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Showing posts with label SELCAT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SELCAT. Show all posts



17 Mei 2010

Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Mengenai Keupayaan, Kebertanggungjawaban dan Ketelusan (SELCAT) pada mesyuarat yang diadakan pada hari Isnin, 17 Mei 2010, telah memutuskan untuk mengadakan pendengaran awam ke atas tuduhan penyelewengan yang berlaku di dalam anak syarikat Kerajaan Negeri Selangor, Kumpulan Semesta Sdn Bhd (KSSB), yang mengendalikan perlombongan pasir di Selangor.

SELCAT akan menyiasat perkara tersebut dari segi pentadbiran untuk mengenalpasti samada terdapat kelemahan pentadbiran yang perlu diperbaiki dan diperkuatkan oleh Kerajaan Negeri Selangor demi memastikan pentadbiran KSSB mematuhi dasar dan arahan Kerajaan.

Pendengaran awam tersebut akan diadakan di Bilikan Gerakan, Tingkat 2, Bangunan Annex, Dewan Negeri Selangor pada 2, 3 dan 4 Jun 2010 dari jam 10 pagi hingga 1 petang. Semua pihak yang terlibat secara langsung akan disaman hadir untuk memberi keterangan kepada SELCAT.

SELCAT berharap semua pihak memberi kerjasama sepenuh dalam pendengaran awam tersebut dengan membentangkan dokumen-dokumen yang berkaitan untuk melicinkan lagi siasatan melalui pendengaran awam tersebut.

Mesyuarat SELCAT yang diadakan pada hari ini telah dihadiri oleh semua ahli jawatankuasa SELCAT yang dipengerusikan oleh Speaker merangkap Pengerusi SELCAT, YB Tuan Teng Chang Khim.

Ahli-ahi Jawatankuasa SELCAT yang lain ialah YB Pn Hanizah Talha (PR), YB Tn Azmin Ali (PR), YB Tn Saari Sungip (PR), YB Tn Edward Lee (PR), YB Tn Ismail Sani (BN) dan YB Tn Sulaiman Abdul Razak (BN).

Sekian, terima kasih.


Setiausaha Sulit kepada YB Tuan Teng Chang Khim



Artikel 71 (1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan secara jelas menyatakan prosiding yang dibuat dalam sidang DUN, tidak boleh dibangkitkan di mahkamah.

Saman Selcat tindakan sia-sia - Chang Khim

SHAH ALAM 11 Nov. - Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Mengenai Keupayaan, Kebertanggungjawaban dan Ketelusan Selangor (Selcat), Teng Chang Khim menganggap tindakan tiga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Barisan Nasional (BN) memfailkan saman terhadap jawatankuasa itu sebagai sia-sia.

Katanya, Artikel 71 (1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan secara jelas menyatakan prosiding yang dibuat dalam sidang DUN, tidak boleh dibangkitkan di mahkamah.

Beliau yang juga Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor berkata, ketiga-tiga ADUN itu juga tidak layak memfailkan saman terhadap Selcat kerana mereka tidak pernah dipanggil memberi keterangan.

”Jika mereka mahu memfailkan saman, mereka sepatutnya memfailkan ia terhadap semua wakil rakyat termasuk diri mereka sendiri kerana tidak membantah ketika Selcat ditubuhkan dulu,” katanya ketika ditemui di lobi Dewan Annex di sini semalam.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas tindakan tiga ADUN BN semalam yang memfailkan saman terhadap 10 pihak, menuntut supaya satu deklarasi bahawa penubuhan Selcat dan prosidingnya adalah batal dan tidak sah serta tidak mempunyai sebarang kesan.

Tiga ADUN tersebut ialah ADUN Sungai Air Tawar, Datuk Raja Ideris Raja Ahmad; ADUN Morib, Hasiman Sidon dan ADUN Kuala Kubu Baru, Wong Koon Mun.




SELCAT Tidak Akan Di Rombak: MB

SHAH ALAM, 29 September- Kerajaan negeri Selangor malam tadi memutuskan untuk tidak merombak prosedur dan keanggotaan Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Keupayaan, Kebertanggungjawaban dan Ketelusan (Selcat).

Keputusan itu dibuat dalam perbincangan hampir dua jam membabitkan Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid, Barisan Exco Selangor termasuk Datuk Dr Hasan Mohamed Ali, Speaker Dewan Negeri Selangor (DNS), Teng Chang Khim, Pegawai Daerah, Yang Dipertua pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT), wakil rakyat dan ahli parlimen.

Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim selaku Menteri Besar Selangor berkata, sebarang perubahan terhadap Selcat perlu dibincangkan dan dibahaskan pada sidang Dewan, jika perlu.

Beliau turut mengingatkan bahawa sebarang perbincangan mengenai Selcat tidak perlu dibincangkan dengan pihak luar.

Beliau berkata demikian selepas menpengerusikan mesyuarat tertutup itu di Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah (SAAS) di Shah Alam.

Sebelum ini, Datuk Dr Hasan mengkritik prosedur Selcat yang menyoal pegawai daerah berhubung perbelanjaan peruntukan tahunan wakil rakyat pada sesi pendengaran, baru-baru ini.

Datuk Dr Hasan dilaporkan berkata, prosedur yang diamalkan oleh Selcat itu tidak sesuai dan seolah-olah cuba mengaibkan pegawai kerajaan terbabit.

Malah, beliau turut mencadangkan supaya rombakan ahli jawatankuasa selcat dilakukan bagi meningkatkan integriti jawatankuasa bebas itu.

Walaubagaimanapun ketika ditanya pihak media, beliau enggan mengulas mengenai keputusan perbincangan yang diputuskan itu.




After a 3 hour long meeting comprising 60 party members of the PAS Selangor liaison committee today, a resolution was passed in support of its commissioner Datuk Dr Hasan Ali over the Selcat controversy.

Selangor PAS backs Hasan over Selcat

SHAH ALAM, Sept 27 - The PAS Selangor liaison committee today passed a resolution in support of its commissioner Datuk Dr Hasan Ali over the Selcat controversy.

Hasan recently criticised the state’s select committee for competency, accountability and transparency (Selcat) for “bullying public servants” during a recent public inquiry.

The outburst by the PAS leader has reignited discussions on Hasan’s loyalty and his party’s commitment to Pakatan Rakyat in Selangor.

Hasan previously clashed with PR colleagues over the sale of beer at convenience outlets in Shah Alam, and a plan to empower mosque committee members and workers to police immoral activities in the state.

PAS state liaison committee secretary Mohd Khairuddin Othman has also issued a statement of the party’s support for Hasan and warned that the party was considering pulling out of the state government.

In its resolution today, PAS Selangor agreed that Hasan’s position as PAS Commissioner and executive councilor should not be questioned because the posts were decided by the party president and the Selangor mentri besar respectively.

The committee also supports the opinion of Hasan and stressed that state institutions like Selcat will not function properly if the party commissioner’s proposals are not considered.

The committee also urged the state government to take the necessary steps to reform Selcat to protect the state watchdog’s credibility.

Hasan explained that the meeting was held to discuss what he called a “little” controversy following the comments and statements he made on Selcat.

“PAS Selangor would like to highlight that the relationship between the state government and civil servants must always remain at the best possible state.

"There was an overwhelming agreement of what we have discussed. This means that PAS agrees to what was said by the PAS Commissioner in other words it is the belief of PAS leaders including members and supporters of PAS,” he told reporters after chairing the 3 hour long meeting.

Hasan pointed out however that the party never released any statement saying it was going to leave Pakatan Rakyat.

“PAS will always be together with Pakatan Rakyat and this matter should not be questioned,” he noted.

He also admitted that it might have been his fault that certain parties did not understand his statement.

“All of Selcat’s pubic inquiries have been reported by newspapers. And after each inquiry, Selcat’s chairman will hold a press conference.

“The press conference is also given wide coverage such as the ineffectiveness of the district officer and how he is not fit to be a district officer. When this becomes public knowledge, I believe my statements were appropriate,” he explained.

He added that not only witnesses in the public inquiry were affected but also their families.

“You know how many people have their hearts broken because of this. I was told the wife of the Klang district officer is ashamed to go out and go to work because his image has been tarnished by proceedings in Selcat,” he said.

However Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad still believes that Hasan should not have discussed the matter publicly.

“There was a bit of discussion whether he should have made the statement before discussing it in the exco and there was some difference of opinion on that. Datuk (Hasan Ali) feels that he has the prerogative whether to discuss publicly.

“That is a matter of opinion (whether he has done anything wrong.) My personal opinion is that he should not have discussed it publicly and we will wait and see what happens after that,” he told reporters after the meeting which was attended by 60 party members.

He added that disciplinary action against Hasan was not discussed because it was not for state leaders but the national leadership to decide.

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani/MalaysianInsider



Rata-rata kedudukan kakitangan kerajaan di negara kita boleh diibaratkan seperti telor dihujung tanduk serta laksana pepatah Melayu ditelan mati emak, diluah mati bapak. Untuk terus berpegang teguh pada prinsip hidup dan istiqomah dalam melaksanakan amanah serta tanggungjawab dengan jujur serta berkesan memerlukan mahar serta pengorbanan yang amat tinggi.

