Adam and Lindsay came down this weekend to celebrate Quinton's first birthday! It was so great to get to spend the afternoon together. Quinton is ADORABLE! See those chubby cheeks. I could absolutely devour the little munchkin. The only one missing from our group was Aaron. We let the kids play outside in the BEAUTIFUL weather. They played baseball and roughed up their uncles. I'll post more pictures tomorrow of all the fun we had.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Brannigan & Hot Fudge Sundeas
See that kid who's kind of in the center. The one with the big green eye's. That's my nephew Brannigan. For you fellow Piute people, that is Sherry and Austin's oldest boy. He's spending the weekend with us. Brannigan and J.D. are 7 day's apart in age. They are the best of friends and love to be together. They secretly plot way's to get us to move to Marysvale so they can hang out together all the time. Keep plotting boys!!! Maybe someday it could happen.
I told the kids that if they could help me pick up the house we would go to McDonalds for sundaes. And they jumped right in and helped. Bribery works, I tell ya. I let them run their energy out in the play place for an hour and they are all crashed out on my living room floor right now. Amidst the piles of popcorn that they spilled, while watching Kung Fu Panda. I'm working on being his favorite Aunt. Lot's of pictures of Piper, because she was the only one who stuck around long enough for me to get a picture of. She's stinkin' cute.
Just for fun,
Winckel Family
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Valentine Tag
Answer the questions about your sweetheart…
*What is your husband’s name? Joshua
*How long have you been married? Almost 8 years
*How long did you date? Just over a year
*How old is he? 27 almost 28
*Who eats more sweets? Defiently ME!
"*Who said I love you first? I did, it took him a month after I said it, to say it!
*Who is taller? Josh
*Who can sing best? Neither of us!
*Who is smarter? Both of us are smart in our own way.
*Who does laundry? I wash, he folds and I put away.
*Who pays bills? Me, but Josh really, he makes the money.
*Who sleeps on the right hand side? Josh, always.
*Who mows the lawn? Josh
*Who cooks dinner? Me
*Who drives? We both do, but mostly Josh.
*Who is first to admit they are wrong? ?????????
*Who kissed who first? Josh kissed me.
*Who asked who out first? We just kind of fell into dating, but Josh did ask me to hang out? Does that count?
*Who wears the pants? We both do :)!
I tag anyone who has a Sweet heart.
*What is your husband’s name? Joshua
*How long have you been married? Almost 8 years
*How long did you date? Just over a year
*How old is he? 27 almost 28
*Who eats more sweets? Defiently ME!
"*Who said I love you first? I did, it took him a month after I said it, to say it!
*Who is taller? Josh
*Who can sing best? Neither of us!
*Who is smarter? Both of us are smart in our own way.
*Who does laundry? I wash, he folds and I put away.
*Who pays bills? Me, but Josh really, he makes the money.
*Who sleeps on the right hand side? Josh, always.
*Who mows the lawn? Josh
*Who cooks dinner? Me
*Who drives? We both do, but mostly Josh.
*Who is first to admit they are wrong? ?????????
*Who kissed who first? Josh kissed me.
*Who asked who out first? We just kind of fell into dating, but Josh did ask me to hang out? Does that count?
*Who wears the pants? We both do :)!
I tag anyone who has a Sweet heart.
Monday, January 26, 2009
J.D., the birds & the bee's
J.D. has been saving his money to buy a stuffed wolf. The boy loves wolves. He has a big one he got for Christmas, 3 years ago, named Balto. He saved up enough to buy a small wolf and when we went to the store, it was gone. But there was a bigger one, but he needed $4.00 more to buy it. I told him that if he was good for the dentist today, I would give him the $4.00.
To make a long story short, he was very good for the dentist, so we went to the store and got his wolf. When we went to pick up Piper from Grandpa, he was discussing naming his wolf with Grandpa.
Grandpa was throwing out lots of name ideas. Maybe he could be Fred, George, or possibly Wolfie. Then J.D. says, "I want her to be a girl dog. That way her and Balto can have puppies." WHAT DO YOU SAY TO THAT? Me and Grandpa, were trying really hard not to laugh. Grandpa said, "I think you need to go home and have a talk with J.D."
