have NOTHING in common - she is cool and individual; he is the golden boy in an Abercrombie & Fitch T-shirt. So why can't she stop talking to him?"
Again Atom brought in the lovely Sarra to tell us more about her upcoming book.  This has a great sound to it.  I love all things dorky, so am thrilled by the sounds of Adorkable

8 - 12 years books

The Witch Of Turlingham Academy By Ellie Boswell
"It's not easy being the only day girl at Turlingham boarding school: Sophie misses out on all the midnight feasts and late night gossip. Things take a turn for the worse when a new girl - Katy - shows up and all Sophie hears is Katy, Katy, Katy from her friends. It's like she's put a spell on everyone. Katy's no witch, but there is a witch at Turlingham. Katy comes from a long line of witch hunters whose fate is to stop evil magic once and for all. Sophie is going to help her - anything to get Katy out of her life and get things back to normal. But what she finds out means nothing will ever be normal again!" 
This is kind of Worst Witch sounding, which I think is quite exciting.  There is also a hint of Enid Blyton to them, which sounds fab!!

Creepover By P J Night
"During a round of Truth or Dare, Abby Miller confesses her crush on Jake Chilson. The only people who know her secret are her friends at the sleepover - and whoever sent her a text message in the middle of the night warning her to stay away from Jake...or else! But Abby isn't going to stay away from Jake, especially not after he asks her to the school dance. As the night of the dance comes closer, some very creepy things start happening to Abby. Someone definitely wants to keep her away from Jake. Is it a jealous classmate or, as Abby begins to suspect, could it be a ghost?"
These are Ghostbumps sounding but aimed more at girls - hooray!!  Girls like a bit of a scare too sometimes!!  There are a few titles to come in the new year - worth a check out I think!

Goddess Girls Series By Joan Holub & Suzanne Williams

"Athena The Brain: Athena has always been above average. She has never quite fit in at Triton Junior High, but who would've guessed that Athena is actually a goddess? Principal Zeus's daughter, to be exact.
When she's summoned to Mount Olympus Academy, Athena thinks she might actually fit in for the first time in her life. But in some ways, school on Mount Olympus is not that different from down on Earth, and Athena is going to have to deal with the baddest mean girl in history: Medusa!"

This sounds a fab series.  Telling a modernised tale of how the greek goddesses got their powers and made it to their future destinations.  Sounds like a really cute, fun new take!!

After the amazing presentation we were led back out to the main meeting room, where we were each given a House of Night tote bag that had more goodies inside.  We all got copies of Night School, Trapped, 172 Hours On The Moon & The Witch Of Turlingham Academy.  More sqeauling occured I am afraid to say.  I just get so excited by books!!

We went back to mingling and major geeking out about the books we love.  Christi came over and we had a really fun chat with her about our love of caffine - we are all self confessed addicts!!!
Christi kindly signed our books - she said it was her first time signing things for fans so we were all thrilled to be her firsts.

We had a bit more chatting and basic excitedness and then sadly had to make our way home, but not before the Atom guys took this awesome picture of some of us bloggers - Awwww!!!

Many Thanks to everyone at Atom for making this such a special evening for us all!!

(book synopsis' taken from Amazon And Goodreads)

Sunday, 27 November 2011

In My Mailbox (40)

In My Mailbox Is An Awesome Blog Post Idea Hosted By The Story Siren
Book links will take you to Amazon

I had the most Incredible week!!  I got invited to my very first blogger event (Squee) with the lovely guys at Atom Books.  It was just the best night & a full report on the evening shall follow soon.  For now here are the books I got this week.....


I won this from the lovely Laura at Sisterspooky: Book Fangirl  I've been wanting to read this for a while now, so am thrilled to have the chance

 From ATOM Books

They really did spoil us!!  We got to take any books that we wanted from a selection on tables and we were all given ARCs of some of their new titles

House Of Night Tote Bag

Hoping you all had great weeks too?!!


Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Books That Make Me Go Oooooh (19) Night School By C.J.Daugherty

Waiting On Wednesday is a brilliant book blog feature hosted by Breaking The Spine

Night School By C.J.Daugherty
Published In The UK By ATOM
Due For Release January 2012
Amazon LINK

"When everyone is lying, who can you trust? Allie Sheridan's world is falling apart. She hates her school. Her brother has run away from home. And she's just been arrested. Again. This time her parents have finally had enough. They cut her off from her friends and send her away to a boarding school for problem teenagers. But Cimmeria Academy is no ordinary school. It allows no computers or phones. Its students are an odd mixture of the gifted, the tough and the privileged. And then there's the secretive Night School, whose activities other students are forbidden even to watch. When Allie is attacked one night the school begins to seem like a very dangerous place, Allie must learn who she can trust. And what's really going on at Cimmeria Academy" 

This sounds amazing, with all kinds of twists.  But its got me wondering if its supernatural or not???  This went straight on my wishlist!!!