Secara teori, kakaitangan kerajaan tertakluk kepada semua arahan dalam Perintah Am Bab D, arahan Perbendaharaan serta arahan ketua jabatan yang dikeluarkan dari masa ke semasa. Namun, realitinya Ketua Jabatan serta kakitangan kerajaan lebih banyak akur kepada arahan "Parti Pemerintah" atau "government of the day".

Kita maklum, kerajaan Barisan Nasional telah memerintah Kerajaan Pusat selama 52 tahun. Barisan Nasional telah menguasai dan memanipulasi kesemua agensi kerajaan bagi tujuan politik, khususnya puak UMNO untuk terus berkuasa pada waktu yang sama menimbun kekeyaan peribadi serta kroni mereka.

Di sinilah para pegawai serta kakitangan kerajaan tersepit. Kebanyakan mereka terpaksa mengikut rentak irama serta tarian ahli politik UMNO atas alasan "demi menjaga periuk nasi". Perintah Am Bab D atau apa jua peraturan Jabatan terpaksa diketepikan demi "survival keluarga" yakni untuk mengelak dari dipindah ke pedalaman, mencegah laporan prestasi kurang baik sekaligus agar tangga gaji naik melintang, supaya mendapat laporan cemerlang bagi tujuan penganugerahan pangkat Istana dan seribu satu macam alasan peribadi yang lain.

Terdapat juga kakitangan kerajaan yang telah mengikut gaya ahli politik UMNO seperti menerima rasuah secara tersembunyi ( "in kind") dan tidak langsung ( bukan "in cash") seperti untuk mendapat kelulusan seorang pegawai kerajaan, pelanggan (rakyat) terpaksa menampung kos menukar tayar kereta atau memasang aksesori kereta pegawai yang berkenaan.

Dalam isu SELCAT Selangor, yang terpaksa menjawab dan berdepan dengan ahli SELCAT ialah para pegawai kerajaan seperti Pegawai Daerah (DO) , Pen Pegawai Daerah (ADO), Ketua Penolong Pegawai Daerah (KADO) dan kakitangan sokongan. Pihak yang mengarah serta mendesak penyalahgunaan serta penyelewengan peruntukan DUN ialah ADUN Barisan Nasional. Agen yang membuat kerja mempercepatkan proses pengeluaran peruntukan ialah para pegawai Kerajaan.

Demi keadilan seharusnya semua pihak yang terlibat harus dihadapkan ke Pendengaran SELCAT. Inilah yang diutarakan oleh Datuk Dr Hasan Mohd Ali selaku Exco Infrastruktur & Kemudahan Awam.

MB Yakin Isu Selcat Dapat Diselesai Dengan Baik

SHAH ALAM, 25 September - Kerajaan Selangor yakin isu Selcat yang hangat diperkatakan sekarang, dapat diselesaikan dengan cara baik dan berhemah, kata Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

Justeru, katanya kerajaan negeri akan mengadakan mesyuarat khas bersama ahli Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Mengenai Keupayaan, Kebertanggungjawaban dan Ketelusan Selangor (Selcat), Exco-exco selangor dan Pegawai Daerah untuk berbincang dan menyelesaikan isu tersebut secara dalaman.

Dalam satu kenyataan yang dikeluarkan petang tadi, beliau berkata, isu yang timbul itu hanyalah salah faham yang berlaku antara beberapa pihak, berkaitan perbicaraan awam Selcat baru-baru ini.

Beliau yakin, ia akan dapat diselesaikan dengan baik kerana semua pihak yang terbabit adalah professional dan memahami tugasan dan tanggungjawab masing-masing serta dapat bekerjasama sebagai satu pasukan yang cekap dan berkesan.

Mesyuarat tertutup ini akan dipengerusikan sendiri oleh Tan Sri Khalid di bangunan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, SUK Isnin ini.




Antara yang menarik:

1. Sesi pendengaran hari ini diberitahu bahawa tindakan pejabat Daerah Petaling yang tidak mempuyai rekod, nombor cek dan tarikh untuk meluluskan 13 permohonan bertarikh 26 Februari 2008.

2. Terdapat duit peruntukan Adun yang digunakan untuk tujuan parti politik iaitu bantuan kewangan sebanyak RM400 untuk membayar sewa Bilik Gerakan Umno Batu 7 , di Gombak Setia.

3. For Paya Jaras state constituency, 165 applications amounting to RM504,500 were made between Jan 17 and Feb 1, 2008.

4. Previous Batu Caves lawmaker made 90 applications amounting to almost RM500,000 on Feb 12 last year and all the funds were paid out within 9 days. How RM70,000 in cash was paid out to one individual could not be explained.

Speaker Teng said any current and previous state lawmakers who wish to clarify or dispute the testimony of the officers can come forward and testify during the public inquiry.

“They can contact the secretariat of the state legislative assembly and arrangements will be made for them.

SELCAT pertikai peruntukan DUN

Tuesday, 08 September 2009

SHAH ALAM, 8 Sept - Selcat hari ini mempertikaian penggunaan peruntukan Dun untuk tujuan kempen politik pada pilihan raya umum Mac tahun lalu.

Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri (Dun), Teng Chang Khim Teng berkata peruntukan itu sepatutnya digunakan untuk program mesra rakyat, bukan dibelanjakan pada parti politik seperti yang didapati pada baucer pembayaran oleh pejabat daerah.

Selcat hari ini memanggil dua pegawai daerah iaitu pegawai daerah Petaling dan Gombak untuk menjelaskan butir-butir perbelanjaan Adun Barisan Nasional yang dihabiskan dalam tempoh dua bulan.

Menjelang pilihanraya lalu, setiap adun diperuntukan antara RM500,000 hingga RM600,00 ringgit untuk melaksanakan program mesra rakyat sepanjang tahun lalu.
Bagaimanapun semua peruntukan berkenaan didapati habis dibelanjakan pada pilihan raya umum lalu.

Teng juga mempertikaian pembayaran yang dibuat selepas Dewan Negeri selangor dibubarkan pada 3 Mac 2008.

Selcat yang dipengerusikan Speaker Dun, memulakan sesi pendengaran berhubung peruntukan Dun kira-kira jam 10 pagi tadi.

Selain Teng, lima anggota jawatankuasa tersebut terdiri daripada Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Bukit Antarabangsa, Mohamed Azmin Ali, Adun Taman Medan, Haniza Mohamed Talha, Adun Hulu Kelang, Shaari Sungib, Adun Permatang, Sulaiman Abdul Razak, Adun Dusun Tua, Ismail Sani dan Adun Bukit Gasing, Edward Lee.

Dalam sesi pendengaran pagi tadi, Teng mempertikaian tindakan pejabat Daerah Petaling yang tidak mempuyai rekod, nombor cek dan tarikh untuk meluluskan 13 permohonan bertarikh 26 Februari 2008.

Saksi pertama,Pegawai Daerahnya, Zulkifli Ahmad bagaimanapun mengakui kesilapan mereka dan meminta untuk mengemukakan perkara tersebut kemudian.

Selcat hari ini turut memanggil saksi kedua, Pegawai Daerah Gombak, Huzaimi Samsi, untuk memberi keterangan.

Shaari memberitahu Selcat bahawa duit peruntukan Adun ada juga digunakan untuk tujuan parti politik.

Katanya, pejabat daerah pernah meluluskan bantuan kewangan sebanyak RM400 untuk membayar sewa Bilik Gerakan Umno Batu 7 , di Gombak Setia.

Huzaini:Yang ini YB seperti yang saya katakan, memang kalau kita tak lulus pun kita susah juga , nak lulus pun susah juga.Inilah yang jadi tension kita. Nak release tension kita lulus jugalah”

Shaari: Yang susah tu apa,macam mana?

Huzaini:Dia duk kejar kita YB, susah la kita, itu yang kita lulus juga.

Shaari:Adakah pegawai takut dengan Adun?

Huzaini:Bukan takut dengan Adun, orang cari kita naik tak selesa.

Huzaini berkata demikian ketika membalas pertanyaan Shaari mengenai peruntukan adun yang digunakan untuk parti politik.

Sementara itu,Teng dalam sidang media tengah hari tadi berkata beliau berpuas hati dengan perjalanan pendengaran awam hari ini.

Menurutnya dua orang pegawai daerah yang dipanggil telahpun memberi kerjasama bagi membantu Selcat mempertingkatkan lagi pentadbiran kewangan khususnya dalam peruntukan Dun dalam negeri Selangor.

Sesi pendengaran bersambung esok.

DO alleges BN men abused state allocation
Wednesday, 09 September 2009
©The Malaysian Insider
By Neville Spykerman

SHAH ALAM, Sept 8 — A district officer today revealed that Barisan National (BN) assemblymen under his jurisdiction had misused their state allocations ahead of the March 8 general elections last year.

Gombak District Officer Huzaini Samsi, who testified before the special select committee for competency, accountability and transparency (Selcat), also admitted that there was even a ‘possibility that the annual allocations were used for campaigning”.

He admitted it was morally wrong and extraordinary for the state lawmakers and exco members to spend their entire annual allocations in just two months.

BN state lawmakers received RM500,00 while state executive councillors received an additional RM100,000.