The wolf's name is Princess. Just in case you wondering......
To make a long story short, he was very good for the dentist, so we went to the store and got his wolf. When we went to pick up Piper from Grandpa, he was discussing naming his wolf with Grandpa.
Grandpa was throwing out lots of name ideas. Maybe he could be Fred, George, or possibly Wolfie. Then J.D. says, "I want her to be a girl dog. That way her and Balto can have puppies." WHAT DO YOU SAY TO THAT? Me and Grandpa, were trying really hard not to laugh. Grandpa said, "I think you need to go home and have a talk with J.D."
The wolf's name is Princess. Just in case you wondering......
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Our Story ~ Part 3
August 2008
When I went home that night, he gave me a hug and that was it. Nothing happened for a week. We still hung out like usual and I just waited to see if Josh was going to do anything. So the next weekend, Josh called me and asked if I wanted to go hang out with him? Of course, I did. Andie and I had plans to go to a movie, the same night and I told him I couldn't do anything until later. He said that was perfect.
I showed up at the house and the first words out of his mouth were, "Why are you so dressed up?" Keep in mind, I have no idea what we are going to do. So I ask him what we are doing and he says we are going rabbit hunting. Hmmmm, for some reason I am drawn to guys that like to do this particular activity. So ran home and put on basketball shorts and a t-shirt. I got back to the house and Josh, Aaron and I piled into the Aaron's little truck. I had to sit in between the two of them.
We drove out toward, present day Entrada, and we went off-roading and shooting rabbits. Aaron's truck was a stick and Josh had his arm resting on my leg for most of the trip. On the way home, he reached out and grabbed my hand.
We got back to Aaron's house and it was super late. Nobody else was there, so Aaron told us he was going to bed. I have a feeling, he knew what was going on. Josh and I sat up on the lawn just talking. That was one thing about us, we could talk about anything. He reached out and grabbed my hand and held it while we talked. I told him that I was getting tired and that I was going to go home. He reached out and pulled my face to his and kissed me. It was quite a while before I left. I didn't talk, didn't question, but just let it happen.
I wasn't exactly sure, what was going to happen. We didn't talk about it, but just went on with life as usual. Josh would come sit by me on the couch and if I had a blanket on my lap, he would hold my hand under the blanket. We would hang out until everyone else would go home and then we would go for rides to Zion and to Pine Valley. I was in a haze of sleep deprivation for about a month. He would come see me at my house and play with Tyler, but only if it was me at home. He was so cute with Tyler. I remember one night he sat on the couch and let her feed him ice cream. A bite for Ty and a bite for him. This went on forever and poor Josh, he does not like ice cream. I loved that he was so good with kids. He was alway's great with Tyler and Kaysha and I think that was part of why I found him so attractive.
It was like we had to be very secretive about our little relationship We never talked about it and in those moments I was okay with whatever it was that we were doing. I REALLY liked him. I remember sitting on the lawn one night and Aaron, finally exasperated with the whole deal, told us both off. He asked if we thought everyone was stupid and didn't realize what was going on?
This went on for about a month. The next week, Trina and I went over to Aaron's to hang out with Ammon and Josh. It was a down pour. We all went outside and played in the rain. We were jumping in puddles and splashing each other and had a great time. Josh and I were sitting in his truck afterwards and I worked up the courage to tell him that I was tired of hiding our relationship and that if he wanted to be together then we needed to be together or we just needed to go back to being friends. We decided that we would try being together. He was afraid of making it an actual relationship, because what happened if it didn't work and we couldn't be friends?
To be continued....
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Our Story ~ Part 2
January 2001
To be continued......
Aside from hanging out at Kym and Aaron's home we also used to go dancing, ALOT!! Every weekend we would all get together and go to The Dance Factory. Oh my, so many good memories. Kym, do you remember the night you and I were hanging out with Triscuit and you slipped and fell in the hay? Ha, ha, ha, can't share that memory because this is a G rated blog! We also would watch wrestling. Hate to admit it, but I was way into it. The Rock, Triple X and Stone Cold Steve Austin. YEAH BABY! We watched wrestles at my house frequently. I also loved Kid Rock. Oh MY! Did I just really admit that???
