Showing posts with label 2nd year competition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2nd year competition. Show all posts

Saturday, August 9, 2008

2nd Year - Final Competition(12th) - Vehicles

Phewww.... final competition, it means we already compete 12 times in the 2Nd year. We have 10 photos from 5 members. And we have 6 jury: Amelia Wirogo, Ariel Soenarpo, Benang Sutera, Ardia Ovidius, Budimulja and Sudrajat Pena. All the jury have good quality photos. And we are lucky to have those jury for our final competition.

the result

This is the final... and to have points in this last competition will be very important for the entire competition ranking.

And the result is: Jamie Tan got the 1st and 2nd place in this 12th competition. And makes him to the 3rd place in the final ranks. David Rinto got the 3rd place in this 12th competition and makes him to the 3rd place in the final ranks. Adi kumara got the 3rd place in this 12th competition and makes him to the 2nd place in the final ranks. So... who the one get the 1st place in 2nd year final rank? I will post a.s.a.p.

Here is the final (12th) competition - Vehicles result:

1st place - berlabuh(anchor) - Jamie Tan

2nd place - a boat - jamie tan

3rd place - overloaded - adi kumara

3rd place - karam (shipwrecked) - david rinto indrasto

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Saturday, July 5, 2008

2nd Year - 11th Competition (Beverage)

For this competition we ask our friend from blogspot: Benang Sutera (brunei), Karole Joseph M. Torres (Philipines) and Digital Polaroids (Argentina). There are three and one from Roy de Vogel (Netherland). And we have 7 photos to compete. The object of the theme is easy to find, because we need to drink everyday. But to take a good picture maybe must have a sense of art and practices.

the result

We have one person for the first and second places and three persons for third places. So everyone who collect their photos have points. Here are the winner

1st place - so freshhh - cesario tarigan

2nd place - tea for you - cesario tarigan

3rd place - reflection - adi kumara

3rd place - bening (clear) - david rinto

3rd place - yummy - jamie tan

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

2nd Year - 10th Competition (Seller Activity)

This is the 10th, 2 more competitions left to fight. In this competition we have some good photos to compete. There are 4 jury: Okky, Shendy & Umbo from ASIALENS and Lay Kanna from Thank you for the help and kindness.

the result

The theme itself i think about social life. We have to understand the situation, keep patient and keep looking to expect a good moment. A tight competition, and here are the winners:

1st place - lelah menanti ( tired for waiting) - cesario tarigan

2nd place - kuda beban penjual bakso ( horse of burden's meatball seller) - adi kumara

3rd place - what child do - adi kumara

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

2nd year - ninth competition (Macro)

Only four members participate in this competition: Adi Kumara, Anglina, David Rinto and Ichwan Hidayat. There are 7 photos, Anglina just gave me 1 photo. We have 4 jury, 2 from ASIALENS: Ong Ten Lung Budi and PO Herman Sutopo. 2 from Amelia Wirogo and Harry Fransiscus.

the result

Adi have more macro collections than other members. Some of them have very good quality. That's why he had trouble when choosing only two photo. But, it's not a bad choice afterall. Here is the result:

1st place - bermain embun (playing the dew) - adi kumara

2nd place - bruss - david rinto indrasto

3rd place - merajut (make a net) - adi kumara

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

2nd year - eigth competition ( Night Photography)

story behind

Actually the theme was night watch, but night photography sounds better ;-) this theme a pretty hard to try. But i have 9 photos from 5 members ready to compete at March 25th. I didn't join the competition for this time and next 2 competitions.

the result

When the first time i saw all the photos, i had guessed who will be the winner. The first round all the photos were distributed to our division. Ichwan Hidayat have the most voices: 10 from 14 friends. His photos jakarta in the night had 6 voices, and the second is still his photos; monas had 4 voices. The third is siluet patung (statue's silhouette) had 2 voices.

The second round was external jury. The jury are Ardia, Budi&Petrus, Sudrajat and Suwandi. The result was same with the first round. Ichwan Hidayat had 19 points = jakarta in the night (10 points), monas (9 points) and the third is siluet patung (statue's silhouette) 3 points. Incredible!!! We have a new winner in this 2nd year competition with a great result.