He said normal monthly expenditure only amounts to between RM20,000 and RM50,000 but during the general elections the lawmakers maximise their expenditure.’

“They try and spend as much as possible before the general elections.”

Huzaini, who became the Gombak District Officer in 2007, gave a candid account of how there was virtually no accountability and safeguards on how previous BN assemblyman spent their annual allocations.

He was the second witness to testify at the first of the public inquiry into how state allocations are spent by state law makers by the previous and current administrations.

Huzaini, who is in charged of overseeing allocations to six constituencies, said it was his personal opinion that lawmakers were entitled to the allocations while his office merely tried its best to ensure applications are approved with minimum delay.

He said assemblymen would call his office to expedite applications for funds but he initially denied there was any direct pressure to approve.

"We usually just approve all applications because we want to avoid confrontation," he said, adding that they were frequently caught in a difficult position.

“We are wrong if we approved and wrong if we didn’t.”

Huzaini said normal applications for funds are approved within two weeks but state lawmakers would often asked for applications to be processed and funds to be issued earlier.

However he was stumped when shown the spending patterns of previous BN assemblymen whose constituency are under his jurisdiction.

The previous Batu Caves lawmaker for instance made 90 applications amounting to almost RM500,000 on Feb 12 last year and all the funds were paid out within 9 days.

“Fantastic, I did not know my staff could work so hard,” said Huzaini.

He also could not explain how RM70,000 in cash was paid out to one individual.”

Another example shown was that of the Paya Jaras state constituency, where 165 applications amounting to RM504,500 were made between Jan 17 and Feb 1, 2008.

The entire amount was paid to a single individual.

Huzaini also confirmed that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had recently raided the Gombak land office but said he did not know if they were checking only on the files of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lawmakers or the previous BN assemblymen

Earlier Petaling District Officer Datuk Zulkepli Ahmad was at a loss to explain how approval for state allocations for BN lawmakers was given even after the state assembly was dissolved and even after the new PR state government was sworn-in.

Both Huzaini and Zulkepli requested for time to check their records. Huzaini is scheduled to return on Friday while Zulkepli requested two weeks.

Meanwhile Selcat chairman Teng Chang Khim said all nine District Officers will be called along with other necessary witnesses during the inquiry which will continue until Sept 14.

He said any current and previous state lawmakers who wish to clarify or dispute the testimony of the officers can come forward and testify during the public inquiry.

“They can contact the secretariat of the state legislative assembly and arrangements will be made for them.”



SELCAT hearing on how a total of RM27 million was spent by 54 Barisan Nasional (BN) assemblymen in the first three months of 2008. which will be held from Sept 8 to 11 and Sept 15 from 10am till 4pm at the Annexe Hall in the state legislative assembly building.

Selcat inquiry on how assemblymen use allocations

SHAH ALAM (Aug 28, 2009): The Selangor Select Committee on Competency, Accountability and Transparency (Selcat) will conduct an inquiry on how allocations of Selangor assemblymen were spent in 2008 and in the first half of this year and whether there was any abuse or wastage involved.

The highlight of the probe will be a scrutiny on how a total of RM27 million was spent by 54 Barisan Nasional (BN) assemblymen in the first three months of 2008.

In a statement today, the Selangor press secretariat said district officers and assemblymen will be called in to give their testimony on how the allocations were spent by the 54 assemblymen before the state fell into the hands of the Pakatan Rayat (PR) on March 8.

State legislative assembly speaker Teng Chang Khim will chair the hearing which will be held from Sept 8 to 11 and Sept 15 from 10am till 4pm at the Annexe Hall in the state legislative assembly building.

This is the second public hearing to be held by the committee. The first one held in late March probed into the excesses and monies received and spent by the Selangor wives of parliamentarians and assemblymen welfare organization (Balkis).

Among others, this second hearing will investigate how 203 allocations for an area were given in one day, and the approval of permanent land titles after Parliament was dissolved on Feb 13, 2008.

Maria J. Dass/sun2surf



Penubuhan Jawatankuasa khas mampu meringankan tanggungjawab Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas mengenai Keupayaan, Kebertanggungjawaban dan Ketelusan (SELCAT), selain dapat membantu memperkasakan dewan dalam memantau pentadbiran kerajaan secara efektif.

Tiga jawatankuasa tersebut terdiri daripada:

Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Mengenai Pejabat Daerah dan Tanah (JPK-PADAT),

Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Mengenai Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (JPK-PBT)

Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Mengenai Agensi, Badan Berkanun dan Anak Syarikat Kerajaan Negeri (JPK-ABAS).

Tiga Jawatankuasa Khas Pantau Selangor

Tiga jawatankuasa khas baharu ditubuhkan bagi membantu Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor menjalankan pemantauan ke atas pentadbiran kerajaan negeri.

Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor, Teng Chan Kim berkata tiga jawatankuasa tersebut terdiri daripada Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Mengenai Pejabat Daerah dan Tanah (JPK-PADAT), Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Mengenai Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (JPK-PBT) dan Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Mengenai Agensi, Badan Berkanun dan Anak Syarikat Kerajaan Negeri (JPK-ABAS).

“Ini adalah tiga jawatankuasa baharu yang dipilih selain empat jawatankuasa sedia ada iaitu Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Awam, Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan, Jawatankuasa Peraturan Tetap dan Jawatankuasa Selcat,” katanya penubuhannya dapat meringankan tanggungjawab Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas mengenai Keupayaan, Kebertanggungjawaban dan Ketelusan (SELCAT), selain dapat membantu memperkasakan dewan dalam memantau pentadbiran kerajaan secara efektif.

Menurutnya, JPK-PADAT dijangka dipengerusikan oleh ADUN Sekinchan, Ng Suee Lim sementara ahli jawatankuasanya terdiri daripada Dr Rani Osman, Mat Suhaimi Shafie, Gan Pei Nei, Mohd Nasir Hashim, Yap Ee Wah dan Dato Mohd Shamsuddin Lias.

ADUN Taman Medan, Haniza Talha pula bertindak sebagai pengerusi JPK-PBT manakala ahli jawatankuasanya diwakili oleh Dr Shafie Abu Bakar, Lee Ying Ha, Amirudin Shari, Tan Choon Swee, Dato’ Karim Mansor dan Hasiman Sidom.

Sementara itu, ADUN Hulu Kelang, Sa’ari Sungib pula dilantik sebagai pengerusi JPK-ABAS.

Katanya, Lau Weng San, Muthiah a/l Maria Pillay, Khasim Abdul Aziz, Hannah Yeoh Tseow Suan, Dato’ Mohamad Satim Diman dan Dato’ Amiruddin Setro antara adun yang mewakili jawatankuasa tersebut.

Menurut Teng, pelantikan kesemua ahli jawatankuasa telah dimaklumkan kepada Dato’ Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim minggu lalu sebelum pembebasan Manoharan.

MURIZA ABDUL HAMID/Selangorkini Online



Teng selaku Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Mengenai keupayaan, Kebertanggungjawaban dan Ketelusan (SELCAT) merangkap Speaker DUN berkata hukuman dibuat adalah berdasarkan kepada kes-kes penggantungan beberapa ahli-ahli Parlimen sebelum ini.

Teng berkata Dr Khir, ADUN Sungai Panjang dikenakan hukuman gantung perkhidmatan dan elaun ahli DUN selama enam bulan bagi setiap daripada tiga pertuduhan itu. Bagaimanapun, beliau mencadangkan semua hukuman terhadap Dr Khir itu dijalankan secara serentak.

Empat ADUN Datuk Marsum Paing (Dengkil), Mohd Isa Abu Kasim (Batang Kali), Datuk Warno Dogol (Sabak) dan Datuk Mohamed Idris Abu Bakar (Hulu Bernam) masing-masing digantung perkhidmatan dan kemudahan elaun mereka selama enam bulan.

Dr Khir Digantung Sebagai Ahli DUN Selama Setahun, Rumusan JKHK

Ketua Pembangkang Selangor Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo digantung menghadiri Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) dan kemudahan elaun sebagai Ahli DUN selama setahun selepas didapati bersalah menghina Dewan.

Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan (JKHK) Negeri Selangor juga mendapati bekas Menteri Besar itu bersalah kerana gagal hadir pada sesi pendengaran awam Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Mengenai keupayaan, Kebertanggungjawaban dan Ketelusan (SELCAT) Mac lepas.

SELCAT ditubuhkan dengan bidang kuasa DUN bagi membolehkan pendengaran awam dilakukan berhubung penggunaan wang penajaan Badan Amal dan Kebajikan Isteri-Isteri Wakil Rakyat Selangor (Balkis) pada pertengahan Mac lalu.

Selain Dr Khir, empat lagi ADUN Barisan Nasional (BN), Datuk Marsum Paing (Dengkil), Mohd Isa Abu Kasim (Batang Kali), Datuk Warno Dogol (Sabak) dan Datuk Mohamed Idris Abu Bakar (Hulu Bernam) didapati bersalah menghina Dewan.

Selepas mesyuarat JKHK di sini hari ini, Pengerusinya Teng Chang Khim, yang juga Speaker DUN, berkata empat ADUN itu masing-masing digantung perkhidmatan dan kemudahan elaun mereka selama enam bulan.

