Showing posts with label Madie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Madie. Show all posts

Friday, March 04, 2011

I wanna go too!!!

Yup I decided to pack myself into Mom and Papa's suitcase and go with them...I don't understand how they caught me!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's MY Bone...

Mom and Papa give us bones/chewies to enjoy, but there's a little problem...
Madie steals mine cuz I'm too littler to finish it off as fast as she does!!!
SO one day Madie picked up my bone and I said...WHAT HEY HEY that's MINE so I tried to grab it out her mouth...
She said...NO...finders keepers...
...and I said...BUT IT'S MINE...
...then she said...snooze you loose...
...and I said BUT IT'S MINE...
...and she said...whatever I'm NOT letting go...
And THEN she wouldn't let it go!!! But I bugged her and bugged her and finally she dropped it when she lost interest in keeping it for herself with me bugging her for it so I got it back...BUT she keeps stealing it from me when she can though...that's ok when I get bigger I'm gonna steal HERS HAHAHA!!!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Play Photos

We LOVE to wrestle with each other!!! It's pretty fun!

And then we LOVE to play chase too!!!
Ginger loves to zoom and run and be the chase-ee and Madie loves to be the chaser!
Ginger knows how to get Madie to play chase too she runs by her real fast to tempt her!

Madie's Trim

Papa keeps trimming my fur...sometimes it looks weird in between trims cuz he doesn't finish all the way but it gets a little better each time. I just put up with it though.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Playing with Ginger

Well here's vid of me playing with Ginger! At first when she came home I didn't know what to make of her, but NOW I kinda like having her around! She's fun to play with! So I take some time everyday to play with her. I'm teaching her tug, chase, and wrestling!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Videos of Us Playing

Mom's been taking lots of videos of us getting used to each other and playing, but she's been slacking in putting them up here on our blog!!! She uses the excuse that a puppy takes up a lot of time but you know what I find time to nap so if I find time to nap she can find time to help us blog!!! Anyway here's a lot of our vids over the last few weeks going from oldest to newest!!! ~ Madie

Jumping Foxtails!!!

I like to go out and 'splore the back yard but everytime I go out there I come back in with these foxtails all over me!!! I don't know how it happens they just jump on me!!!
Then I have to let Mom or Papa check me to get them out!!! I don't want them to get in my skin and have to have surgery again like last year that was icky!!!
There's always a big pile of them after Mom or Papa pick them all out! And this pile isn't even as big as it can be!!!
Dumb jumping foxtails...I wish they would leave me alone!!!

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Cute Bed

Hey check out this new bed Mom and Papa got!!! What do you mean I'm just a little too big for it??? What??? Isn't this for me?
No my butt doesn't hang over the edge...I fit just fine, this bed has to be for me, how could it not be?

Monday, April 05, 2010

Mom's been making Fabric Flowers for Us!

Hi everybody, Mom's been making Fabric Flowers for us!!! They are pretty huh! But I don't like to have a big one on me so she made me a smaller one like Ginger's and I'm okay with it because it doesn't bug me, otherwise I'd protest and say no thank you I don't want it...but if I can't feel it then it's okay!
This one's Gingers, it's super tiny tiny, Mom and Papa say she's gonna be littler than me, so it makes me wonder if Mom and Papa call me their Little-Little will they still call me that when Ginger's Little-er? Maybe they will call her the Littler-Little and I'll still be the Little-Little?
And these ones are "baby" kind and that makes me wonder will I still be Baby? Maybe I'll be Baby and she'll be Puppy? What do you guys think?

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nap Time

I'm really sleepy cuz I got groomed all morning now it's nap time!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

I miss Auntie Joyce

My Auntie Joyce was visiting us and we had lots of fun with her! I'm getting all the farewell love I can soak up!
Come visit again soon Auntie Joyce!!!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Just let me take my nap in peace!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Auntie Joyce

Hi Everypuppy! Guess what?!?! Our Auntie Joyce is visiting and we LOVE her! She is the bestest EVER!!! She really knows how to make a puppy very happy!
She gives us lots of kisses and massages and scratches!
...Although she did try to put her hat that her and Mom made on me...
And then that feather boa!!!
Even on Madie too!
But then she gave us more Love!
And Hugs!
And scratches!
And Kisses!!!
Can you tell how much our Auntie Joyce loves us and that we love her just as much?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Piling my Toys

Piling my toys up for someone to play with me!'s my toy, c'mon play with it........'s really fun........
Are you gonna play with me?
Heehee works every time!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

All about Madie

Hi there, see me resting on the nice grass though my tunnel?
Then I started to play with my Papa, he was being really silly! Watch this video and you will see how crazy my Papa was being. what do you think? Is my Papa crazy or what?!?
Then they were having me to my best trick, Bang! Dead Dog!

Cool trick huh?
You might wonder where China is...well she was just laying down resting at Mom and Papa's feet "helping" them film.

Monday, April 14, 2008

My Garden Tunnel

Look you can see my Frisbee flying as I'm running through my little garden tunnel!
Then I bring it back to Mom and Papa to throw it again!!! So much fun!