Moving on, we all just spent a lot of time together. We also used to go out to the sand dunes and camp. We would go and just hang out and sleep in the back of the trucks and have a grand old time. Through this period of time all of the girls liked Adam. And then Trina and Ammon started to date. It started out as a big prank. Ammon couldn't get Shauna, his ex-girlfriend to leave him alone. So Aaron had this idea for Ammon and Trina to pretend that they were dating. Well needless to say it worked, Shauna left and Trina and Ammon stayed together and eventually got married. That was the first couple to hook up and last.
At this point I was crazy about Josh. He was so funny and he made me laugh all the time. He was super nice and sweet. He would always take his girlfriends flowers and he was just an all around good guy. Josh and I got along really well, because we both liked hunting, big trucks, and we had a lot of similar interests. We were buddies. He would come over to my house just to say hi and I would go over to his house to watch him work on his truck. The day he got the red truck running he came and picked me up and we went out riding in Santa Clara and the RATTLING DEATH TRAP died on us out in the middle of nowhere. I remember one night that we ran into each other at Maverick and I made my poor brother, Danny sit in the car for like 2 hours while Josh and I sat in his truck and talked.
Early on in the summer of 2000 Josh and Andie kind of liked each other. Nothing ever came out of it. Things with Shay #2 had fizzled out for me and Mickey and I were just friends. He was my sympathetic ear. He knew how much I liked Josh. One night we went to the dance factory and went back to Ammon's house to watch movies. Andie hurt Josh's feelings and he went back to his house. I came outside to talk to him and he was outside looking for his dog, Gib. I went with him to help him look for him and we just started to talking about everything. He made a comment about how he just couldn't find a girl who really liked him for him. And I said, "Maybe you're looking in the wrong places, because I bet lots of girls would love to be with you. I know I would love to be with you." It was a chance to say it and it could have gone seriously wrong, but he just kind of looked at me and asked me to come inside. His parents were out of town so I went to his house and we stayed up talking until 4 a.m.
To be continued......
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Out To The Movies
Yesterday, was an extra fun day for our family. Josh took the day off to spend with the day with us since the kids had the day off. We took the kids to The Floodstreet Theater to watch Madagascar 2. The kids thoroughly enjoyed it. We took BayLee with us and it was a lot of fun. J.D. wanted to hold her hand, but she got really shy about it. They crack me up. They are like brothers and sister, but at the same time they are not. It's a pretty cute show, defiantly one to watch with your kiddo's!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Our Story, part 1
One of my New Years resolutions every year is to be better at keeping a journal. And frankly, I'm just not very good at it. I prefer blogging for some strange reason. But this is my journal and I do plan on putting it into a book one day. I have the worse memory, and I am quite forgetful. There are things that I want to remember and never forget. I want to leave my children something, so that they will know who I was and what I stood for. Therefore, I also want them to know how I felt about being a daughter of God, a wife and a mother. I want them to know how I felt about each of them and others who are important to me in my life.
Some of these posts will go on for several weeks. Like my husbands, I want to write down our little story. So let's get started.
Josh is my best-friend. We were friends for about a year before we started dating. I met him at Hurst. This is one of those stories for us, where I know the spirit was guiding me. One day I was driving down the road and I drove past Hurst, and thought, "I wonder if they are hiring?" I had a great job, that I loved and was making quite a bit of money doing, but I pulled in the parking lot, went inside and applied for a job and was hired on the spot. The cashier manager's name was Andie and she also had a sister who worked there, named Trina. Kym was another one of the cashiers that also worked there. At the time I had no idea how these 3 girls would become some of my best-friends and change my life in more way's that one. But that's a bunch of different posts!!!