Katanya empat ADUN itu didapati bersalah kerana mengeluarkan kenyataan menuduh SELCAT sebagai sebuah badan yang tidak bebas dan alat politik untuk membalas dendam terhadap wakil BN.

Selain kesalahan tidak menghadiri sesi pendengaran awam itu, Dr Khir juga didapati bersalah atas tiga lagi tuduhan iaitu mengeluarkan kenyataan dalam blog dan akhbar, mengutuk integriti jawatankuasa SELCAT dan menuduh SELCAT sebagai alat politik untuk memburukkan dirinya.

Teng berkata Dr Khir, ADUN Sungai Panjang itu, juga dikenakan hukuman gantung perkhidmatan dan elaun ahli DUN selama enam bulan bagi setiap daripada tiga pertuduhan itu.

Bagaimanapun, beliau mencadangkan semua hukuman terhadap Dr Khir itu dijalankan secara serentak.

Teng berkata hukuman itu adalah berdasarkan kepada kes-kes penggantungan beberapa ahli-ahli Parlimen sebelum ini.

Katanya hasil mesyuarat JKHK itu akan dibentangkan sebagai usul untuk dibahaskan pada persidangan DUN yang dijangka diadakan Julai ini.




Loving remarks by Dr Khir:

"There is no need for me to answer. If we answer, then someone will say something else and it will go on and on. Let God decide who is right."

"I still got the number two spot in the Umno Youth Chief elections. As for the public, when I go around I still draw in crowds."

Khir has his say on allegations

Former Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Khir Toyo has come under a lot fire recently for purportedly misusing the state agencies’ funds for costly trips, family holidays and personal gain - something he vehemently denies.

Pakatan Rakyat which wrested the state in the March 8 2008 general election has set up a Select Committee on Competence, Accountability and Transparency (Selcat) to probe the financial dealings of Balkis (the former Selangor Elected Representatives Wives Welfare Association headed by Dr Khir’s wife), to see if there was any wrongdoing or element of criminal breach of trust in the charity organisation.

Last month, the bosses of Permodalan Negeri Selangor Bhd (PNSB), Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Bhd (KDEB) and PKNS and others testified at the Selcat hearing and some of their disclosures were shocking - that RM1.7mil was paid for DisneyWorld and DisneyLand “technical” trips, RM200,000 for a Jogjakarta trip and that they paid the air tickets for Dr Khir’s maid to go on the trips and that they got instructions from the (then) Mentri Besar to sponsor Balqis events.

Denying any wrongdoing, Dr Khir who chose not to attend the Selcat inquiry, gives his side of the story. He also says that he will never forgive Pakatan Rakyat until he dies for smearing his reputation.

Q: It has been a year since the general election with Selangor having fallen to Pakatan Rakyat, how do you see the whole political scenario?

A: I think there are mixed feelings among the public. Some believe Pakatan Rakyat (PR) is doing quite well but some do not. This is based on perception. PR managed to give a good perception about themselves to the public. The low income group are happy because a lot of goodies have been given to them but the business or corporate community in Selangor are not happy because they obviously see the economy shrinking. That is so apparent. Lately the urban areas are beginning to see that the local authorities have failed to improve their basic services.
Q: You contested the Umno Youth Chief post and came in second. What do you think of Khairy Jamaluddin as the new Youth Chief and Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir as deputy minister?

A: Khairy has won and I think he needs to work hard. Without his father-in-law (Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi), I think he needs to work even harder. But first he needs to clear the perception about him. I think the Malaysian public still cannot accept him as Youth chief.

As for Mukhriz - it’s simple. There must be ‘keturunan’ (lineage). His father (former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir Mohamad) was there (in the seat of power) so his child too must be there. That’s Malaysian politics for you. It’s happened before and it’s happened again. It’s a normal thing.


Q: Some say you are arrogant because you used the broom award to shame departments, boasted before the March 8 general elections that there will be zero opposition in Selangor and in a forum after the election you challenged the new PR government to investigate you from head to toe.

A: The broom award was decided by the state government officers and personally I think it was good because that department (that was shamed for non-performance by winning the broom award) got number one placing for performance the following year. The broom award was just to change the mind set.

As for the zero opposition, as Mentri Besar and state Barisan Nasional chairman if I say we are weak, all my people will be disheartened and dispirited. As a general, even if you lose the war, you must still say that you have not. That’s the way to handle perception, feelings and the spirit of our ‘soldiers’. Psychologically everyone does that from Mussolin to Sukarno. How can you lead and say we are going to lose. We will not say that we are not going to lose even if we think we are. It’s a strategy.

As for the forum, some people were saying I am corrupt and they will boo me if I say that I am not. The situation at that time was very wild. So I said what I said to keep their mouths shut. Actually, I am not arrogant but I have my own character in politics.


Q: You have been at the centre of a lot of controversy lately. How have you been responding?

A: It’s all politically motivated. Pakatan Rakyat is trying to hide their own wrongdoings. The present MB (Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim) also has a case, one of the exco member also has a case. They are trying to cover up all these things.

For example, the Balqis issue. I am not even a member and Balqis has already been dissolved and the dissolution has been approved by ROS. I was investigated by the police over the Balqis issue and the police found no wrongdoing but still Pakatan is harping on it. But I am not worried. As for the trips (which has now become controversial), as far as I am concerned I paid for my own children.

Q: Why did you not go to the Selcat inquiry to defend yourself

A: My lawyer advised me not to go. It is a one-sided hearing. Selcat called me on Balqis issue but I am not a Balqis member so there is no locus standi for me to talk. I cannot clear my name because it is a structured hearing. Selcat is made up of my political opponents. The only two Barisan members in it went for the hearing the first day and stayed away after that. And Selcat wants me - their enemy - to appear before them? If you and I are fighting, would you have something good to say about me? If I go to Selcat, it is like I serah diri (surrender) before my political enemy. They are not interested in the truth. They are just trying to look for kesalahan orang (find fault). If they are after the truth, they would have had professionals not politicians conducting the hearing. If it was conducted by ex-judges and non-partisan ex-top civil servants, then I would have gone. But in this case, tell me why should I go to the lion’s den? Besides, Selcat did not get the approval from the AG to set it up.

Q: But this comes under the Selangor state government and assembly, surely they don’t need the A-G’s approval to set up Selcat?

A: I checked with my lawyer. Any law that involves enforcement must be done by the Federal government first of all. They have said they want to jail people and stated that they can jail up to two years and fine RM2,000. Who is going to jail the person? Does the state have the authority to do this? Surely this comes under the police. Selangor has a Public Accounts Committee - why can’t use that mechanism? But they formed Selcat just to pick on people.

Q: You say there is no locus standi for you to attend an inquiry on Balqis but some of the money in question came from PNSB of which you were the chairman?

A: This falls under the Registrar of Societies. For example I am an Umno member and if I donate money to say MIC do I have the right to ask questions about the money of MIC and ask details about the MIC management? I can’t. This is a donation from a private company to Balqis. That’s why there is no locus standi. In fact even the state government doesn’t have the right to ask these questions because they are not members. I have checked with my lawyer. They can’t.

Q: But (former Selangor MB) Tan Sri Mat Taib’s wife, Puan Sri Asbi (Rohani Asnan) who was Balqis president (until 1997) attended the Selcat hearing?

A: That is up to her. I asked the lawyer’s opinion and (he advised me against it) and so I wrote a letter to Selcat explaining why I was not coming. Because I am not a Balqis member so how can they can ask me about Balqis issues.

Q: What was the purpose of the Dec 17-24 2007 DisneyWorld, Miami Beach and Honolulu trip?

A: It was a technical visit. It was for investment purposes, river management, canal city and the theme park. We wanted to make a second Klang Valley in Selangor - an RM1bil canal city from Sungai Kuala Langat to Sungai Klang which is about 16km. There was to be an artificial beach, a river fishing area, boating, a garden in the middle and cycling lane and walkways. The water level would be maintained throughout the year. You should have a look at the canal city plan. It is very nice. So the trip was to visit water feature development areas so that we know how to do it technically in Selangor and translate the concept to reality. That is why we had in our delegation the Yang Di-Pertua (YDP) of Kuala Langat, of Sepang, the DO Sepang, the DO Kuala Langat, town planners and technical officers. They want to see with their own eyes what it looks like, only then can they execute. My trips are always multi-purpose. We meet the business community there to try and get more investments.

Q: Why didn’t (PNSB CEO) Datin Khairiyah (Abu Hassan) say that? When Selcat asked the purpose of trip, she said it was to study the theme park and did not mention river management?

A: She made a mistake. She has to look through the minutes of PNSB again. The trip was partly to study the theme park and partly to study river management and canal city project. I am very sure about that. I am the one attending the programme so I know this.

Q: Datin Khairiyah said your delegation did not meet anyone from the Disney World management team?

A: The arrangement was done by the PNSB management. On the itinerary, there was supposed to be a meeting with them but I don’t know why they cancelled it. You cannot blame me for it.

Q: You said you do not know why they cancelled a meeting with the Theme Park management?

A: Yes. I don’t know. The PNSB management should know. They sent a Recce team there earlier and everything should have been okay.

Q: It cost RM366,000 to send the Recce team ahead and yet they could not organise a meeting with the Disney World Theme Park? Are you saying the PNSB officers are not competent?

