Showing posts with label Sketch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sketch. Show all posts

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Another Cosmo Cricket Sketch Challenge Layout

Cosmo Cricket has their 5th Sketch Challenge up! I instantly fell in love with the sketch. Here is their sketch:
Here is my take on the sketch using their Mr. Campy line:

Monday, February 1, 2010

My Wild Child

I'm a HUGE fan of anything Cosmo Cricket. They recently posted a sketch challenge on their blog. Here is their sketch:
and here is my take on the layout:
I did lots of stitching. I painted some Girl Friday chipboard alphas yellow to match. In real life, they look a lot better and don't stand out quite so much! The little flower is cut from the front page to the paper pack, the one that shows you all the papers.
I apologize for the not so great photos. The full layout picture came out a little crooked. But its been a rough day and I didn't have the patience to mess with it some more.
Little Miss Madeline went in for her 1 year appointment today. Shortly after we were taken into a room, she started crying pretty much didn't stop the whole hour and twenty minutes we were there! Yep, I'm sure the other patients weren't overly happy with us! The crying didn't escalate too awfully bad til the shots. Peyton had to get a shot to, so there was quite a bit of screaming going on. Now let me tell you, EVERY eye in that lobby was on me as I packed out a 23 pound little screaming girl on one hip and a 36 pound 3 1/2 year old on my other hip. Lets not forget the diaper bag and purse! lol....I'm sure it was quite the picture. It was quite embarrassing that is for sure. haha!


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