Showing posts with label Jerry McLaughlin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jerry McLaughlin. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Cold Wax Book

CADENCE, by Donna Watson, cold wax and oil paints with collage

There is a new book waiting to be published written by artists and authors Rebecca Crowell and Jerry McLaughlin.  The book is over 300 pages and features over 100 artists from around the world.  I will also have some paintings featured in the book.  The title of the book is COLD WAX MEDIUM:  Techniques, Concepts and Conversations.  The book is more than just a technical guide.  It also provides comprehensive information for those new to cold wax mixed with oil paints, as well as technical expertise and inspiration to those with experience with the medium.

Rebecca Crowell is an international known artist and workshop instructor working and teaching 
in cold wax medium with oil paints.  She has traveled all over the world teaching her workshops.
You can find her website here  and her wonderful blog is here .

Rebecca Crowell, cold wax and oil painting 

Jerry McLaughlin art works have been widely exhibited.  He focuses his major energies in painting,
teaching and writing.  You can find his website here. 

Jerry McLaughlin, cold wax and oil painting

Because the book became 300 pages long and in order to keep the quality high...  to be able to order a full print run there is a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo.  Contributors will receive several perks, including workshops and copies of the book.  To contribute go to the website and find out how.  Once you go to this website you will immediately find yourself at Indigogo... with much more information.

This book features nearly 100 artists from around the world as well and Rebecca's and Jerry's knowledge and experience with the cold wax medium.  This book will strengthen your work and studio practice, suggest new directions and support thoughtful critique and inspiration.