A: The Recce team was decided by management not by board.

Q: Why couldn’t they just call or e-mail to fix an appointment? Why do they have to go all the way there to fix the programme?

A: All this was decided by the management. I am the chairman (of the board) and they are the ones who set the programme and I just go for it. In fact sometimes the programme just comes to my table where to meet etc and I just follow. I did not ask for this and that. The PNSB management decided and I just followed.

Q: The Canal Development project between Sungai Kuala Langat and the Klang River is not something new. It was already proposed in 2006 and universities like UKM and Uniten have already had papers on it and discussions on the concept.

A: Yes, but after one year, the officers still did not understand the technical things about how to manage river development and all that. They wanted to have a look at what it is. That’s why I brought the technical team to study and look in detail water feature developments. A year ago we had already completed the concept of the canal city, only after this (concept paper) was completed that we go and visit.

Q: Why go to Miami Beach and Honolulu and not Venice Italy which is known for its canals?

A: PNSB suggested this to us. I don’t choose. I just follow. In fact, I had to put it off a few times because I had no time. We wanted to learn about water-feature development. We were planning an artificial beach in the Canal City so we went to these beaches (Miami and Hawaii) to learn how to develop these areas - like how many feet development should it be from the water and how to maintain the sand. In Malaysia, we tend to develop right to the water front, when in fact you must leave at least a 20 to 30 feet distance from the water. We also don’t want development projects to cause river banks to collapse (due to a lack of technical planning in developing the area around it). The technical department didn’t approve the project because they couldn’t understand the concept and couldn’t visualise it, so we said ‘then okay let’s go and learn from them’ (the experts).

Q: Why was the delegation so big? Why not bring only 10 or so people?

A: I don’t remember how many came along. When we went, developers came along too. They too want to learn about the river development and canal city development. On my part, I brought along two District Officers, Town Planner, YDP, the state secretary and the PNSB board of directors. The developers, of course, paid their own way.

Q: And why not just bring the experts down to Selangor to train the officers?

A: The thing is the technical group here do not understand the concept. They want to have a look at such projects themselves so that is why we brought them there. Besides, bringing consultants and experts down would be more expensive. The canal project is about RM1bil and foreign consultants and experts would cost about 18% of that. And that does not even include the cost of flying them down. Another thing too is that we also need to expose our officers because they are the ones who are going to approve the project. These departments need to see the project otherwise they won’t approve.

Q: Are the trips to reward the officers?

A: No. There must be a purpose to the trips. We bring officers in charge of the Kuala Langat and the Klang River area. And now because of that, they are better and better because they have more knowledge. Otherwise the officers do not know how to do it. If you talk about the barrage, the officers cannot visualise what it is like. They need to go there and learn. That is the problem with our officers these days. If we don’t give them the exposure, they don’t know. You should have a look at the canal city plan. The concept is the first in Malaysia on how to combine water, humans and development. We had the concept already in 2006 and now the trips are how do to translate that to reality. That’s why we brought YDPs, District Officers, the town planner, the state secretary and the PNSB board of directors. We can have sand, the canal and development.

Q: So the officers are sufficiently knowledgable now?

A: We have had discussions with MTES (Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi Selangor). In fact, because of their exposure, many regulations in development have been changed. Instead of having the river running along behind the house near the kitchen area, the front of the house is built to face the river. We managed to change so many concepts. It’s good exposure.

Q: Why did you not ask the officers who went on the trip to go to Selcat to give their side of the story?

A: Selcat did not call them. That’s why I think it’s all political motivated. They could have called the state secretary or the others who went on the trip. But the hearing was very structured. The questions were very structured. They didn’t want to find out who is right or wrong. All they wanted was a one-sided story. The purpose is just to tarnish my name. That’s all.

Q: How come PNSB paid RM110,000 for your presidential suite in Honolulu?

A: I am not sure. It was all organised by them. And I didn’t ask. I didn’t even get to enjoy the suite or the facilities. I just used it for sleeping. I returned from the programme at midnight and by 8am I am up. Q: People are shocked by the RM1.7mil spent for the Disney trips?

A: That was decided by the management. I am actually a very simple man. I do not ask for these kind of things. Maybe they said as a chairman, that is my entitlement and they did that.

Q: You say you are a simple man but people would disagree because you fly first class and stay at expensive presidential suites?

A: You must remember when I was the (PNSB) chairman. I have my entitlement. If I were to reduce my entitlement to what an officer gets then what is the officer going to reduce to? I am the chairman. There is the deputy chairman, board of directors, government officers going along. If I fly business class (not first class), then what happens to my state secretary? He will complain. If I am travelling alone it is easier. But I am travelling with a group of people and if I downgrade myself - it’s a problem for the others. But I never ask (for the pricey presidential suites or first class flights). Whatever they provide, I go along with. I just tell them to give me a full itinerary on these trips. I want a full programme with investors and companies.
Q: But isn’t the RM1.7mil spent on the Disney trips wasteful?

A: No. The trip has so many purpose. Look at the effect, the officers got good exposure. And we get to bring investments to the state. Usually when I go on these trips, my programme is packed from morning to midnight to visit companies, factories, business associates, governors. That’s how we have increased the state’s investments from RM4bil a year to more than RM6 to RM7 bil a year. The RM1.7mil spent used proper channels and we got RM50bil investment (over the last eight years). If we spend RM5 mil for trips but it brings in RM50bil worth of investment, what’s wrong with that? Just look at Selangor now. The RM11.8bil last year was the result of my investment not Pakatan’s. They just try to take credit for it. But now investments have dwindled to RM6bil. I worry that it’s going to wind down to RM4bil. And we used to get RM17mil from sand mining but when PKR took over the state, they got only RM3mil. And they promised the people that they could collect RM250mil for sand mining. As far as I am concerned all the trips I made bring a lot of development to Selangor and introduced new concepts. The ideas come from these trips. I stopped over in Dubai for few days because I got the Sepang Gold Coast idea from Dubai’s The Palm development. I don’t know why the state cancelled the River Canal City project. They should proceed because it can spur the economy.

Q: During the technical trip you went to Kennedy Space Center and visited Disneyworld?

A: Selcat should get every information and see the real itinerary of our visit. I am not crazy to use government money for leisure trips. Sometimes on a technical trip, we have meetings after meetings for six hours or the whole day and if there is a break in between, we can fit in some leisure time too. Why not? I am a workaholic and when officers accompany on these trips they get angry because it is one meeting at 8am, followed by another at 10am, another business lunch, followed by more meetings and at night official dinners. Every one of my trips so far is like that. You can ask my state secretary or officers to confirm this.

Q: Why did your family and maid go along on these ‘technical’ trips?

A: When I move around, I do bring my family but all that is paid by me.

Q: But PNSB said they paid the flight for your children and maid for the trips?

A: As far as I am concerned I paid for my maid and children. I don’t know why she (Datin Khairiyah) would say they paid. Maybe she is against me. And why would the management pay? I paid for the flights. So why did the PNSB management pay again? Look, I am the chairman. I am not the management so I wouldn’t know if they paid for it again or not. But the management should take responsibility for that. They shouldn’t pay my personal expenses or flight tickets for my maid and children. If they pay for my family and don’t inform me, how am I supposed to know they did that (because I am not part of that decision making process).

Q: So you are denying that state funds were used for the maid?

A: I checked and the answer is ‘no’.
Q: What was the purpose of RM201,000 Jogjakarta trip?

A: The trip was to study the batik industry and also river management. There was a garbage problem at Kuala Selangor where there is the fireflies (attraction) and we wanted to see how to take care of that. Their (Jogjakarta) river management is very good. It was JPS (the Irrigation and Drainage Department) that asked us to go for the trip.

Q: On that Jogjakarta trip, Malaysia paid RM10,000 to Indonesian dancers to welcome the Malaysian delegation. Isn’t that odd?

A: You shouldn’t ask me. I was there as a guest . I don’t know the details. I am the Mentri Besar and I don’t ask all that. I didn’t know RM10,000 was paid for the welcoming ceremony. All that was decided by management. That trip, the itinerary was all decided by the management. I am the chairman so I am in the board. The board meets only about three to four times a year but it is the management (of which I am not a part of) that runs the company. They meet almost monthly. I attend their meeting only three to four times a year.

Q: Your former chief secretary Norzatun Ain Mohd Kassim told the Selcat inquiry that you asked her to write a letter from your office on behalf Balqis to seek an AP bring in RM40,000 worth of imported Indonesian batik which was being held at Port Klang but this was finally rejected by MITI because it had to protect the local batik industry. But doesn’t this shows a misuse of your office?

A: I can assure you there was no letter from me to Miti. In any case the AP was not approved, so it is a non issue. Q: PNSB’s Datin Khairiyah said PNSB paid RM14,900 for business class flight tickets to Melbourne for your wife to visit your son who is studying there?

A: No. I have checked that up already. I am very sure that my wife’s ticket was paid by me for that trip. Q: Then why would she say PNSB paid? And why did Datin Khairiyah accompany your wife?

