Showing posts with label Ruth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ruth. Show all posts

Friday, 15 February 2013

Someone Call The Nurse

Here comes the nurse, rushing to your bedside, to ease your pain. Night Nurse Nina is kindness itself, always ready to dispense a kind word and a somewhat sexy smile! Just what you need to aid any recovery although maybe try and avoid any needles! She is a bargain at Dr Digi's House of Stamps as she only costs a £1!

Please check out my blog if you need any paper details

Ruth x

Friday, 1 February 2013

Pride and Joy

What a great day at the local fair, first prize to Farmer Giles' favourite sheep. Of course I felt duty bound to switch you for ewe, never one to miss a corny Hallmark moment! You can find Pride and Joy HERE plus lots of other fabulous digis; the design team also have Dr Digi's nose to the grindstone creating more images!

Friday, 25 January 2013

Feet Up and a Cuppa

It comes to pass in a man's life that you have to leave the 9-5 behind and hand the reigns over, Ambrose has decided that now is the time! He has retired to the library in Dunderton Towers to ponder upon his illustrious life and have a drink of 'tea'! No doubt a snooze will be following along shortly.

You can find Ambrose and his cuppa HERE, don't forget to check out the rest of the new releases, including Ambrose's canine fried Trotsky.

Friday, 18 January 2013

It's Man Flu Season

'Tis the season to be snotty as you can see by the pile of tissues littered by the bed of poor old Gus who has Man Flu. Never mind I am sure that tomato soup will work its magic. Certainly in this house you can forget the chicken soup, it's tomato soup all the way for any poorly people. 

If you want to see Gus fit and well check out this month's free image Gardening Gus and whilst you have Man Flu and Gardening Gus in your basket, why not add a few more comedic images from the one and only Dr Digi!

Friday, 11 January 2013

Gardening Gus

This afternoon when I came home after picking my son up from school I looked at my flowerpots and can see little green shoots starting to peep through. I can't exactly remember what I planted where so it will be a surprise if and when they flower. We are expecting an Arctic weekend here in the UK so fingers crossed! Gardening Gus is altogether more successful with his gardening and just look at that sexy outdoor man style!

You can find him HERE at Dr Digi's House of Stamps and even better he is this month's freebie!

Friday, 28 December 2012

Anyone Need a Decorator

If so then Dunderton's Decorators Ltd is the company for you. You should see Derek up a ladder, paint roller in hand, actually make sure you see Derek as he can be a bit wobbly so you might need to catch him! Hope you've all had a great Christmas and are looking forward to a Happy New Year. Don't forget to check out Dr Digi's Winter Sale

Friday, 21 December 2012

High Score Hugh (or Rob)

Time for another birthday in our house, this time my youngest son, like many teenagers he has more than a passing interest in games so High Score Hugh is the perfect image for his card and even better, at the moment High Score Hugh is free!

Whilst very observant where games are concerned I wonder whether my son will notice that his bedroom features on his card, I messed with a photo in Paint Shop Pro. I think even in pencil effect you can see the room is none too tidy but would you guess that High Score Hugh is sat on a cat!

Friday, 14 December 2012

I Dream of Genie

Let's face it, most of us would like a genie to come along and offer us 3 wishes and it is fun to dream about what those wishes would be! My son will be 19 on Monday and has his own dreams (probably computer games would feature on that list somewhere plus the loss of the more annoying habits of his brothers!) and if the male in your life is not necessarily into the more traditional pursuits such as sport and beer drinking then a genie such as I Dream of Genie would be just the thing! Plus at just a £1 it would almost be rude not to!

Friday, 7 December 2012

It's Saturday Night Steven..... get those dancing shoes on, and get down the discotheque and dance to those 70's classics!

Here's Steven getting down and groovy with some classic tunes, or he could just be "Dad Dancing"!

It's possible that we all know a Saturday Night Steven and they all have birthdays so what better image to choose than this one!

"Then I get night fever, night fever.
We know how to do it.
Gimme that night fever, night fever.
We know how to show it."

Friday, 30 November 2012

Surfin' Santa- Yo Dude!!

I think after all that hard work over the Christmas period, Santa deserves a holiday and much as I'd love to see him surfing off the UK's shores I think the sea would give Santa a severe case of frostbite (although tell that to the nutters I once saw surfing off the coast of Tynemouth in January, the North Sea is never remotely warm!). Anyway so for Santa it has to be Australia's gold coast where the sharks should be very scared! He needs to watch that bald head of his though, slap on the factor 50!

You can get this wonderful image from here and whilst you are visiting Dr Digi's House of Stamps why not pick up a few more while you're at know you want to!

Friday, 16 November 2012

Pud Overload

Let's face it we've all been there at Christmas, we've had the turkey and the trimmings and we're full yet we still find room for some Christmas pudding with your choice of accompaniment (mine is double cream, just a blob)! Pud Overload is a perfect reminder to not go mad with the food at Christmas, now where did I put those chocolates!

Friday, 9 November 2012

Lonely This Christmas

You can never be lonely when you have a snowman as a friend, did Raymond Briggs teach us nothing! This stamp is Lonely At Christmas and can be found here. There are so many greetings you could use for this one, depends on the recipient as to how cheeky these greetings may be!

Friday, 2 November 2012

Man About The House

Having three sons you'd think I'd have plenty of men about the house but their DIY skills leave a lot to be desired, however the older two do make a mean cup of tea. Thankfully my Dad is excellent at DIY and I have him on speed dial! I made this card for my ex father in law and knew I had the perfect buttons to go with it.

This Man About The House is perfect for the older men in your life, maybe heading up a list of those jobs that need doing!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Bath Time Heaven

Say hello to Bath Time Deirdery, she looks very relaxed in that bath! I sent this card to my sister who was ** last Saturday! She enjoys a book or two in the bath although is not quite old enough yet to join the lilac rinse brigade! 

I've always loved the idea of big bows on cards and finally managed one I was happy with on this card, ribbon tuille is the way forward!

Happy Crafting
Ruth x

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

As the more observant of you out there will have spotted, the ranks of Dr Digi's House of Stamps
have grown a little recently.  After weeks of searching the far reaches of the internet, Dr. D has
chosen a crack squad of quality crafters to do his bidding.
Or to put it another way, we're delighted to welcome Jane, Lisa, Ruth, & Tammy to our first
design team. They've already posted some fantastic cards and I'm sure there's plenty more
where they came from.