Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

Monday, July 13

A face only a mother could love..

What is that fuzzy little thing I see?

Uhh.. wow. so ugly they are absolutely adorable!

The wee babies are just so tiny! How can an egg that is so pretty have these strange little critters in it? :) More pics to come soon.. these images were taken on Monday before we left on our trip. Now they have some fluff to soften their edges a bit.


Sunday, July 12


I love yellow rubber boots, especially when they are tending to our lillies.

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!

Friday, July 3

Happy 4th of July!

Having grown up in a military family (my father served almost 30 years, my grandfather marched across France in WWII, and now my brother has served in Afghanistan) the 4th holds a special place in my heart. This weekend, enjoy your families and the freedom to practice any beliefs that you hold dear. Remember that men and women have lost their lives so that you could have the freedom to gather and celebrate!

The images above are for you, just right click to enlarge them and then save them to your computer. For more patriotic clip art visit my other blog, The Vintage Moth.

Have a fabulous weekend!



Tuesday, June 30

Robin's Egg Blues Just For You

A neighborhood Robin decided that a nest with a view was the most desired home on the block. He chose one of our hanging baskets on the front porch. Oh, she couldn't resist! The yellow blooms were so pretty!

Hung safely out of the reach of predators, the only thing that annoyed them was the crazy lady with the camera!

Protected from the rains, and wow! have we had rain here in NH lately.. most nests would not have survived the storm..

But their sweet home is flourishing, except the yellow blossoms, they are not fairing so well.

It's just too difficult to water a hanging basket with such precious cargo!
I hope you are finding shelter from the storm!

Thursday, June 25


It is the simplest of tasks that are bringing the most joy to me.

Planting, weeding, and dead heading the pea-tunias.. it is in these tasks that I am finding ha-pea-ness.
There are pea-ctures and stories to share, perhaps with the coming of summer I'll find some pea-ce and quiet to post here more often.
Right now, family is visiting from a far, the sun is shining, and I have to pick up my son from summer camp.

You never know what will make you ha-pea. For me, today, it was poppin' peas with my little girls.

Friday, January 23

Hiding from the winter cold.

Can you find me?

I am hiding from the winter cold, the frost's bite and the wind's fury.
Tucked beneath leaves, where the moisture lies.

Really, I do not have a green thumb, but at times my entire being is green. Green with envy of those who are warm and saturated with nature's moist touch.

I hide myself inside the comfort of tiny blooms and leaves.

Blend in, where perhaps I will be forgotten; left to my musings.
So I can ponder and dream of sodden fields, flower buds and things with wings.

The first image is obvious, but there is someone peeking at you from every image. Did you find them all?



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Monday, July 28

The lee of the stone..

One of my most favorite movies as a child was The Secret of NIHM. In the movie the momma mouse needed to move her home to the 'lee of the stone' to protect her sick child. I have not heard that word before or since - 'lee'.

This morning my children and I built our first (but most definitely not our last) fairy house. We put it on the lee side of a stone that resides on the edge of our vegetable garden. It was determined that the fairies would like that best, and they would be protected from the rain and wind.

My son padded the back with cut grass clippings, to help keep out the wind. Also tucked in there is a laundry line, (everyone has dirty laundry) bed and cradle.

The acorn cap is filled with 'salad'. Basil and radishes from our garden were diced so very tiny and carefully. The half a sunflower seed found in the lawn made the cradle. Such huge wonders in a tiny world.