A: I don’t why. She didn’t tell me. You should ask Datin (Khairiyah) why she went along. She can’t say there was an instruction from my wife because who is my wife to give such instructions.
Q: The Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Bhd (KDEB) said it spent RM550,000 sponsoring four Balqis dinners at Sunway Lagoon on July 24, Aug 2, 3, 4, 2007 while PNSB too donated another RM300,000 for them?

A: It was for fund raising and we got RM6mil for charity.
Q: Logically speaking why have four charity dinners held almost consecutively which cost a lot of money instead of just one?

A: They had too many people coming for it so they had to break it up in smaller groups. If they do it at such a grand scale, it would cost even more so it was better to split it up and have small programmes with different guests.

Q: There was a Balqis event where KDEB paid RM25,000 for chocolates which were to be given as souvenirs while buying imported chocolates would have cost less?

A: You can’t ask me all these details. I wouldn’t know. All this was decided by the management. For example, Tan Sri Khalid (Ibrahim) he wouldn’t know how much the chocolates cost. He wouldn’t have time for that.

Q: KDEB also paid RM17,000 for tickets for Balqis to go to China to buy artificial flowers and caps there when the company has a branch in Kepong. Why waste money when the ordering could have been done in Kepong?

A: I really don’t know. But it must have been approved by the KDEB management. It might be cheaper to fly there and order it from there. You know how cheap things are in China. What costs 10 sen there costs RM10 here. I know my wife very well. She is very careful about accounting. She’s far-sighted and always thinking about how to save money. Perhaps that’s why she bought so many flowers and caps for the welfare programmes one shot - to save money And she gets really frustrated when the public thinks otherwise.

Q: PNSB said they had to give Balqis about RM1mil each year?

A: Yes, that was a decision by PNSB. The 1mil is for charity. Balqis uses the money to help the needy. During Chinese New Year, they give RM100 to 1,000 poor Chinese, for Hari Raya they give money out to poor Malays and during Deepavali, it goes to poor Indians. And we don’t ask the people to sign invoices to show that they got the money. Balqis does many welfare programmes. They buy wheelchairs, and prosthetic limbs for the disabled and fund dialysis treatment for the needy.

Q: KDEB, PNSB and PKNS all said that they became like a ‘tukang bayar’ because whenever there was a request from Balqis they felt obliged to pay.

A: They should have brought it to the board if they were unhappy. Balqis is a welfare organisation which does work for charity. These companies have put aside a certain amount for charity (under their Corporate Social Responsibility programme). And they can channel the money to any clubs or charity. They can sponsor sports, Balqis or give it to old folks homes. In fact, KDEB sponsors football programmes more than it does Balqis events. The companies decide where to give the money to. As far as I am concerned the money is not misused. And the money Balqis gets does go to the target group (welfare and they needy). That’s what is important.

Q: But this puts bodies like PNSB. KDEB, PKNS in a dilemma because you were after all their Mentri Besar (from 2000 until the March 8 general elections) so how can they say ‘no’ to Balqis. They had to accord Balqis, which is headed by your wife, special treatment?

A: Even if Balqis made a request, the management has the right to turn it down. They can’t be ‘segan’ (embarrassed). Where does the money go? If the money goes to charity, then it’s okay. What’s wrong if it goes to the poor, old and the needy. But if it goes to certain people’s pocket that’s a different matter. What the company donates goes to charity and not to individual’s pocket. Balqis does not benefit from it. Sometimes, the money is not enough and Balqis has to top it up with their own money.

Q: But did you make calls and give verbal instructions to these bodies to fund Balqis activities?

A: No I never made any instructions. It was all done through the board of directors and went through the proper procedures. I am very sure about that. For me, in the eight years, I never called a single officer up and asked them to do things without going it through meetings first. I discuss everything in the board and jot things down. I don’t like not to be responsible for what was decided so I would jot down every instruction. And I give instructions in the meeting not outside.

Q: But the bosses at PNSB and KDEB said they received many requests from you, verbal instructions to pay for Balqis?

A: No. Can they prove it? Which letters have I signed?

Q: They said the requests were verbal?

A: No. Never. You can check my phone bill. I never call. They are trying to save their own skin. I never call. Instructions must be written. I never use my office for my own personal gain. I never do that. Maybe some officer down the line just said “the MB said to do it”.

Q: PNSB, KDEB, PKNS are all saying ‘yes you did’ but you are saying ‘no I didn’t’. Who is telling the truth?

A: I never call. If you want to be sure you can check my phone bills throughout the years.

Q: So you are saying that they are all ganging up against you?

A: That’s the problem. They want to protect themselves. That’s why I can’t go to Selcat because Selcat is my enemy. It’s not transparent.
Q: If this is the case, aren’t you angry with them for doing this?

A: No, why should I be angry. I don’t even have any power anymore (as I lost the Mentri Besar post).

Q: It was also disclosed at the Selcat inquiry that PNSB had to pay the salaries of three workers who worked exclusively for Balqis?

A: They are actually PNSB staff. They were just loaned to Balqis to help out like once a week or something like that. They are not doing it full time.

Q: There was also this Chinese New Year event organised by Balqis that you went to officiate where your wife who is the Balqis president asked PNSB to sponsor a RM3,600 Summerman suit for you as a souvenir for officiating the function?

A: That is a token of appreciation. It was decided by the management. My wife would never make such a request. I am very sure of that. My wife doesn’t interfere at all. She doesn’t go to my office. When I officiate a function, I don’t have a clue what I would get as a souvenir. It is up to the management to decide what to give. And my wife is certainly not involved in the management of PNSB (so how can she influence a decision on gifts) Actually I appreciate books as a souvenir. For me that is best. If I attend a function and if they give me some other gift, it would be very rude to reject it. But I appreciate books most and I have my own library now.

Q: When say the Prime Minister and his wife comes for functions in the state, do you give out expensive gifts costing RM40,000 to RM60,000? There were reports that KDEB had paid RM65,000 for songket for dignitiaries at a Balqis function?

A: We have to give them something special from Selangor. Every state is doing that. That’s normal.

Q: Why did PNSB give you a Patek Philip watch worth RM159,000?

A: I told them they shouldn’t have done that and I turned it down immediately. It was too expensive a gift. I was quite surprised. I never asked for anything that’s why I returned the watch. I told them you better sell the watch back and get the money back.

Q: What is behind the RM338,000 Balqis organised Sporting event where RM131,000 was spent on tracksuits?

A: It was a Bakti programme. States take turns organising it every year. It is attended by the wives of the ministers and the Prime Minister and deputy Prime Minister turn up with their wives. And we gave out a tee-shirt and a tracksuit. When Kedah hosted it, they gave the sports attire, so did Penang. And when it was Selangor’s turn, we too would give. It is after all once in 14 years. And there were four teams so that is why there were track suits in four colours.

Q: There was a report that Balqis received RM100,000 for a SPM programme?

A: These kids come from needy background and because of the Balqis programme some of them got all As.

Q: Have you spoken to your wife about the Balqis issue and what has she been saying?

A: She said everything has been done according to procedure and no money has spent for her own purpose. It was all done for the welfare programme to give the needy.

Q: When is she going to clear her name?

A: There is no need. If we answer, then someone will say something else and it will go on and on. Let God decide who is right.

Q: Why did you buy 12 units of the Al Marwa Tower in Mecca for RM25mil when PNSB had only given approval for the purchase of 5 units for RM8mil?

A: When I was in Mecca, there was this offer from this Mecca group for the apartments. So many people came and were fighting for it because it was in a prime area. It was on a first come first serve basis and we (PNSB) wanted to get five. Then one of the Indonesian companies withdrew and their seven units were offered to us and we took it. But settlement had be done in cash and within 14 days otherwise we would lose the deposit. At that time PNSB did not have enough money so instead of losing the deposit we got another buyer to buy it within 14 days. The apartment is in Mecca so only Muslims can buy it. For that reason too, the apartment units cannot be under the PNSB name because there are non-Muslim directors in PNSB. This is why as chairman I put it under my name. The name should be under whoever is the PNSB chairman and now that’s Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim. I signed three times to transfer the name to his. In fact, I was the one who requested for the transfer of name for the apartment units. I had called state secretary and said ‘let’s settle this because the apartments do not belong to me and I don’t want it.” That’s the whole story.

Q: Was it a good investment?

A: Yes, very good. Now I think the five units which cost RM8mil in 2007 are now easily worth RM12mil easily. It’s very exclusive. It’s the only property near the Kaabah and just about 60m away from the Holy Mosque. You can see the Holy Mosque from the apartment. And we fought like hell to get the units.
Q: PR has raised questions on the transaction about whether it contravened the Exchange Control Act and Anti Money Laundering Act?

A: How can we transfer such a huge amount of money from here to Mecca without approval from Bank Negara? Come on lah. We are talking about RM25mil. So was I wrong to go after a good investment. The value has more than doubled now. I personally stood in the queue for four hours to get it. One Arab man offered me RM200,000 just to change the name of the booking to him but I refused. That’s why I am really frustrated and that’s why I won’t forgive Pakatan. I don’t get a single sen from it. It was for the state. The intention was for investment.
Q: There are lots of questions over the numerous technical trips you made overseas to US, Paris, Hong Kong, Tokyo which are costly?

