
Showing posts with label muse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label muse. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Thoughts, like Vapor

As soon as my muse and gas like brain return to normal I'll try and set a normal pace for this blog. With her sick and in pain our lives have flipped to the erratic side of life.

As an example yesterday I sat in a local emergency room from zero five hundred until thirteen hundred....with a batch of drunks, druggies, loonies, and democritters.

She's fine. Scheduled for procedures in early June.  Hopefully by then the white shirts will have a diagnosis.

You will now understand my thought process, bad in the best of times, is now fleeting with occasional puffs of vapor.

Please know I have read and do appreciate all of your kind and thoughtful comments and prayers. I have gone days when this computer (or any computer) hasn't crossed my mind. Books, newspapers, and the Kindle have been my chosen escape. I will make every effort, soon I hope, to answer all comments.

Don't worry. With proper medication my Sweet Wife is functional, and at times, very happy. She continually tells me to have faith. She's stays quite busy with her flower beds. I did indeed sneak a few herbs into the mix. She welds the water can with aplomb.

In the  meantime I've decided to study the Daily Racing Form and take a ride on the ponies....busy mind and all that...

Again, thank you.



Thursday, March 20, 2014

Home Defense

Here, watch this as I work on my taxes and rest my wounded muse. Then say hello to the very talented and nice folks on my sidebar.

As Arnold said, I'll be back.


Friday, February 7, 2014

Perhaps a Good Book

Just outside my office the tinny rasp of rainfall pounds the old metal canopy above the window. The clock over my head pounds the seconds insistently against my wishes. Business is slow during the early hours. It's cool and wet and why slip the blanket when the bed is warm and you've company with which to snuggle.

So, here I sit. I cannot rouse my muse. She is slow to wake which makes my morning, here in the half-light of this office, all the more quiet as the seconds tick my storage of life's calendar.

I need a book. Preferably one which I haven't as yet read. There is the Kindle but I want paper bound in clothe with perhaps the perfume of age. I have such but its located miles to the north and out of my reach. Tick, tick, tick.

The steady beat of time, sucks.



Thursday, August 22, 2013


My muse will return. Soon.

I hope.

Until then allow me a few hours to think and enjoy this nice hot cup of coffee.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013


As soon as my muse surfaces this blog will return to normal. As it stands madam muse only weeps sad words and I've restricted her to the closet until further notice. Then again, she is a forceful and worthy foe and it's possible she'll kick my butt and the resulting dismal tale will be posted.

Perhaps I should rephrase the structure of my first sentence. Muse is here, she's just hardheaded and determined I dictate her words. Muse hates reluctance. 

Don't say I didn't warn you.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Welcome Aboard and Good Morning

Good morning. As soon as my muse gets a kick start I'll write, something. I've been here in my office since well before daylight, have about five cups of coffee under my belt and still can't write. I blame it on the simple lack of sleep.

I wish to welcome and say thanks to Double Trouble. She's a new friend and follower. Double, if you have a blog please let me know and I will supply a link.

Again, thanks and welcome. You are now among friends.

Until later,


Sunday, January 6, 2013


I promise to return as soon as possible. Aside from the fact I can't seem to unlock my frozen and rusty creative side, the ever mundane schedule of life has a firm grip on my tail.

Please excuse me while I step into the kitchen. A nice pork roast needs my attention.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm Here

just very busy. I haven't the time to write, sorry. I suppose I should set aside a few hours each evening and at least try and compose a few pieces for those days when I'm just too busy to post.

Writing, as you well know, is a solitary experience. When the prose begins to flow it only takes the slightest interruption to damn the stream, and then I just wave goodbye to Ms. Muse.


The Colorado shooting sure has set a fire under the membership of the gun culture. Over the course of the last three days, if we are to believe the media, sales of firearms and related items have gone through the roof.

Listen folks, if you are a seasoned Survivalist, then you have your firearms and ammunition stored and ready. Move on. Concentrate your efforts on food. Think about it - you and your family will need far more food than you will firearms and ammunition. You can't eat brass and lead.

Besides, even if by some weird chance the government clamps down on our freedoms and spits on the Constitution and demands you hand over your rifles - will you.

Now if you are new to the world of Survivalist, and to a lesser degree,  the prepper movement and you do not own a battle rifle and a box or two of ammunition, then by all means find a cheap SKS or AK clone and a few hundred rounds and stash it away...after you first fill your pantry with beans and rice.


I came across a copy of 'American Terrorist,' the story of Timothy McVeigh. Interesting book. Seems he made his living by selling various items at gun shows. Anyway, if you haven't as yet read the book give it a shot.

Gotta run, later.



Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I've tried several times this morning to write a half decent post. A post not related to my current problems. I can't do it. My mind is blank. I have subject matter, ideas, but I just can't get the words to flow. I hate to post filler. Sure, there are a few Youtube videos I could post - but why. News, current events are easily accessible to the general public so for me to bring your attention to such is redundant, silly even, and I shall not take that direction.

Which leaves me with this ramble. I need peace to write. I have two long works stashed away for the day I can sit and give the subject matter my full attention; seems a waste.

This morning my feet hit the deck at 0400. I walked aimlessly about the house. I argued with myself, not sure which took the upper hand.

 I need to take a long walk. Until then it's time for a cup of coffee.


Friday, April 20, 2012

It's Early

I took a walk this morning about 0300, and have since had my fill of the news. Just wanted to let you guys know I'm sorry for the lack of attention to this blog. Still have problems with sleep.

Tried to write yesterday and my muse failed me. She's a fickle little girl, Miss Muse.

See you nice folks later today.


Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Is the best way I can describe myself of late. Guess I've been stuck inside so long ideas for articles have been hard to find. I've taken to books for inspiration and even that tactic has failed.

Please bear with me.

I'm sure as soon as my life returns to some sibilance of normal my muse will return. Until then please take a look at all the nice blogs listed on my sidebar. They're good talented people.