So shortly after I started, Kym got married to Aaron. Aaron and Josh grew up across the street from one another and are best-friends. So Aaron says to me one day, "I have this friend I want to hook you up with." Whatever, I thought. I was running around with a certain Richfield boy at the time. Aaron brought Josh into the store with him one afternoon. "Cute, " I thought, and I really liked him right off, but we were both had other things happening. And as a side note, Josh thought I was a bit on the obnoxious side the day we met. I was a little to hyper for him! I still remember that I was filling the pop machine when they came it. Crazy! We all started to hang out in a big group. There was Trina, Andie, Kym and I. Then we had Aaron, Josh, Adam, and Ammon. Also mixing in this group were my little group of Piute friends, Colby and Ryan, sometimes Tom, and then there was Cowboy, Triscuit, for a minute there was Shauna and lot's of other people int he mix, but that was the majority of us. Now the funny thing, is that we all dated within the group. Which, made it a little awkward at times. Can't even get into it, because that would take me a week of just typing!!!!
So Josh and I got to be pretty good friends. We spent that first year all hanging out and we watched each other as we dated other people. We both liked each other, but it always seemed like one of us was dating someone, when the other wasn't and so we just never got together.
Kym and Aaron's home was our hang out spot. They had a town home over in Dixie Downs where we all practically lived. There are a lot of great stories from that house. It's the place where Josh first kissed me and where Trina and Ammon started dating. It's where we played pool in the garage every night and spent countless hours sitting out on the lawn just talking.
To be continued.......
Some of these posts will go on for several weeks. Like my husbands, I want to write down our little story. So let's get started.
Josh is my best-friend. We were friends for about a year before we started dating. I met him at Hurst. This is one of those stories for us, where I know the spirit was guiding me. One day I was driving down the road and I drove past Hurst, and thought, "I wonder if they are hiring?" I had a great job, that I loved and was making quite a bit of money doing, but I pulled in the parking lot, went inside and applied for a job and was hired on the spot. The cashier manager's name was Andie and she also had a sister who worked there, named Trina. Kym was another one of the cashiers that also worked there. At the time I had no idea how these 3 girls would become some of my best-friends and change my life in more way's that one. But that's a bunch of different posts!!!
So shortly after I started, Kym got married to Aaron. Aaron and Josh grew up across the street from one another and are best-friends. So Aaron says to me one day, "I have this friend I want to hook you up with." Whatever, I thought. I was running around with a certain Richfield boy at the time. Aaron brought Josh into the store with him one afternoon. "Cute, " I thought, and I really liked him right off, but we were both had other things happening. And as a side note, Josh thought I was a bit on the obnoxious side the day we met. I was a little to hyper for him! I still remember that I was filling the pop machine when they came it. Crazy! We all started to hang out in a big group. There was Trina, Andie, Kym and I. Then we had Aaron, Josh, Adam, and Ammon. Also mixing in this group were my little group of Piute friends, Colby and Ryan, sometimes Tom, and then there was Cowboy, Triscuit, for a minute there was Shauna and lot's of other people int he mix, but that was the majority of us. Now the funny thing, is that we all dated within the group. Which, made it a little awkward at times. Can't even get into it, because that would take me a week of just typing!!!!
So Josh and I got to be pretty good friends. We spent that first year all hanging out and we watched each other as we dated other people. We both liked each other, but it always seemed like one of us was dating someone, when the other wasn't and so we just never got together.
Kym and Aaron's home was our hang out spot. They had a town home over in Dixie Downs where we all practically lived. There are a lot of great stories from that house. It's the place where Josh first kissed me and where Trina and Ammon started dating. It's where we played pool in the garage every night and spent countless hours sitting out on the lawn just talking.
To be continued.......
Saturday, January 17, 2009
How many of you have kids who like to wrap string around their fingers and play in blind cords? My little Tyson does, but today we had a huge scare and I never even considered that this could happen.
I was running to get my husband some lunch and I told J.D. to unbuckle Tyson while I got the baby out of her carseat. J.D. yells at me that Tyson has the seat belt wrapped around his neck!! So I go around the car to climb in the back seat and it is not only wrapped around his neck but twisted around itself several times. Tyson had somehow pulled it out so that as the seat belt went back into the seat it had caught and each time he pulled his head it tightened tighter and tighter.