A: As far as I am concerned all the trips have all been very successful. That’s why I bring a lot of officers to give them exposure. The trips are multi-purpose and bring in investment and give us ideas. I did nothing wrong so I have nothing to worry about. As for the personal trips, I made my own.
Q: Do you agree that the issue has smeared your reputation?

A: Yes, That’s why I won’t forgive them till I die, until Akhirat (the end of the world). The people will come to know the truth later on. The people are restless and fed up with this kind of gutter politics.
Q: Are you suing the state government?

A: I am looking into it.
Q: This issue has tarnished not just your image but also that of Umno?

A: That’s why I won’t forgive them. Maybe when they got into power, they forget that God is there. When you do something bad to people, one day God will do something bad to you. Wait and see. Time will decide.

Q: How are going to repair your reputation?

A: I will go down to the people. I will talk to them about what Pakatan is doing to the country, to the state now. They bohong banyak (lie a lot). They said they were planning RM10bil for the Klang River development programme and I have waited more than 3 months and there is nothing. Don’t bluff the people. That is the whole reason they want to suspend me so that I will not raise the issue.

Q: Is your conscience clear?

A: Very clear. If they do this to me and expect me to keep quiet, they are talking to the wrong person. I will continue to speak up because I love Selangor very much. I will talk because I know what they are doing. Even if they suspend me from the state assembly, they can’t prevent me from talking to the public. I will keep talking. Because far as I am concerned my job is to advise and tegur (criticise).

Q: Do you think people will believe you?

A: I think so. I still got the number two spot in the Umno Youth Chief elections. As for the public, when I go around I still draw in crowds. For example when I went to campaign in the Bukit Gantang by-election, so many people came to my ceramah. This happens everywhere I go.

SHAHANAAZ HABIB/The Star/the Malaysian Bar



State investment arm Permodalan Negeri Selangor Bhd (PNSB) paid for these trips: to visit two Disneyland theme parks in the United States and France which took place in 2007 and 2004. Plus two other trips to Disneyland parks in Hongkong in March 2006 and Tokyo in preparation for the setting up of a 8ha theme park in Bagan Lalang.

The trip to Disneyland in Paris between Dec 17 and 24, 2004, Khairiyah said PNSB spent almost RM1 million as the visit included a working trip to Morocco to study Moorish and Islamic architecture and a four-day transit stop in Dubai (costing more than RM90,000).

The entourage merely visited the theme parks as members of the public and that the visits were more as an exposure to the management and concept of running a theme park.
The decision was made at PNSB’s management meeting and by chairman and former MB Mohd Khir.

Khairiyah also told Selcat that no report was submitted on the technical trips to Disneyland.

"Mohd Khir and his wife refused to turn up and explain to the people what happened to Balkis and PNSB all these years," according to Teng, the chairman of SELCAT.

On the exposure of these dubious visits to disneylands, some of the members of the Malaysian public may comment that" it was alright, he was such a smart guy, and afterall he was the MB of Selangor then, he knew what he was doing. He did it with the best of intention. Selangor, being a negeri Maju, could afford such a lavish spending. If you were in his position you might do even worst than that."

Well, there are still some Malaysian with that sort of mentality. Some even commented in my blog as saying " you are putting sand in his rice plate". Well....

Khir's RM1.7m Disney trips Alone

Former Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo and his entourage spent RM1.7 million of public funds to visit two Disneyland theme parks in the United States and France, but the working trips did not include meetings with Disneyland officials and no reports were submitted after that.

These trips which took place to visit two Disneyland theme parks in the United States and France were in addition to two other trips to Disneyland parks in Hongkong in March 2006 for which the entourage spent RM30,000 and Tokyo, in preparation for the setting up of a 8ha theme park in Bagan Lalang.

State investment arm Permodalan Negeri Selangor Bhd (PNSB) paid for these trips, its chief executive officer Datin Khairiyah Abu Hassan told the Selangor Select Committee on Competency, Accountability and Transparency (Selcat) which today wrapped up its inquiry into the expenses of the now-defunct elected Selangor representatives' wives' welfare and charity organization (Balkis) and the excesses of state-linked companies.

The inquiry started on March 23. The findings will be to the state assembly in July.

Grilled by committee members, Khairiyah testified that the entourage merely visited the theme parks as members of the public and that the visits were more as an exposure to the management and concept of running a theme park.

Asked who decided on the trips, she said the decision was made at PNSB’s management meeting and by chairman and former MB Mohd Khir.

Elaborating on the trip to Disneyland in Paris between Dec 17 and 24, 2004, Khairiyah said PNSB spent almost RM1 million as the visit included a working trip to Morocco to study Moorish and Islamic architecture and a four-day transit stop in Dubai (costing more than RM90,000)

Other disclosures:

> Mohd Khir was accompanied on the Paris and Orlando, US, trips by his wife Datin Seri Zahrah Kechik (Balkis chief), their three children and maid.

> More than RM366,000 was spent on a reconnaissance trip in preparation for the working visit to Morocco while RM416,000 was spent for the official delegation.

> The RM646,841 trip to the United States between Dec 23, 2007 and Jan 1, 2008 included technical visits to Disneyland in Orlando and Miami beach after which the entourage flew to Honolulu, Hawaii, where they went on a city tour, visited the Pearl Harbour and Chinatown, watched a cultural show and went on a dinner cruise. The group also visited the Kennedy space centre to see how this concept could be included in the Bagan Lalang theme park.

> PNSB paid RM110,000 for a suite room for Mohd Khir, his wife and three children at the Hilton Waikiki Hotel and the Walt Disney Dolphin Hotel prior to that.

Selcat chairman Teng Chang Khim remarked: "This is equivalent to RM10,000 a night throughout the seven day visit."

On the Dubai transit during the Paris trip, Teng asked why a transit took four days.

He also questioned the need for a reconnaissance team to go ahead of the official delegation when this could have been done by the Malaysian embassy in France.

Khairiyah also told Selcat that no report was submitted on the technical trips to Disneyland.

Although there were invoices to show that the cost of accommodation and airfare for the children of Mohd Khir were absorbed by PNSB, Khairiyah said this was paid back to PNSB.

However, Selcat member Azmin Ali challenged her, saying there was no proof of this.

Questioned by Azmin whether the trips were leisure trips instead of working trips as the trips took place in December, Khairiyah said she did not know the rationale behind the trips.

Khairiyah also said the company RM58,362 for a trip to China for a car show of which almost RM39,999 was spent on Mohd Khir alone.

She said the trip was organised for Mohd Khir to accompany the Sultan to the show and added that the expenditure incurred came out of PNSB chairman’s annual vacation budget which is RM40,000.

Azmin read out the itinerary which was vague and only outlined breakfast, lunch and dinner with a golf game thrown in during the five day programme.

Khairiyah also said that PNSB spent RM38,000 for a trip to Indonesia for study trip in the batik industry which included stays in expensive hotel suites and post luxury car rentals among others.

The idea was to implement a similar industry in Selangor, however it never took off, she said, adding that Mohd Khir was accompanied by Zahrah, a child and their maid.

At the end of the inquiry, Teng said the first public hearing to be held by a legislative body was smooth except that two key witnesses failed to turn up.

"Mohd Khir and his wife refused to turn up and explain to the people what happened to Balkis and PNSB all these years," he said.

Teng said Mohd Khir will be referred to the committee of privileges for failure to attend the hearing while Zahrah can be prosecuted under Section 5 of the Contempt of the House Act 2008. "However, she can only be prosecuted with the consent of the Attorney General."

Teng also disclosed that the Registrar of Societies (ROS) refused to produce crucial documents which are accessible to the public and not deemed as official secrets.

He said under Section 114(g) of the Evidence Act, this raises presumptions against the ROS, that the facts in the documents are unfavorable to certain persons.

"There is no reason for the ROS not to produce it unless it is a false document," he added.



Mungkin Dr Khir Toyo telah mendapat nasihat dari peguamnya agar jangan hadhir ke sesi Pendengaran Awam SELCAT. Apapun, kita tunggu dan lihat apa akan berlaku. Puan Sri Asbi Rohani Asnan, isteri Mat Taib juga akan dipanggil kerana memalsukan dokumen.

*Khir says Balkis probe main reason for his loss(sun2surf)

Khir Toyo akan digantung tugas sebagai Adun

Bekas Menteri Besar, Dato' Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo akan digantung tugas sebagai Adun Sungai Panjang dan ditarik elaun kerana engkar arahan Dun untuk menghadiri sesi siasatan terbuka Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Mengenai Keupayaan Kebertanggungjawab dan Ketelusan (Selcat).

Pengerusi Selcat, Teng Chang Khim, berkata berhubung keengkaran Khir menghadiri sesi siasatan berkenaan Badan Amal dan Kebajikan Isteri-isteri Wakil Rakyat (Balkis), laporan polis akan dibuat melalui Setiausaha Dun.

Katanya, Yang Dipertua Balkis, Datin Seri Zaharah Kecik yang juga isteri Khir akan diambil tindakan undang-undang kerana engkar menghadiri siasatan Selcat.

"Surat menyatakan keengganan Khir dan Zaharah untuk hadir ke siasatan Selcat telah disampaikan melalui peguamnya petang Isnin, 23 Mac," katanya dalam sidang media selepas siasatan Selcat, tengah hari tadi.