1st place - jakarta in the night - ichwan hidayat

2nd place - monas (monumen nasional-national monument) - ichwan hidayat

3rd place - siluet patung (statue's silhouette) - adi kumara

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

2nd year - seventh competition ( silhouette )

the story behind

Well, this is the last competition that were held in our club. Actually in February we planned to have 2 competitions (beverages and imlek). But untill almost the end of the month, there weren't any participants. So we agreed to change the theme to Silhouette.

the result

Because the time limit, i only asked my friends at asialens to be the next jury. And three were aggreed: Sudrajat Pena (Bogor city), Ardia Ovidius (Padang City) and Suwandi (Jakarta city). And we had two members in 3rd place, here is the result:

1st place - anak anak (children) - Cesario Tarigan

2nd place - tanah lot - cesario tarigan

3rd place - merenung (muse) - jamie tan

3rd place - nyiur melambai (coconut's tree waving) - rita dewi

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2nd year - sixth competition ( food )

the story behind

The next theme is food. But why food? Well, it was because you are easy to find food. You have to eat, right? I thought with this theme more participants are join.

the result

We still had our friend to get involved for choosing the favorite photos. Thanks again to Ichwan who distributed the forms to all jury participants. And here is the result:

1st place - masih panassss(still hot) - cesario tarigan

2nd place - sayang 'tuk dimakan(too worthed for eat) - anglina

3rd place - es krimku (my ice cream) - cesario tarigan

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2nd year - fifth competition ( fish )

the story behind

In December, i planned my wedding that will held in Pangkal Pinang and Pagarawan - Bangka Island on 15th and 16th. So when we already choose the next theme was fish, i trusted my friend Jamie and Ichwan to arrange the next competition. That because i will took holidays until 25th.

the result

The first day after wedding's holiday, in the office i asked them about the competition. O la la... they said not yet. Actually i really disappointed, but at this point i thought if not me to roll the competition and who else is gonna be? And then, i asked Ichwan to distribute to other friends all the forms to choose their favorite. This time i didn't join the competition. And, wow at last Adi Kumara was a new champion after 16 total competitions. Here is the result:

1st place - ikan lurik bali - adi kumara

2nd place - ikan koi - adi kumara

3rd place - aku, dia dan teman2ku (me, others and all my friends) - verawaty

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2nd year - 4th competition ( children )

the story behind

we like to have different object or theme this time, but still easy. After couples received, we choose children as the next theme. From this competition, all members can give their old photos from their stock to join the competition.

the result

we have 3 external jury, two from ASIALENS (Edo -Kudus city-, Teguh T) and 1 from (Maria Alexandra). Even we had made an easier regulation, but only 4 members join this competition. The result is:

1st place - anak dan aktivitasnya (childrens and activities) - cesario tarigan

2nd place - mengintip (peep) - cesario tarigan

3rd place - santai (relax) - david rinto

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2nd year - third competition ( river )

the story behind

Months before, i already felt that i did most of the work of our club and the organization were not working. I became tired. But after moved again to the 4th floor we still arrange the next competition and choose children as the next theme. Well again i did most of the work including announcement of the next competition, filed it, choose the jury, contacts the jury, make an assessment form, make the summary and filed it. I thought where are the others?

the result

We have three external jury (from ASIALENS) to participate the next competition (Ardia A, Andry G. and Tom F). And here is the result:

1st place - sungai yang tenang - cesario tarigan

2nd place - river bank - adi kumara

3rd place - aquatic - adi kumara

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2nd year - second competition ( architecture )

the story behind

We arranged a plan to go somewhere for photo hunting. But only few members join the plan. With Aris Himawan as the guidance we were riding along the old town area in Jakarta. Only 4 members join this journey on Saturday: aris, adi, me, david, and jamie. We were taking photo at klenteng petak sembilan, Kali besar, Jembatan gantung, menara bahari and gedung fatahilah. The next theme is building, so we taking building's photo as many as we can. In next day Anglina has travel by herself to Fatahillah.

the result

We just asked our friend to choose for their favorite and then we pick the 1-2-3 rank from the score rank. And we have a new winner: Verawaty. And we have teo person in 2nd place and another two person in 3rd place. This was a nice big three. Here is the result:

1st place - peach in the sky - verawaty

2nd place - da vinci - anglina

2nd place - menara peninsula - adi kumara

3rd place - inside look - cesario tarigan

3rd place - castle - adi kumara

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2nd year - first competition ( work activity )

the story behind

we are moved to the 7th floor because our spaces were under renovation . But it wasn't stop us to begin the 2nd year competition. We choose work activity as the first competition. I agreed to not join two competitions in this year to allow other members compete eachother, start in this theme. Another friend was join the club, Verawaty.

the result

We selected the jury to choose the winner, then there were 4 persons. I was one of the jury, Dodi A.S., Farid Holle, and Ricki Witarsa. All the jury are from ASIALENS. And we have a new winner: Anglina, she has a talent. Here is the result:

1st place - memberi makan ayam (feeding chicken) - anglina

2nd place - my technician - david r. indrasto

3rd place - pengrajin perhiasan (jewelery craftsman) - adi kumara

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