We were the cruise ships. Bekki Hafen was the ward camp director this year. Mandee was on the stake committee, and Kim Henke was the Stake Camp director. They did a great job.
Probably one of the rare pictures of me from camp. All you can see is my hair and the pink flower. This was during our "Isn't it about Time", family skit. I was lighting sparklers!! That pregnant woman next to me was eating!
Beckki had this awesome devotional where the girls had to figure out how to eat M&M's off of a long stick, with a spoon attached to it. It was fun to see the girls try and do it by themselves. They finally figured out that you had to be willing to help each other.
Ha, ha, ha! I almost peed my pants. We had 3 girls, Tawny, Elisha and Alexa who were the only 6th years at camp. They had to do a skit with the 3 of them. They did a spoof on Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It was hilarious! Tawny, "What you want here?" With her Hunchie! Ha, ha, ha!! They deserved a trophy!
All the cuties in a row!
Some more cuties!
The 2nd best moment of Girls Camp! Mandee set up to have Cjane speak at camp and I got to meet her and make a fool of myself!! She is the rock star of the blogging world. She is as sweet and genuine in real life as she is on her blog. I got to visit with her a lot and she left me a nice comment on my facebook wall later that night. We're gonna do lunch one of these days!! Wouldn't that be cool??
Ahhh, it was such a great camp. The highlight for me was doing the Faith Walk. Blindfolded and stumbling up through the tree's, trying to find my way. It paralleled my own life so much. It was ironic. And the most frustrating part for me was being unable to help the girls once they were in the maze. It was so cool. I won't elaborate here, but it was cool.
Thanks to everyone who helped to put it on! It was a great experience! Nothing beats girls camp!
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