
Showing posts with label Thanks and Welcome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thanks and Welcome. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I am so very far behind in my thanks and welcomes....such awful manners I've acquired. My mother would spank my behind if not for the fact she sings with the angels.

So, here's a big thank you and welcome to all those recent newcomers to my humble blog. I'll scatter the shot and hopefully tag all my newest friends. If I miss you, please leave a comment and correct my oversight.

First we have Emily Summer. Emily, I did not see a link to any website or blog. If you write please let me know.

To my new best friend from Bangkok, Goodstuff. Be careful out on those waters.

Mrs. Mac, this is just in case I missed you. Mrs. Mac writes the very nice blog, The Thrify/Garden Home. Please drop by and say hello.

Here's to Ron Dupre...thanks, my new friend.

And, last but not least, my good friend and fellow blogger, SCextremist. Again, not sure if I've listed you in the past but what 'da heck. Again, hello, thanks and welcome.

I promise my new friends....if you comment I shall answer. It sometimes takes me a few hours, or days, and occasionally, weeks, but trust me, I will respond.

Please, pull out a chair and let's have a cup of coffee and chew the fat. You are now among friends.


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Let's Ramble

Some famous writer once said it was bad form to begin any written session with the local weather. I never was one to follow the rules.

Our weather sucks. There, take it or leave it.


I have been remiss. Two nice people have exercised their rights to join my humble blog, and I haven't as yet thanked them. Thanks and welcome to, Mrs. Mac and Mississippi. Mrs. Mac writes, I believe, four different blogs. She's a busy lady with a lot to say. Please give her a visit.

My friend Mississippi is indeed a personal friend. He frequents my shop, is shy, intelligent, and an avid hunter. He can slay the saber-toothed bunny with the best of 'em. Thanks, Bubba.

Again, thanks and welcome my friends. I will try my best to always reply to your comments. Like the Texas oilman once said to his Arab friend, "Y'all family now...."


Last evening I was host to a gathering of armed men. It was our monthly group meeting, and surprise, surprise, all attended. Even Rebel. We had a nice time. Gun fire was held to a minimum.

We've agreed to camp out at our Boar's Nest the 22nd. There will be a nice fire on which we'll char meat, bake potatoes and warm a huge pot of beans. Senior convinced us to hand over a hundred dollar bill...said he'd drive to south Georgia and purchase the group's Saturday night dinner - the best t-bone steaks known to mankind. Claims the steaks are so thick we'll need chainsaws to slice 'em. We'd better for that price.

Senior and Duke are both at the farm today. They said some routine maintenance was needed on the range. Told us how they wanted to do a bit of paint touch-up, rewire some targets and such. Yeah, right. I bet both are covered in gun powder residue. Meanwhile the rest of us are hard at work.

Must be nice to be retired and wealthy.


Yesterday an old timer by the name of Raymond came by the shop. His wife tagged along for the ride. Ray's a fine man, Second War vet and was a lifelong bird hunter. His fondness for Bobwhite quail is legendary. Then one day a tiny little blood clot detached and went about its awful business and without warning Ray had a bad stroke. His right arm is now paralyzed. He's still a tough old booger and funny as all get out.

We stood and chatted - spoke of the winter winds, old farms and pot bellied stoves, the scent of pine that once issued from his mother's wood cook-stove, but most of all we spoke of the absent Bobwhite and how we missed its beautiful whistle, a song of pure delight. At one point he asked me if I remembered the last time I'd seen a covey of Bobwhites. I said yes, but it had been years and the spot I'd seen the covey cross the road is now a major interstate, a spot just east of our community. "Sad, isn't it," he said.

I asked Ray his favorite shotgun when quail hunting. "Oh, that's easy, my Browning." I smiled and mentioned I liked my Winchester model 12 in sixteen gauge. "Not bad but I prefer my Browning auto-loader. When that baby touched my cheek I knew the bird was down."

Ray's wife hadn't said a word. She sat and worked her crossword, the paper folded just so in her lap. She glanced up and asked, "Do either of you know the real last name of Roy Rogers?"

I said, "Slye." Really, I knew. Her, "Good, it fits," then went back to her paper.

Then Ray mentioned he had three bird guns, a Remington along with his Browning and a Winchester. His wife paused and said, "No, Dear, you loaned the Remington to our nephew Owen, remember." He went, "Oh, that's right and he hasn't returned it. Don't matter, still got my Browning."

Her, "Ah, no you do not, sorry."

Ray placed his cane in his bad arm and shifted in place. Gave her a questioning look, "What 'ya mean I don't have my Browning. Its in the closet in our back bedroom."

