Monday, January 2

2012 Bucket List

I think we all do it... start the year off with grand intentions and fabulous lists. Things to do, get done, start, complete or stop, avoid and quit. I take comfort in the start of a new year. As if the entire past 12 months have been wiped clear and its all new again.

1. drink water. I know, simple enough, but I really don't like the stuff yet I feel so much better if I get my daily 6 cups.
2. do a load of laundry from start to finish every day. Put away. Every day.
3. purchase and learn to use a new version of Photoshop. Mine crashes, it needs to go.
4. don't put off or avoid uncomfortable tasks/situations. Step up, take a breath and BE present.
5. get moving. walk. run. squat. lunge. I will be in a bathing suit and proud of my 37 year old self by our trip to Disney in May.
6. Learn. Practice. Ask. Listen. Learn. Earn.
7. read the Bible. Every year this makes my list but I have yet to get 'er done.
8. Make slipcovers for our couches. That will create a great neutral background for new beginnings. (they are a bold red and black plaid now..I'm looking to use new washed dropclothes as an inexpensive fabric.)

I'd say that's a good start. Do you have a list?


Tuesday, October 18

Autumn Colors

This time of year is the hardest for me, the change of seasons always takes the wind from my sails and I find myself wandering aimlessly in my head.