Friday, January 1, 2010

Wrap-up post

Thank you for participating in the Diversity Rocks! reading challenge. 2009 was a wonderful year of reading for me, and I hope it was for you as well.

I thought long and hard about whether to renew this challenge for 2010. I would like to see it continue, so if anyone is interested in hosting this or something similar, please do so with my blessings! For myself, it's evolved into not so much a challenge as a choice: I will choose to read and review books by authors of color in 2010, as I did in 2009 and, I hope, more so. You'll find my reviews at Worducopia.

This blog will stay up for now, it's a great resource and I see no reason to make it disappear.

This is not goodbye, but I want to send out a special thanks to those who encouraged me along the way, those who accepted my blunders with grace, and those who have become friends (and especially to those who chose -d-, all of the above). I hope I've done the same for you.


susan said...


I'm glad you did the work you did here. I am encouraged that the challenge has evolved to choice you want integrated in what you do normally.

We all make blunders and you do it gracefully with humility and kindness. I'm glad we connected.

Thanks for leaving the site up and know I'll see you often at Worducopia.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know I had fun participating in the challenge last year, and to say thanks for having this challenge and commenting in my blog. It's been interesting finding and reading new authors. One of my goals for 2010 is to trying to add more variety to the authors of color I read.

Ali said...

Thanks, Susan and Jen. It's been a pleasure and I look forward to seeing what the next year brings us.

Doret said...

Thank you Ali for putting this together.

I found some great books and blogs.