Monday, December 27, 2010

Doty - Carter Christmas Party

We love the Carter family.  It doesn't take blood to make you family, that's for sure.  We had everyone out for dinner and some fun the Sunday before Christmas.  Josh didn't get to be here, because he was out helping Varney get his truck unstuck, but that's another story for another post :).

 The kids decorated sugar cookies and wrote letters to Santa.

 We had a huge roll of bubble wrap that Josh had brought home from work.  Tyson had the brilliant idea to tie himself up. Aaron and Ammon were happy to oblige and started wrapping kids up.
 And then the thought, "What if we wrap 2 of them together?" (Insert evil maniacal laughter)
 Aidan and Tyson were strapped together.  They are about the same weight and height.
 And this was what happened when they tried to walk.  They couldn't quite get the concept of work together.
 It was pretty funny.
Then they decided to strap Piper on Tyson's back.  He was all for it, but Piper was not.  Ammon's lucky he didn't get kicked, because she sure was aiming.

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