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Showing posts with label Catholics. Show all posts

Saturday, 22 June 2024

Calling all Catholics. You have a moral duty to vote for pro-life candidates at the 2024 General Election! No excuses!

 We all have a moral duty to vote in General Elections. Even if you don’t like ANY of the candidates, you can spoil your vote or write why you won’t vote, and the election officer has to read out any messages to the prospective candidates. So a spoiled vote is not wasted as such. If the country experiences a lot of spoiled votes, the next government would need to note this. So it’s better to spoil your vote, than to not vote at all! Please vote!

Catholics have a moral duty, to find out, where the candidates in their constituency stand on pro life issues. If there is only 1 pro life candidate but you don’t like the party they represent, you should still vote for them. 

There is only one pro-life party in the UK at present. When I say pro life I mean from conception to natural death. Yes. Pro life also stands for anti euthanasia. All Heritage Party candidates are vetted with regard to pro-life issues. Unfortunately there are only 41 candidates, as there was too little time to sign up more candidates. The party continues to grow. 

I am standing for the Heritage Party in Sussex Weald. I got involved in the pro-life cause many decades ago. It shocks me that the unborn still have no rights. I am alarmed at the aggressive euthanasia lobbies too. Every life has value.

The Heritage Party is the party of common sense and the full comprehensive manifesto is on the website


The Conservative Party stopped being conservative decades ago, and they are disingenuous for keeping the same name. If they were honest, they would have done the right thing and changed their name to a more appropriate name, such as ‘liberal progressive’ or something like that.

The whole electoral system is rigged to support the 2 horse race of Labour and Conservative. Proportional Representation would be fairer. 

If the polls are correct, and if there really is a Trotsky takeover (well we all know it’s a baton handover from one trot to the other trot), then I bet the so called Conservative Party will be desperate for PR. You bet they will be!

I admire George Galloway. His party is truly for the working person. He’s also very pro life. The reason I could not stand for his party was that his manifesto says it’s a requirement to be a socialist, and I’m not. 

Don’t dismiss Independent Candidates. Some are probably pro-life.

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