He appeared worried. I took a step to the side and put on a wait....married stuff needs privacy. An ambulance passed the shop at full roar. She clicked her pen, then, "Ah, well, Owen and his wife wanted to learn that skeet shooting stuff and he didn't have a gun (her words) so I didn't think you'd mind if I loaned him your Browning....," she took a deep breath, "so I gave it to him, since you know, you don't hunt anymore."

Raymond's face went blood red. I 'pulled a Brigid' and pretended I needed a refill on my coffee.

Him, "You, you, you gave away my Browning? You didn't even ask? How long we been married woman? Sixty years if it's a day....and you didn't even ask my permission?"

To say I felt uncomfortable is an understatement. This here stuff was serious. The man welded a cane, she was older than swamp mud but I reckoned she could still take him what with his arm and all....

Then, she began to cry. I coughed. Ray gave me a look and turned towards the exit, said to her, "Let's go."

She carefully folded her newspaper and stood, gave me a quick smile and followed her shuffling husband towards the door. I overheard him mutter, "Well, at least I still have my Winchester, like Stephens'."

"Ah, Honey, about that Winchester....."


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thanks, and Welcome Aboard

Two new followers have joined the cast and crew of my humble blog. Here's a big thanks and welcome to Angela Lee and The Daily Smug. I'm sure many of you read The Daily Smug if not its linked on my sidebar.

Angela I promise to reply to all the best of my ability.

Again, thank you and welcome. Pull out a chair and let's have a cup. You are now among friends.


Friday, October 11, 2013

Thanks and Welcome

To two new friends and followers, M. E. Masterson, author of the blog, 'Adventures of Life.' and Moe. My new friends I promise to always reply to your comments. Ever so often life binds my hands, so please be patient, but rest assured I shall answer.

I ask my other friends, please, take a moment and click and visit M. E.'s blog. I'm sure she'd appreciate it. And, Moe, if you have a blog, let me know and I'll try and send some traffic in your direction.

Again, thank you and welcome. Pull up a chair and I'll pour the coffee. You are now among friends.


Friday, May 10, 2013

Welcome Aboard

I liked to say thanks and welcome to the lovely, MissK. She's a sweet Canadian freedom and gun loving blogger. Please, take a moment and say hello.

MissK I promise to always leave replies to your comments. It sometimes takes me a few hours, or days, but I promise you will hear from me.

Again, thank you and welcome. You are now among friends.

Let's face've got to love Canadians.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Heck of a Day, and Thanks

It's been a long hard day. Finally home and have my feet on a stool. It feels good. Left work and met Sweet Wife and we had a nice quiet dinner (shrimp in sun-dried tomato sauce over pasta) accompanied by soft jazz. I'm stuffed.

I know I haven't written much over the last few weeks, but please bare with me. Tomorrow I should finally finish my tax work. Four straight days of pure hell. Have I mentioned how much I hate taxes.

While stopped at a traffic light, very early this morning, I caught sight of an eagle. In her talons she had a death grip on a large pine bough. She held a bee line for a cell tower. Her nest was located near the top. She strained, and pulled, and yet I knew she'd never make the nest. She just didn't have the angle or power to heft such a large piece of limb to the newly formed nest.

Sure enough, about half way I could see her lose all enthusiasm. She banked sharply north and released her prize, then she banked east and climbed to her nest, talons empty.

Felt sorry for the little lady.

We all have our difficulties in life.


My new friend, MI2Tall, became a follower today. Thanks, my new friend. Please, run over and say hello for me. I really like his header picture.

Thanks, my new friend and welcome aboard. The coffee is always fresh. Grab a cup and let's chat.

 Until then,


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Thanks & Welcome

To my new friend and follower, Mohave Rat. My new friend I promise to always answer your comments.

To my other followers and friends, please take a moment and scurry your fuzzy rearends over and visit our new friend's blog, mohaveratstwocentsworth, I believe you'll find it very interesting.

Again, thank you and welcome to my humble blog. You are now among friends.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thanks & Welcome

My dear Julie, I didn't forget about you this morning....just scatterbrained today. Thank you and welcome to my humble blog. I promise to always answer your comments. Really I do. It might take me a few hours, or days, but I shall answer.

My friends, Julie has a nice blog by the name of Jigsaw Thoughts. Please, drive over and have a cup of tea or coffee with her.

She's one us - she likes guns. She's also from Down Under, nice Australian lass.

Again, Julie, thanks and welcome. You are now among friends.


Thanks & Welcome

To my two new friends and followers, Suerte and Scott McCray. To each of you, thanks and welcome for following this, my humble blog. I promise to always answer all comments.