I was calm at first and I tried to see if I could get enough slack to pull his head out. About 20 seconds into trying, I realized that there wasn't enough slack. I couldn't get the seat belt to pull out because it's working properly and doing it's job, so I am holding on it, just praying that with all the movement we can keep the little slack that we do have. I am starting to get a little panicky because he is panicking. I call my husband, who was just down the street and told him I was going to send J.D. to find scissors so that I could cut the seat belt. He told me not to cut it and that he would be right there. He got there in like a minute, I don't know how fast he was flying, but he was quick. By this point, I had been able to get Tyson out of the booster seat so that I could give him a little more wiggle room. I'm yelling at my husband to just cut it and he's working his magic, but he unlatched the bench seat and pushed it forward and he somehow was able to get enough slack pulled out of the seat belt to get his head out.
The whole event was probably 5 minutes, if that, but it was so scary. Tyson's poor little face was bright red and he has sweat just pouring off his face and he was hysterical. And it hurt, because as he was struggling the seat belt was just rubbing his neck raw. It looked awful and these pictures do it no Justice. By the time we got home and I got all the kids in the redness was pretty much gone, but it looks like he has hickeys all over his neck!! Should be interesting explaining that one at church tomorrow.If I had had a pair of scissors or a knife in my car, I wouldn't have hesitated to cut it, once I realized I couldn't get enough slack to get his head out. Never in a million years could I have imagined that happening. So just be careful. You never know what can happen.
I was running to get my husband some lunch and I told J.D. to unbuckle Tyson while I got the baby out of her carseat. J.D. yells at me that Tyson has the seat belt wrapped around his neck!! So I go around the car to climb in the back seat and it is not only wrapped around his neck but twisted around itself several times. Tyson had somehow pulled it out so that as the seat belt went back into the seat it had caught and each time he pulled his head it tightened tighter and tighter.
I was calm at first and I tried to see if I could get enough slack to pull his head out. About 20 seconds into trying, I realized that there wasn't enough slack. I couldn't get the seat belt to pull out because it's working properly and doing it's job, so I am holding on it, just praying that with all the movement we can keep the little slack that we do have. I am starting to get a little panicky because he is panicking. I call my husband, who was just down the street and told him I was going to send J.D. to find scissors so that I could cut the seat belt. He told me not to cut it and that he would be right there. He got there in like a minute, I don't know how fast he was flying, but he was quick. By this point, I had been able to get Tyson out of the booster seat so that I could give him a little more wiggle room. I'm yelling at my husband to just cut it and he's working his magic, but he unlatched the bench seat and pushed it forward and he somehow was able to get enough slack pulled out of the seat belt to get his head out.
The whole event was probably 5 minutes, if that, but it was so scary. Tyson's poor little face was bright red and he has sweat just pouring off his face and he was hysterical. And it hurt, because as he was struggling the seat belt was just rubbing his neck raw. It looked awful and these pictures do it no Justice. By the time we got home and I got all the kids in the redness was pretty much gone, but it looks like he has hickeys all over his neck!! Should be interesting explaining that one at church tomorrow.If I had had a pair of scissors or a knife in my car, I wouldn't have hesitated to cut it, once I realized I couldn't get enough slack to get his head out. Never in a million years could I have imagined that happening. So just be careful. You never know what can happen.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
J.D. the Superhero
I had the chance to talk to Tyson's preschool teacher today. She told me the cutest story about Tyson. I had to document it so that I could always remember this.
Marnie asked Tyson who his favorite super hero was. He said it was, "J.D.". Now Marnie was J.D.'s preschool teacher also. So she asked him, "Is J.D. a super hero?" "Yep," said Tyson. Marnie asked him if he could fly and Tyson said, "yep". Brenden was arguing with Tyson and telling him that J.D. wasn't a superhero that he was a human and Tyson got really upset and kept arguing that J.D. was a super hero.
I told J.D. about it tonight at dinner and I told him that he had a big responsibility to be a superhero to his big brother!!! It is one of the sweetest things I have ever heard!!
