Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Out To The Movies

Yesterday, was an extra fun day for our family. Josh took the day off to spend with the day with us since the kids had the day off. We took the kids to The Floodstreet Theater to watch Madagascar 2. The kids thoroughly enjoyed it. We took BayLee with us and it was a lot of fun. J.D. wanted to hold her hand, but she got really shy about it. They crack me up. They are like brothers and sister, but at the same time they are not. It's a pretty cute show, defiantly one to watch with your kiddo's!


Dover Fam said...

So much fun!!!! Man, they are so cute together aren't they??? :) It gives me comfort to know that JD has her back and she has his. Even though they bicker, I know they stick up for eachother. :) Thanks for taking her with ya. She had a blast.

~ Stacie ~ said...

JD, WHAT A CUTE LITTLE GIRL FRIEND! You both are missing your front teeth, thats cute!