Both Suerte and Scott have blogs, so please, take a few minutes and run over and say hello. Just click the links above and let's all jerk a cup of coffee and chat.

Again, my new friends, thank you and welcome. You are now among friends.


Friday, May 18, 2012

Thanks & Welcome

To my new friend and follower, tffnguy. My friend I promise to always answer your comments. Kick back and let's have a cup of coffee and chat awhile.

To my other friends, please run by our new friends blog, Terlingua or Bust and take a look at the nice cabin his has under construction out on the plains of Texas.

Again, thanks and welcome. You are now among friends.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thanks & Welcome

This is for Brock Townsend and mizdeb - thank you and welcome to my humble blog. I promise to always answer your comments.  It sometimes takes me a few hours, even days - but trust me I will answer.

To my other friends I please ask that you visit Brock's blog,  I believe you'll find it very interesting. He writes about all things Southern, a subject dear to my heart.

Again, thanks and welcome. You are now among friends.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Thanks & Welcome

What a nice surprise to open my blog this morning and find a new friend has hit my follower button. Her name is Heidi and if my eyesight doesn't yet fail me it appears she has two beautiful little girls...the picture is kinda small.

Thanks, Heidi. I promise to always answer your comments. Give those little ones a kiss for me. Children are my weakness.

Again, thanks and welcome. You are now among friends.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Thanks & Welcome

To my two new friends and followers, Mazie and Rynk. My friends, I promise to always answer any comment left on this blog. It takes a few hours, and at times, a day or two, but rest assured I will reply. If for any reason I miss your comment let me know and I'll correct the oversight.

To my other kind followers and friends, please take a moment and say hello to our two new friends.

Again, thanks and welcome. You are now among friends.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Thanks & Welcome

To my new friend and follower, GmaJo. GmaJo writes the nice blog, Sheehanigans. My new friend I promise to always answer any comment. It might take me a few hours and sometimes a day or two, but rest assured I shall answer.

I humbly ask my other followers, please, take a moment and run over and visit this nice lady's blog. You won't regret it.

Again, GmaJo, thank you and welcome. You are now among friends.


Friday, March 30, 2012

Thanks & Welcome

To my new friend and follower, TK. My friend I promise to always answer all comments. It's nice to have you on-board. Take a moment and take a glance at my blog list. I'm sure you'll find some wonderful worlds to explore. They are all nice people.

To my other friends, please take a moment and visit TK's blog, here. He's needs our encouragement to write.

Again, TK, thank you and are now among friends.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thanks & Welcome

Seems I'm behind in my duties. Five nice people have clicked my follower button for which I owe a thanks. So to Skip, Kathi, Stopsign, Sandy, & Falcondawn, thanks and welcome to my humble blog.

I promise to always answer your comments. It might take me a few hours, and on rare occasions, days, but rest assured I shall leave a reply.

To my long term friends I ask you each, please, take a moment and visit the blogs (those linked above) of my new friends. They are very interesting.

Again, thanks and welcome. You are now among friends.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Thanks & Welcome

To my new friend and follower, K. My friend, I promise to always answer your comments. To all my other friends, please visit K's very well written blog, Planning And Foresight. It's filled with great information for the survivalist.

Again, thanks and welcome K. You are now among friends.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Thanks & Welcome

A sweet young lady clicked my follower button and I'd like to thank and welcome her. She's the Bullseye Babe. She's new to our gun culture, a young woman tender to all things gunny. Let's give her a hand and a big welcome. Show her how nice I know you all are and take a moment and run over and say hello.

My new friend, I promise to always answer any comment you leave. And, Bullseye, when you visit scan down my blog list and you'll find many other nice ladies with a penchant for firearms. Trust me, you'll find hours of wonderful reading loaded with great advice.

Again, thanks and welcome, you are now among friends.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Thanks & Welcome

To my French brother in arms, Manfred. My friend, I promise to always answer any comment. Please, make yourself at home.

Manfred writes the blog Armes et tir passion. Click and visit. It is, of course, written in French but just reach up and hit the translate button. He has a passion, as his blog title states, for all things gunny. Please, he'd enjoy a few American followers.

He has tagged his web with the above flag, the French Red State Flag. Should give you an idea of his mindset.

Again, Manfred, thank you and welcome. You are now among friends.


Friday, March 2, 2012

Thanks & Welcome

To my new friend and follower, whskee. Welcome to my humble blog and I promise to always answer any comments. Whskee's blog, is but a shy click away, please drop by and give him a warm hello. His blog is new and he needs a few friends.

Thanks my new friend, and welcome. You are now among friends.