Sementara itu tambah beliau isteri Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd Taib (bekas Menteri Besar Selangor),Puan Sri Asbi Rohani Asnan akan dipanggil menjadi saksi pada Isnin, 30 Mac nanti.

Beliau memaklumkan, Selcat telah menerima surat pemberitahuan daripada Asbi pada pagi tadi yang memohon penangguhan menjadi saksi kerana mempunyai tugas-tugas rasmi.

Beberapa saksi lain akan dipanggil semula termasuk Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Permodalan Negeri Selangor Berhad (PNSB), Datin Khairiyah Abu Hasan dan Jabatan Pendaftar Pertubuhan Negeri Selangor (JPPPN) pada Isnin dan Rabu.

lanh / Saidah Hairan/harakahdaily
Khir says Balkis probe main reason for his loss

Licking the wounds from his defeat at the Umno Youth polls on Wednesday, Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo today admitted the Selangor Government's probe into the now-dissolved Selangor Elected Representatives’ Wives Charity and Welfare Association (Balkis) was mainly responsible for his loss.

The probe, which started days before the Umno general assembly and continued throughout the proceedings, churned up unsavoury disclosures about spending excesses using funds of state-controlled companies by Balkis which was headed by Khir's wife Datin Seri Zahrah Kechik.

"They (Selangor government) are just doing this to tarnish my image and name when there is no wrongdoing," Khir told reporters when the debate session adjourned for a tea break today.

He the Balkis issue also wasted a lot of his time. Khir and his wife were summoned for the inquiry but they have refused to appear before it.

However, Khir said that despite the inquiry, he still received good support from Youth delegates.

"I accept the results. I enjoyed almost one-third of the votes and support from Pemuda," said Khir, referring to the 254 votes he got against victor Khairy Jamaluddin's 304 votes.

The third contestant, Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir, who was speculated to be leading the pack, fared the worse, garnering only 232 votes.

Khir said as the new Youth chief Khairy has a lot of work to do, especially in regaining support from all the different groups in the movement in light of the negative reaction to his victory by certain sections.

"He (Khairy) must work hard to get enough support from the grassroots," he said. "Khairy must outline everything that he had promised to the Pemuda and fulfil them."

"If he fails to fulfill this responsibility, he will face another turbulence from the members," Khir emphasised, referring to the minor scuffle which occurred following Khairy’s victory as the new chief.

Khir also said he, Mukhriz and Khairy promised support for each other, regardless of who won.

On a different note, Khir hit out at the Pakatan Rakyat-led administration of Selangor for making promises which were not fulfilled.

"They are doing senseless things, for example the RM10 billion for Sungai Klang," he said.
Karen Arukesamy/sun2surf



Tiga acara sukan BALKIS -telematch, bowling dan badminton melibatkan 400 peserta dan 180 pegawai menelan belanja RM338,000. 00 yang ditaja oloeh PNSB.

PNSB juga menjadi penaja solo untuk lawatan-menziarah anak Khir Toyo di Melbourne. Khir juga menerima tanda penghargaan dari PNSB dalam bentuk jam tangan bernilai RM159,000.00 yang kemudian dijual dengan harga dua kali ganda.

*PNSB taja Zaharah lawat anak di Australia

*PNSB foot RM338,000 bill for sports event organised by Balkis

PNSB taja Zaharah lawat anak di Australia

Ketua Pegawai Eksektuif PNSB, Datin Khairiyah Abu Hasan (foto sebelah kiri) mengaku menerima arahan daripada Yang Dipertua Balkis, Datin Seri Zaharah Kechik (foto sebelah kanan) untuk mengiringi beliau melawat anaknya di Melbourne, Australia.

"Saya diarah untuk mengiringi Zaharah melawat anaknya yang belajar di Melbourne," katanya ketika menjawab pertanyaan daripada Azmin Ali (KeADILan-Bukit Antarabangsa) dalam siri siasatan Balkis hari ketiga, di dewan Annex, Shah Alam.

Beliau memaklumkan tarikh pergi ke Melbourne pada 6 Februari 2007 dengan kos RM14,900 dan bukan lawatan rasmi tetapi menurut `arahan' dengan menggunakan kos perbelanjaan rasmi.

Siasatan Selcat terhadap Khairiyah yang masuk hari kedua banyak menggunakan alasan `Tidak boleh jawab dan ikut arahan' menyebabkan beliau diarahkan oleh Pengerusi, Teng Chang Khim supaya hadir pada pagi Khamis untuk meneruskan siasatan.

Teng dengan tegas mengingatkan beliau supaya memberi jawapan yang jujur kerana dibimbangi jika beliau meninggalkan PNSB tiada syarikat korporat yang mahu mengambilnya.

Ini kerana kata Teng, Khairiyah tidak berani untuk memberi jawapan daripada sudut pandangannya.

Dalam siasatan itu Khairiyah turut mengakui membeli jam tangan bernilai RM159,000 kepada Menteri Besar ketika itu, Dato' Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo yang juga Pengerusi PNSB.

Menurut Khairiyah, perkara tersebut telah diputuskan dalam mesyuarat Pengurusan PNSB untuk menghargai jasa-jasa Khir Toyo dan jam itu diserahkan dalam mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah.

"Apakah ini satu amalan PNSB memberi hadiah yang mahal kepada mantan Lembaga Pengarah sebelum Khir Toyo iaitu Dato' Abu Hasan Omar dan Tan Seri Mohamad Taib," soal Teng.

Khairiyah menjawab; "Pengetahuan saya tidak ada."

Bagaimanapun, menurut Azmin jam tersebut telah dijual dengan harga dua kali ganda tanpa ada rekod di PNSB.

Saidah Hairan/harakahdaily

PNSB foot RM338,000 bill for sports event organised by Balkis

More than RM338,000 was spent for a Bakti sporting event hosted by Balkis, the wives of Selangor elected epresentatives charity and welfare organisation, in August 2007, the Selangor State Assembly's Select Committee on Competency, Accountability and Transparency (Selcat) heard today.

The amount included RM131,000 spent on sporting attire, Datin Khairiyah Abu Hassan, chief executive officer of the state-owned Permodalan Negeri Selangor Bhd (PNSB), told Selcat which is investigating execesses by Balkis.

Selcat is chaired by Assembly Speaker Teng Chang Khim while its members are Bukit Antarabangsa state assemblyman Azmin Ali, Taman Medan assemblyman Haniza Talha, Ulu Kelang assemblyman Shaari Sungib, Bukit Gasing assemblyman Edward Lee, Dusun Tua assemblyman Ismail Sani (BN), and Permatang assemblyman Sulaiman Abdul Razak (BN).

"The sportswear purchased by PNSB were tracksuits for 400 people and 180 liaison officers and everyone got four pairs," Khairiyah who was continuing her testimony from yesterday, said.

She said the sportswear was originally provided by the Malaysian Sports Council (MSN) but had failed to meet the criteria set by Balkis.

"MSN should have supplied the sportswear but as they did not meet the Balkis specification, we were directed to buy new ones," she said.

Khairiyah said only three sports were organised for the games -- telematch, bowling and badminton.

"The total amount, RM338,000, looks like (it is for) a big sporting event but only telematches (were played). And if we look at other sporting events, the contingents have to prepare their own sportswear, while here, the organisers are supplying it," he said.

Teng commented that it was not the norm for organisers to provide the apparel for sporting events.

Khairiyah corrected Teng and said the amount was also for the staff who had helped in the three-day long games.

"They were for the drivers, the police and other staff," she said, adding that the purchases included packed meals. He then pointed out that in the programme given to them, no telematch was listed

This was countered by Khairiyah, who said that in her schedule, the telematches were listed for Aug 4.

"But our programme does not show this. All it shows on that date is a team-building exercise at Sunway Lagoon Theme Park," said Teng.

Khairiyah then added that over RM 30,000 was paid by PNSB for three pairs of batik wear for the Sultan of Selangor, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, and the wife of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Jeanne Abdullah, before being asked to testify on a 2007 trip by the wife of former Selangor Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Khir Toyo, Datin Zahrah Kechik to visit her son in Melbourne.

When asked about the trip, Khairiyah told the committee that she had received instructions directly from Zahrah for PNSB to foot the bill for the trip and to accompany her on the three day visit.

Over RM14, 000 was spent to purchase return business class and economy class tickets sometime in December 2007, she said, adding that the trip was not an official visit.

Khairiyah was then asked by Teng about a Balkis charity visit to Cambodia in 2002, where USD11,000 was listed as being set aside for "contingency" expenses, while the other expenses, including the donations made were listed in Ringgit Malaysia.

Khairiyah replied that the other expenses were also paid in US Dollars, but were not converted in the accounts.

When grilled about a gift of a watch worth almost RM160,000 by PNSB to Khir Toyo, who was then chairman of PNSB, she said it was merely a "token of appreciation" which had been decided unanimously by the board.

"A token is something small, given as a small mark of appreciation. A certificate is a token," quipped Teng, who asked why the gift was given discreetly, when it was intended as a show of appreciation.

In response, Khairiyah said that Khir had declined the gift, and it had been sold for double the original price.

However, Teng pointed out that the accounts showed that the watch was sold for the same price it was bought.

Tan Yi Liang/sun2surf





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