Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

The past few years for Christmas Eve, we have decorated a Christmas box to take to the Doty's.  This box we decorated this year was ugly sweaters, so we decided to dress the part!

Aunt Maggie bought this awesome book when they went to London. It's called the Dinosaur That Pooped Christmas!  So fun!
Josh slept through most of the party.
Grandpa and kiddo's, well those that were listening to the Dinosaur poop story.
Gabe came and hang out with us! That was a nice surprise. Piper was so jealous every time one of the little girls tried to sit on his lap. Nobody messes with her Gabe.
Grandma Becky went to Israel at the beginning of the month and she brought the kids lots of fun things back from there.
These hats kill me. I am not sure if this sacrilegious or not, but what a neat keepsake.
Everyone in their Christmas jammies!

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