Sunday afternoon, we went for a walk behind our house. They are building a massive subdivision behind our home. So far in the past 2 years only 2 homes have been built, but everything is laid out into lots and the roads are paved and sidewalks in. It makes a wonderful place for us to go so the kids can ride bikes. We went out Sunday and Josh broke out his roller blades.
He loves to roller blade. The damn things hurt my ankles and my knees. I'm no spring chicken, I guess. Almost 30, ya know! I grew up roller blading almost every day. We have a big open air dance hall in Marysvale and all the kids in town would go down and roller blade and play hockey. Once upon a time, I was pretty good on a pair of roller blades. I could jump and skate backwards. Not anymore my friends! Now I get my kicks off watching Josh. The first time we went back there, he fell on his butt and I haven't laughed that hard in ages.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I Am Prince Caspian
My kids, (okay me too) are obsessed with The Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian. It is a awesome movie. I love the religious symbolism in it. I sat and explained it all to J.D. and we've had a lot of fun watching it. It doesn't hurt that Prince Caspian is so cute!! Josh made this fun crown for Tyson and he has been wearing it everywhere! He tells everyone that he is Prince Caspian. He looks so cute!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Say Cheese
Piper is so stinkin' cute! Every time I pull the camera out her new thing is to say, "Cheese." Oh my, she's cute, but I'm biased.
Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. Life is crazy, crazy, crazy! My Alisons Pantry order came and a new one was due. I've been busy with kids and with coupons!!! It's my new obsession.
The kids are back to school and they are so excited! J.D. loves school. He's super smart too. Last night he brought home his homework and they are doing geometry. Boy, I'm in trouble! Pretty soon I won't be able to help him with is homework.
Tyson is just cute. He is busy with preschool and his little friends. He's such a good boy. Piper is just Piper. She is obsessed with dehydrated strawberries and climbs on my counter to get to them. Anyway, in short life is good!!
Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. Life is crazy, crazy, crazy! My Alisons Pantry order came and a new one was due. I've been busy with kids and with coupons!!! It's my new obsession.
The kids are back to school and they are so excited! J.D. loves school. He's super smart too. Last night he brought home his homework and they are doing geometry. Boy, I'm in trouble! Pretty soon I won't be able to help him with is homework.
Tyson is just cute. He is busy with preschool and his little friends. He's such a good boy. Piper is just Piper. She is obsessed with dehydrated strawberries and climbs on my counter to get to them. Anyway, in short life is good!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Fabulous Food Storage Giveaway
It's no secret that I am crazy about food storage. One of my goals for this year is to bulk up my food storage. I have done a few posts here on the blog and hope to be able to do more of them in the future, but I am no expert. I have several diffrent places that I visit on our blog roll for ideas about food storage.
Two of these fabulous websites have teamed up with a third website to create The Fun With Food Storage Network! This is a group of young mom's who are excited about and share a passion for food storage. They've all teamed up to help teach us how to plan it, buy it, and use it.
To kick off this new website they are hosting a week of great giveaway's. You have got to go check out! You want to win the grand prize! I know I do. I would be the happiest girl alive, should I win. Where will I put it? I don't know, but I have alway's wanted one of these!!
Two of these fabulous websites have teamed up with a third website to create The Fun With Food Storage Network! This is a group of young mom's who are excited about and share a passion for food storage. They've all teamed up to help teach us how to plan it, buy it, and use it.
To kick off this new website they are hosting a week of great giveaway's. You have got to go check out! You want to win the grand prize! I know I do. I would be the happiest girl alive, should I win. Where will I put it? I don't know, but I have alway's wanted one of these!!
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Years Day
Every year for New Years we try to go out shooting and riding with the Carter bunch. We had a a lot of fun this year and took Jessie Williams with us and Josh's cousin, Gabe with us. We rode the 4-wheelers and the dirtbike and had a blast shooting clay pigeons and soda cans. I also blew up the gingerbread houses with my shotgun, but of course no one got any pictures of me. Alway's the camera woman. It was a beautiful day and a great way to start the New Year.
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