In My Mailbox Is An Awesome Blog Post Idea Hosted By The Story Siren
All links will take you to Amazon
Sadly my friend went home to Canada *sob* BUT it does mean I have more time for my blog - YAY!!!
Generally been a good week, went to my very first book club meeting!! Also got sent some incredible books, so here we go......
This is a hard back beauty that I think is another fab edition to the series
I got this from the lovely Amulet / Abrams & Chronicle - I am SO EXCITED to read this one
I got this from ATOM books. This sounds pretty interesting, really want to give this one a go!
This Is From MacMillan. I've not read anything by Frances before, so quite intrigued
These are from the fantastic people at MIRA Ink
Eeeeep! This sounds incredible, and it was signed to ME :D
The Goddess Test & Goddess Interrupted By Aimee Carter
I've heard some great things about this series and would love to give these a read
THANK YOU so much to all the lovely publishers for sending me there books!!!
Hope you had a spiffing week?