Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garden. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 December 2015

bird feeder therapy

I won't lie. life is a bit chaotic here right now. it's the time of year when there are more activities than there is enough time or energy. add in the two birthdays and the flooding of my mum-in-law and I have to admit I have never ever been so ill prepared for the day that is only 10 days away....... We still have to organize visits to family, and family, buy gifts and food and as of half an hour ago I hadn't written a single card. I've now written two.... In the face of too much too do, and no idea where to start I have been doing what works best. Making a mug of tea and a slice of cinnamon toast, and looking out of the window.....

We have a bird feeding station just at the edge of the patio, and this is my kitchen window view. There is nothing more mesmerizing than watching the visitors coming for breakfast, lunch and perhaps a little afternoon snack.  We frequently get a good variety of finches and tits and small garden birds, and occasionally some local enterprising pheasant who is not content to sit underneath and catch the dropped seed, but balances precariously and helps herself!

I was contacted a few months ago by Mill Race Garden Centre  who offered me a voucher for their online store which sells a wide variety of things for your garden needs. I've been attempting to shop locally more often, instead of using big multi national online stores, but it's not easy when local doesn't always provide what you need, or it's too heavy to walk up very big hill with..... When I realised that local doesn't always  have to mean local to me, but can just mean supporting a real store or small business that just happens to deliver then I felt like I'd reached a good compromise.  Whilst reading Mill Race Garden Centre's useful blog post about caring for your garden in winter I decide to buy some bird food. I found a wide range of bird feeding products to keep my kitchen window viewing supplied all winter, delivery was fast and the birds are delighted with their feasts, especially the berry suet treats which despite looking shockingly pink are clearly very delicious, as that's the feeder I have to fill up most often!

So come on, is it just me that stares out the window, when there's too much to do?  Does anyone else have a pheasant who comes to tea, or a pigeon that eats so much seed we have affectionately named him FP - short for fat pigeon....... and am I the only one who can't get a single decent photograph of the birds who actually come to the feeder, despite hundreds of attempts?........

Mill Race Garden Centre provided me with a voucher to purchase these items. Thoughts and words are my own.

Thursday 28 May 2015


It's been a week of sunshine and showers.
Some of them hail showers.
But I haven't seen a single rainbow.
I went hunting for one in my garden instead.

and learnt that I don't have any orange.

Saturday 5 July 2014


rain is lashing down outside and the garden is drinking it up.

as the plants become wetter and wetter the air is filled with scent.

not a heady floral, or a woody overtone, but more of a colour.

it smells green.

fresh and minty.

Saturday 28 June 2014

an abundance of roses

none of these roses are mine.

all of them are utterly delightful.

a gardener was dead heading them, and gave me an armful of petals to take home and dry.

my bag has never smelt so amazing, and I felt like a princess as I scattered rose petals whenever I went to get out my purse, or my keys.

This one looked like tissue paper,

and this one scrambled over a huge arbour, creating a curtain over white petals.

As the sun warmed them, the intense perfumed scent drifted through the air,

and as I wandered through them I wondered if the warm sun, the intoxicating scent and the magical colours could be captured and saved up for colder, wetter greyer days.

come November, or maybe mid February I shall come back here, and check, and then I'll let you know.

Saturday 14 June 2014

purple sensation in the cherry orchard

I love Alliums.

The confidence of the balls of colour popping out like fireworks from the undergrowth never fails to make me smile.

I'm not very good at growing them though, which is why I am impossibly happy to see them newly underplanted in the cherry orchard of the Alnwick Garden.

50,000 of them!

Tuesday 27 May 2014


frothy white clouds

soft white tinted with the faintest hint of pink

white tutus balancing on long legs

petals opening into the sunlight

tiny white splashes in a sea of green

blossom perfection

petals that resemble little stick people, round body, large head, long arms, short legs.

fireworks of white shooting up into the sky.

I wander round the sea of white and wonder why we need any other colours at all.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

lavender and lilac



both a colour and a flower.
but most mportant both calm and soothing.

Thursday 24 April 2014

a multitude of tulips

oh so many tulips

in oh so many colours

is this my favourite?

or this?

there are too many to choose from.

dusty pastels

blowsy petals

slender beauties

frilly petticoats

buds hiding their true colours

I only know I wish these were all in My garden, and not in someone elses...........

are you a tulip lover?
what colour do you like best?